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#12 2022


2022 Index of papers

Levin S.E., Bogdanova L.M., Senatorov M.Yu., Naghibin S.Ya., Kurpatov O.V.  Procedure for estimating the cost of industrial safety events

A procedure for evaluating the costs of safety events in interval classes of industrial safety pyramid is offered. The intervals of classes were obtained by analyzing the distribution law of potential loss costs based on the world statistics of safety events preceding the accidents at oil refining sites. Various calculation methods are examined, the expediency of their application for evaluating safety accident costs in domestic oil refining industry is determined. The technique developed was tested on real-life datasets obtained from remote safety monitoring systems of major petrochemical plants.

Keywords: emergency, incident, industrial safety event, industrial safety pyramid, safety event cost, remote monitoring.

Kalashnikov A.A., Goryunov A.G.  Developing automated checking technologies for A-plant’s measuring channels

The paper continues the earlier discussion of automated checking and digital calibration technologies for the secondary part of A-plant’s measuring channels. It presents new results of the benchmark test of automated checking technologies with the case study of a measuring channel with DM5017 pressure sensors and Siemens hard-/software systems. The results obtained confirm the technical feasibility of developing automated measurement assurance systems for A-plants and justify appropriate R&D investments.

Keywords: automated checking, digital calibration, measuring channel, process control system, A-plant.

Zakharchenko V.E.  Active power control system for a hydropower station

The paper describes the application of an active power control system based on digital models of hydraulic units. The system comprises the closed functionality of hydropower station’s active power control, including the possibility of automatic equipment switches. The system aims to simplify plant operation, improve active power control efficiency, and reduce emergency risks. It can be also used as a platform for further optimization of process operation at a series of hydroelectric stations.

Keywords: series of hydroelectric stations, optimization, rational control of a power unit set, distributed active power control, process control system.

Vedmid’ P.A.  On the new MESA smart manufacturing concept

In 2021, MESA International has announced the new Smart Manufacturing model, which combines the lifecycles of all production processes, objects, and subjects, the sets of information flows between them, and new digital technologies. The model can be associated with the digital transformation concept by considering its four stages from the appraisal ща digital technologies through their full-scale deployment.

Keywords: digital manufacturing, smart manufacturing, product lifecycle, production lifecycle, production management systems, digital twin, reengineering of business processes.

Kirov A.V.  Product development quality assessment by customer

There are a variety of product quality assessment methods as well as the techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of quality management systems. They ensure quality assessment at the product manufacturing phase but exclude the prototype production and structural fault analysis at the development phase. In this context, making a work quality assessment procedure for the development phase of product lifecycle looks relevant. The paper discusses the opportunity and the advantage of the automation of product quality assessment by the customer.

Keywords: lifecycle, quality, control, customer, development, automation.

Gulevich A.A., Rukhlov O.M., Shvetsov V.A.  The experience of digital twin implementation in Irkutsks Oil Company

The paper reviews the experience of Irkutsk Oil Company group in the development and implementation of digital twins for the booster pumping station and the gas treatment unit (the latter under construction at the time of project implementation) of Yarakta oil-gas condensate field. The POLYNOM-InterBridge-NEOSYNTHEZ integrated software environment from NEOPLANT was used for digital twin development. Project implementation phases, development and scaling outlook are discussed.

Keywords: digital twins, engineering data management system, information model, CAD system.

Krylov A.N., Sirotkin D.V., Feoktistov A.Yu., Chitalov L.S.  Mathematical and digital modeling in practical tasks

The paper presents three projects implemented by Modeling and Digital Twins JSC: component parts recognition at KAMAZ PJSC with the help of machine vision, augmented reality application at TANECO for ensuring UPS reliability, and steel wear resistance testing for Severstal PJSC.

Keywords: mathematical and digital modeling, augmented reality, learning, production efficiency improvement.

Ivanovsky A.N., Cherniy S.G.  Computer vision systems for process automation in marine applications

The paper discusses actual and future tasks in marine applications that can be addressed with the help computer vision. These include vessel security and protection, nautical safety, seaport processes, and vessel operation.

Keywords: computer vision, machine learning, processes, tracking, image recognition, marine applications.

Osipova N.V.  Methods and tools for on-line control of feed composition on the conveyor

Popular domestic and foreign feed analyzers used in mining, metallurgical, construction, chemical, and, other industries are overviewed, their merits and drawbacks are shown. Operation principles of measuring instruments and systems based on magnetic, light, X-ray fluorescence, laser, and thermal control technologies are examined. Measurement range, time, and accuracy specifications are outlined.

Keywords: analyzer, feed composition measurement methods, sensor, on-line control.

Yakovis L.M., Stepanov P.S., Stronghin P.Ya.  Maximum sensitivity based robust tuning of standard regulatory controllers

The paper discusses the tuning of standard regulatory controllers in single and multidimensional applications under significant parametric uncertainty of their mathematical models. A method based on the analysis of the sensitivity of control performance indicators to possible deviations of model’s parameters from their design values is developed and investigated by means of computer modeling.

Keywords: robust control, multivariable object, standard regulatory controller, sensitivity.

Anufriev D.S., Grachev S.P.  Application of virtual reality technologies in the development of control programs in CAM systems

The paper discusses present-day functionality of virtual reality applications for mechanical engineering combined with CAD/CAM systems. VR integration in the process of NC programs preparation is a rather sophisticated activity. The paper presents an algorithm of the interaction between a CAM system and VR environment implemented on the basis of a game engine and outlines its possible future applications.

Keywords: CAM systems, virtual reality, control programs, numerical control, preproduction, verification.

Bukreev S.V.  The experience of Electrical library verification for REPEAT domestic modeling environment

The paper describes the experience of Electrical library verification for the Russian REPEAT modeling environment with the help of foreign software. It argues about the general problems of domestic software verification under sanction conditions and the ways to overcome the challenges faced by developers.

Keywords: software, verification, Electrical library, mathematical modeling, modeling environment.

Journal’s Club

V.M. Chadeev’s heights. To the 90th anniversary of the scientist

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