То, что для одного человека – константа, для другого – переменная.
Не бойся ступить на ложный путь, он может оказаться истинным.
То, что для одного человека – константа, для другого – переменная.
Не бойся ступить на ложный путь, он может оказаться истинным.
Itskovich E.L. The features of MES systems ensuring their efficiency in process industries
The paper discusses the requirements to the properties and characteristics of MES in process industries. The fulfillment of these requirements may drastically improve MES efficiency.
Keywords: MES design concepts, information platform of MES, material balance, LIMS, EAM, energy management systems, production scheduling.
Discussing a Topic…
Development and application of geographic information systems for community services and industry
Medunitsin N.B., Malinin O.V., Schelukhin A.S. Automated control modes for Moscow subway traffic
The features of the Moscow subway allowed for in process automation are formulated. The development and operation of train navigation and automatic traffic control systems are discussed. An outlook of further subway automation is presented including the development of a centralized traffic control system.
Keywords: navigation, automatic train control, radio channel, RFID, signaling system.
Khazaradze T.O. Subway automation: application of Java technology on control and supervision tasks
The architecture and features of S5 hard-/software platform are presented. The challenges faced by Tbilisi subway management and the solution requirements are discussed. Key design solutions implemented during the modernization of subway traffic supervision and common timing systems in Tbilisi subway are outlined.
Keywords: subway, object-oriented approach, process control system, common time, subway traffic supervision.
Varchenko V.I., Denisov S.V., Presnyakov A.I. The experience of supervisory control system design in rail and subway transport
The paper overviews the methods of moving object tracking and electric circuit simulation in SCADA systems developed by Icotemp LLC (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Keywords: supervisory control center, subway, rail transport, animation, SCADA system.
Korovin A.S., Batraev V.V., Kuprienko O.Yu. Development trend of automatic locomotive equipment
The paper overviews the evolution of automatic locomotive equipment at domestic railways. It lists basic functions and formulates the advantages of BLOK, a state-of-the-art locomotive safety system combining the functionalities of legacy locomotive devices and traffic safety systems.
Keywords: rail traffic safety, locomotive signaling, man machine interaction, railway infrastructure.
Zhukov A.V. Application areas of BIM highway design technology
The paper presents case studies of domestic and foreign highway design projects based on Autodesk software with information modeling technology.
Keywords: information modeling, 3D, BIM, GIS, highway design, codesign.
Morozov V.N., Krasnoschekov I.L., Danilushkin I.A., Mel’nikov E.V., Kolpaschikov S.A. Automated control system development for a shipping lock
The paper outlines the design solutions implemented in an automation project within the framework of the overall modernization of Sheksna hydrosystem in the Volga - Baltic Waterway. It substantiates the automatic system’s hardware choice and discusses the implementation of automatic control algorithms for shipping lock’s machinery.
Keywords: hydrosystem, lock chamber, lifting lock gates, bi-folding gates, power equipment, hydraulic drive, redundancy.
Remizov F.V., Shentsov G.S. Road traffic simulation using multi-agent systems
The paper presents a road traffic simulation system intended for building realistic environment of driving simulators. Traffic participant models are presented as standalone agents each comprising a physical and a logical models. The implicit interaction between agents enables easy addition of new traffic participants to the model. The simulation system makes it possible to develop driver training simulators for the cars equipped with special signals.
Keywords: simulation, road traffic, driving simulator, agents, physical and logical models.
Bonch-Bruevich V.V., Dementienko V.V., Kremez A.S., Makaev D.V., Yurov A.P. Remote monitoring of driver’s wake during the journey
It is known that most of transport accidents are related with human factor. A remote driver’s wake monitoring system is a tool decreasing the risks of negative human factor exposure. The paper formulates the problem and describes the system’s development and implementation.
Keywords: transport, human factor, driver, psychophysiological testing, vigilance, remote monitoring of driver’s wake.
In Focus
Industrial automation and cybersecurity
Arefiev A.S. Targeted attacks against industry: a new weapon in cyber war
The paper analyzes the targeted attack concept and the mechanisms of its penetration into an industrial system. It offers procedures for detecting targeted attacks and discusses their merits and drawbacks.
Keywords: targeted attacks, industrial segment, signature analysis, heuristic analysis, firewalls, whitelist, dynamic attack detection technology.
Yevdokimov D.S. Exploits development for process control: a double game
Process level of process control software is analyzed. Software protection mechanisms are offered for this type of systems. The variants of malicious code injection into process control systems are discussed. The paper argues that in hierarchical organization of present-day control systems a compromise at one level results inevitably in the compromise of adjacent levels, and the attacks are possible in all directions up to the production management level.
Keywords: exploit, cyber attack, fighting load, process control system.
Why and how to protect process controls from viruses and targeted attacks
The paper reviews the history of cyber attacks against industrial plants in the recent years. It analyzes the status quo of industrial cyber security and offers comprehensive activities to resist cyber criminals.
Keywords: cyber attack, process control system, critical objects, PLC, SCADA systems.
Shipulin A.S., Sobolev A.Yu. Activity monitoring in industrial systems and networks as a secure approach against cyber threats
The development of automation tools and systems and the increasing use of IT components and advanced communication tools at the plant floor entails cyber threats penetration at the process control level with possible equipmewnt malfunctions and runaways. This may happen due to either intentional unauthorized access to controls or occasional erroneous actions of operating staff and unintentional dissemination and effect of malicious software. The paper discusses a way to withstand cyber threats by means of activity monitoring in industrial networks and systems.
Keywords: cyber security, malicious software, cyber attack, activity monitoring, information security.
Badekha I.A. Actual challenges and relevant approaches to process control security provision
The paper analyzes legal regulation issues in process control information security. It discusses an approach to risk assessment in this area based on cyber attack tree derivation. Key engineering mechanisms ensuring information security in process control systems are examined.
Keywords: information security, legal regulation, attack tree derivation, internetting.
Belov V.S., Bryzghin A.A. Safety and/or process controls
The paper emphasizes the need in better interaction and communication between process automation and information security specialists. It lists typical phases of the manual analysis of PLC firmware as a key vulnerability point. Such analysis reveals the device’s hidden control mechanisms.
Keywords: process control system, PLC, firmware analysis, reverse engineering.
Ghengrinovich E.L. Information security of critical infrastructure
Major Russian companies with critical infrastructures use public networks (physical channels) and proprietary business networks for process data communication. Such approach is justified by technological advances and the need in timely access to process data but entails critical information security problems. The paper offers Data Diodes technology as a way to access process data ensuring improved information security of critical infrastructure.
Keywords: information security of critical infrastructure, public networks, Data Diodes.
Yegorova O.A., Darsht Ya.A., Kuznetsova S.V. Modeling automatic control device of transportation robot’s hydrotransmission under nonlinear motion characteristics
A mathematical model of transportation robot’s hydrotransmission control system is developed. A feedback pump duty control is implemented with respect to the motion rate. An automatic control algorithm is offered for transportation robot’s hydrotransmission based on SF programming. Simulation results of control device operation under nonlinear motion characteristics are included.
Keywords: SF programming, automatic correction, hydraulic actuator, hydrotransmission, motion rate feedback, pump duty control element, transportation robot, control device.
Meshalkin V.P., Mertsalov A.E., Govorov A.A., Susak U.M. Supervisory regulatory control algorithms
The paper examines how to improve the performance of automatic control systems enabling simultaneous optimal compensation of process disturbances and master controls. It proposes to use supervisory PI and PID controllers with additional dynamic blocks in control law’s component channels.
Keywords: regulatory controller, supervisory regulatory controller, supervisory regulatory control system, control performance, control object.
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