Достижение - это стремление сделать что-то более совершенным, более эффективным, затрачивая при этом меньше усилий.

Маклелланд Дэвид


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#2 2025


Minaeva O.A., Anevskiy S.I., Minaev R.V., Ostanina O.I., Scobelev K.D., Minh Thanh Chung  Automation of quality control in the manufacturing of ultraviolet radiometers

Automation of quality control in ultraviolet (UV) radiometer manufacturing aims at ensuring the precision of performance and metrological characteristics of instrumentation. This results in detecting and eliminating significant blunders and systematic errors while estimating the efficiency and danger of germicidal irradiation. The paper proposes a new approach based on a digital instrument model and an automated measuring unit for determining correlation coefficients of UV radiometers during their production and operation. The application of a digital model within measuring instruments for solving practical tasks enables the elimination of discrepancies between radiometer’s spectral sensitivity and the spectral efficiency of germicidal irradiation.

Keywords: quality control, UV radiometer manufacturing, digital model, irradiance, spectral sensitivity, systematic error.

Andreev S.M., Nuzhin D.V., Bondarev E.S.  Selecting optimal thermal settings in through-type furnaces with machine learning technology

The paper discusses the approaches to the optimal control of workpiece heating in through-type furnaces using mathematical models. The drawback of mathematical model employment in heating control is the possible delay of setpoint calculation by the local controller caused time-consuming search of optimal operation modes. An algorithm for on-line selection of earlier calculated optimal setpoints is offered. It is based on machine learning technologies such as solution trees, random forest, gradient boosting, and neural network. Mean-square error between experimental data and the model forecast was accepted as a technology selection criterion. The paper shows that the neural work was the best one to surmount the challenge; it has demonstrated satisfactory, predictable results coupled with minimum learning rate.

Keywords: through-type furnace, fuel saving mode, machine learning, neural network, mathematical model, metal heating.

Chereshko A.A., Bakhtadze N.N., Kushnarev V.N.  Local regularization technique for associative search algorithms

The paper presents local regularization technique for improving the stability and accuracy of product quality prediction by associative search algorithms. The procedure of regularization parameter calculation can be applied to other point estimators. The associative search algorithm with local regularization was used for an MTBE (methyl-tert-butyl ether) quality prediction. Algorithm simulation examples are included.

Keywords: regularization, associative search, identification, machine learning.

Buryak Yu.I., Petrov A.V.  Automated procedure for assessing the frequency of planned aircraft maintenance works in integrated information environment

The paper analyzes maintenance planning procedures at the stage of aircraft equipment development in the integrated information environment. Work types ensuring the specified reliability level for the components of redundant aircraft systems at various stages of their operation. A method for evaluating normal service and aging of products is examined. It is based on failure data analysis using Weibull distribution. A new approach to determining the most effective strategy for planned maintenance execution is offered subject to cost minimization criterion. The approach presumes work breakdown to the level of a specific aircraft in view of its operating conditions.

Keywords: aircraft equipment, maintenance planning, integrated information environment, reliability provision, statistical analysis, linear regression.

Sergeev A.I., Voronin D.N., Proskurin D.A., Galina L.V.  Optimization of operation sequences for various operating conditions

The approaches to the optimization of production schedule development are analyzed. The problem of premature convergence of the search process to the local optimum is examined. The paper proposes to use fuzzy reduction operation in the genetic schedule optimization algorithm. The influence of the reduction on production schedule efficiency is estimated for various shift target durations. Production schedule formation based on priorities is analyzed. The application of fuzzy reduction operation makes it possible to eliminate equipment outages for various operating conditions.

Keywords: production schedule, fuzzy controller, genetic algorithm.

Kobenko V.Yu., Andreeva E.G., Naumenko A.P., Kazymov I.M., Kompaneets B.S.  Application of relay protection and automation systems for automatic isolation diagnostics at medium-voltage cable transmission lines

The paper offers a method for automatic health diagnosis of the isolation of medium-voltage (6…35 kV) cable transmission lines using the available relay protection and automation equipment without voltage removal and maintenance. It presents a detailed description of operation principles and organization of automated diagnosis systems. Mathematical models used in the method are described as well as its operation algorithm with reference to the available measuring instruments of relay protection and automation systems. Possible subject area and application outlook for the method are outlined.

Keywords: isolation, cable power lines, automation of technical diagnostics, relay protection and automation, at medium-voltage cable transmission lines, nondestructive inspection.

Reznikov R.M.  Artificial intelligence in information security

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for a wide range of cybercriminal purposes. With the help of generative AI systems, cybercriminals can quickly collect information about their victim, create the content for attacks (such as the text for a phishing letter, audio or video deepfake), generate a malicious code, or search for vulnerabilities in the applications under attack. Malicious tools with embedded AI technologies can be used for automating the analysis of large data amounts, e.g., for attacks through side channels or during various attack stages. Against this background, the paper discusses how cybercriminals could use AI-based tools today and in the near future.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, cybercriminals, large amounts of data, large language models, deepfake, phishing, bot.

Gavrilov A.G., Derkach A.I., Kiseleva O.A., Lytaev A.S., Matsenko V.A.  Fundamentals of process control design with the application of information security function. MasterSCADA 4D Enterprise case study

The paper discusses the problems of information security of industrial process control systems with the focus on federal laws and regulations related with the information security of process controls. With the example of MasterSCADA 4D Enterprise it overviews typical information security tools included in SCADA development software.

Keywords: information security, process control system, SCADA system, regulatory documents, threat database, import replacement.

Karlova G.F., Avdochenko B.I., Belozerova E.A.  Gallium arsenide-based Hall-effect transducer for microwave range applications

The paper describes possible extension of GaAs Hall sensor applications over microwave frequencies owing to higher sensitivity and reduced residual voltage. The latter was attained through the improved sensor design, whereas the former was increased by using switched-mode power supply. A circuit diagram for supply current pulse generator with symmetric output was developed. A graph of current-voltage characteristics graph is presented for epitaxial GaAs structures with the thin active layer grown on a semi-insulating substrate underlying Hall-effect transducers. The shape of current-voltage characteristics is caused by the existence of deep levels at the film/substrate interface.

Keywords: Hall-effect transducer, microwave frequency range, Gallium arsenide, epitaxial layer, semi-insulating substrate, sensitivity, residual voltage, pulse generator, current-voltage characteristic.

Osipova N.V.  Industrial Internet of Things: standards, technologies, and personnel training

Application features of the term Internet of Things are shown. Russian national standards and preliminary national standards for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are analyzed. Hard- and software implementation of systems with IIoT solutions is demonstrated. Devices and network technologies not recommended for categorizing as IIoT ones are outlined. The challenges of IIoT specialist training are discussed in the conclusion.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, SCADA system, Industry 4.0, programmable logic controller, microcontroller, sensor, cloud platform, network technologies.

Avstreykh A.G.  Shunting operations control system for a large mining and processing plant

The paper discusses the implementation of a shunting operations control system at mining and processing plant, which is a subsidiary of a Russian major metallurgical holding. The system comprises schedule optimization, shift daily planning, and supervisory decision support modules. Project goals and objectives, implementation phases, and the challenges faced by the project team are outlined.

Keywords: shunting operations control system, mining and processing plant, decision support system, schedule optimization.

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