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#12 2017


2017 Index of Papers

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Industry 4.0 и PI System – The consistent progress

Fomin A.I.  Production automation in a new way: how high technology make a new industrial revolution

The paper shows that for developing a state-of-the-art enterprise at Industry 4.0 level a bunch of new information technologies should be applied, such as IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics, cloud computing, big data, additive manufacturing, cybersecurity, simulation, and augmented reality. New business models arise at the industrial automation market: communities of automation tools and systems vendors, industrial sites, service and engineering companies tied by the unified information environment.

Keywords: industrial revolution, communities, digital enterprise, data infrastructure, Industry 4.0, competitiveness, efficiency.

Ivanova A.S., Zhimanov A.V.  PI Vision integrated visualization platform

New visualization functionality available for users with PI Vision platform are presented.

Keywords: visualization, dynamic screen collection, dynamic events and elements tables, standard events, scatter diagram, administration.

Fyodorov V.O., Samoilov M.V., Ghirkin I.V., Sholokhov A.V.  Creating a digital plant together

The paper lists four factors affecting IoT and IIoT market. It presents the solutions from National Instruments, Cisco, OSIsoft, and PTC aimed at the development of digital plant infrastructure. An example of a joint solution, a water pumps monitoring system is included.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, data acquisition, analytics, monitoring, diagnosis, fog computing, augmented reality.

Ralf S.N.  SAP HANA platform and its integration with SAP system

SAP HANA platform is reviewed. It can interface with a variety of industrial software; in particular PI Integrator was developed. Examples of SAP HANA and PI System interaction in practical applications are cited.

Keywords: cloud technologies, in memory, relational database, data marts, analytics, integration, big data, data acquisition.

Lechtzind V.V., Trofimyuk A.U.  On the improvement of equipment maintenance efficiency due to the integration of OSIsoft and SAP solutions

The paper presents an integrated equipment maintenance and control system for an oil production company based on SAP software and PI System. The project included the automation of equipment life data acquisition, automated control of integrity and consistency of instrumentation monitoring data. The system employs a variety of tools for planning, electronic equipment certificates recording, automatic KPI calculation.

Keywords: equipment maintenance, integration bus, data integrity and consistency control, monitoring, KPI.

Nagorny S.A.  Microsoft Azure cloud platform – a driving force of Industry 4.0

The paper presents Microsoft’s strategy implemented in Azure open cloud platform which transforms data into action. It lists the platform’s extended analytic algorithms aimed at the minimization of human individual's involvement in production decision-making. The functionality of an aircraft engine diagnosis system implemented in the cooperation of Microsoft, OsiSoft, and Rolls Royce is outlined.

Keywords: cloud platform, extended analytics, prediction, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cognitive services.

Khismatullin A.R., Fyodorov V.O.  Analysis of plant accounting data in an oil company

With the example of an oil production company the paper describes the application of PI System Asset Framework and Event Frames components. It discusses the generation of summary reports of process parameters for various user categories, material balance reports, and initial data validation.

Keywords: initial data analysis, validity of information, summary report, instrument error, mass calculation.

Fomin A.I.  PI System as a unified platform for an oil refinery

The paper overviews the evolution of PI Systems’s informational infrastructure at an oil refinery in the recent 15 years. It presents the system’s architecture and lists key opportunities provided by its components to address various industrial tasks at an oil refinery.

Keywords: informational infrastructure, web portal, supervisory control system, material balance calculation.

Fomin A.I.  A digital manufacturing concept for an oil-gas condensate field based on PI System

The paper describes the development history of and automation system implemented at an oil-gas condensate field in Kazakhstan on the basis of PI System. For each development phase, it lists the system’s functions and implementation results.

Keywords: visualization, process history data, data acquisition and analysis, well, modeling, testing, operation.

Kononov V.V., Tikhonovsky V.L., Yushitsin K.V., Chuiko D.V., Zhuravlev I.I., Blokhin P.A., Daneikin Yu.V.  Digital Decommissioning hard-/software complex: an innovative approach to nuclear energy plants decommissioning

The paper presents Digital Decommissioning hard-/software system which implements innovative approaches to the decommissioning of nuclear energy suppliers and consumers. The system is based on digital information modeling, simulation and virtual reality technologies.

Keywords: nuclear energy, nuclear security, A-plant, design, lifecycle, digital information modeling, simulation, virtual reality.

Orlov A.A., Astafiev A.V., Popov D.P., Pshenichkin M.V.  RFID-based automatic motion control of articles moved by lift-and-carry units

A technique for automatic motion control of articles moved by lift-and-carry units is proposed. A block diagram of motion identification tools is presented, the architecture of the RFID-based automated motion control system is described. System operation algorithm is discussed, lab test data are included.

Keywords: automatic motion control system, RFID technology, technique, lab test.

Goncharov A.A., Samotylova S.A., Torgashov A.Yu., An D.S.  Predictive model development under uncertain sampling time. A case study

With the example of chemical reaction and distillation process the paper examines the development of a predictive model for the ballast component content in a target product under uncertain sampling times. A technique combining EM algorithm iterations with bootstrapping and ridge regression is offered for estimating the sampling time delay. The algorithm proposed was tested on real-life plant data.

Keywords: predictive model, soft sensor, reaction and distillation process, uncertain sampling time, identification, EM algorithm, bootstrapping, ridge regression.

Goys T.O., Matrokhin A.Yu., Umnikov A.V.  Improving comprehension and objectivity of fault probability estimates for woven fabrics

Scientific prerequisites for the interpretation of computer analysis of the degree of woven fabrics’ structure damages in the conventional rating scale are developed. The ways to further improvement of quantitative estimations of fabric fault probability are outlined.

Keywords: woven fabrics, fault probability, computerized image analysis, rating scale.

Belolipetsky V.M., Piskakova T.V., Portyankin A.A., Zinchenko G.V.  Mathematical models of metal heating in convective heat transfer furnaces for process automation

The paper offers a model of metal heating in fast convective heat transfer furnaces based on ordinary differential equations. The model enables the implementation in process control systems for calculating heating rate and mode, estimating ingot heating uniformity, and presenting the results either to operator or for automatic decision-making about input power or heating time correction. The model’s featured property as against the known distributed ones is its applicability for controllers. Example of material heating calculation using the new model are included; a model-based control technique is proposed.

Keywords: convective heating, metal heating modeling, furnace control systems.

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