Плохие сценарии тренажерного тренинга делают из обучаемого мученика, хорошие – даже из разгильдяя – грамотного оператора.
Плохие сценарии тренажерного тренинга делают из обучаемого мученика, хорошие – даже из разгильдяя – грамотного оператора.
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Emergency shutdown systems
Itskovich E.L. Requisite features of emergency shutdown systems for industrial plants
The drawbacks of development and application of emergency shutdown systems in Russian process industries are identified. Requirements and recommendations on ESD system design stated in normative guidelines are presented. Key features of ESD systems critical for both users and vendors are emphasized.
Keywords: process control system, emergency automation, normative guidelines, ESD system development, ESD system operation.
Abramov G.G., Abramov D.G., Kodolov A.V., Popov F.A. The features of emergency shutdown system development for present-day special chemistry plants
Development features of emergency shutdown (ESD) system for special chemistry plants are discussed. Key process safety issues to be addressed in the development process are determined; the approaches used currently to attain the required safety targets are outlined.
Keywords: automated control system, special chemistry, hazardous processes, safety, ESD, emergency shutdown.
Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V. ESD system design using BASIS Series controllers
The paper reviews BASIS Series controllers from Ecoresurs JSC (Voronezh, Russia) for emergency shutdown systems of process facilities including explosive and fire-hazardous ones. It discusses their software tools, maintenance, user documentation, and the interaction with third-party hard-/software.
Keywords: controllers, emergency automation, explosion protection, import replacement.
New generation Safe Energy Control surge protection devices Class 1 and Class 1+2 from Phoenix Contact based on spark gaps
The paper describes the error-free trigger behavior of surge protection devices. It discusses surge protectors' properties unobvious if the parameters from a description manual are simply compared, and focuses on key features important for end users. The advantages of Safe Energy Control instruments are demonstrated as against similar devices from other vendors.
Keywords: surge protectors, potential difference, resistance.
Alexeev A.A. SALYUT MKSO Series multifunctional I/O controllers
Design, functional and performance characteristics of SALYUT multifunctional I/O controllers are presented. These MKSO Series controllers are intended mainly for I/O devices of automation systems for explosive and fire-hazardous plants.
Keywords: automation system, central controller, I/O device of control plant, multifunctional I/O controllers, intrinsic safety, lightning protection.
Discussing a Topic…
Automation in hydrocarbon and petrochemical industries
Petukhov M.Yu., Boronin A.B., Khokhlov A.S. Approaches to LP modeling of oil refining operations for planning purposes
The paper argues about how to select the depth of oil refinery's processes detailing in its LP model for operations optimization at the planning horizon. The selection criterion is formulated subject to planning constraints set by refinery's time frame for LP model update, optimization, optimal plan interpretation and submittal for execution. The estimates for LP model detailing effectiveness are presented as well as practical recommendations on how to attain them.
Keywords: oil refinery, optimization operations planning, LP systems, LP model modernization.
Vakulin A.A., Lishchuk A.N., Kirichenko A.A. The features of multiphase separation flowmeter testing for highly water-cut oil
IU MERA-MIG is a multiphase separation flowmeter for automatic measurement of flowrate and composition of oil well product with high (95% or more) water content. The operation principle of the instrument developed by GMS NEFTEMASH JSC (Tyumen, Russia) is based on simultaneous application of hydrostatic and constant-level principles of multiphase separation flowmetering. The paper informs about the features of instrument testing on the Russia largest multiphase flow test rig certified by the Russian Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology as a national standard of mass gas-liquid mixture flow. Test data on relative error estimates for multi-phase component measurement at various water levels are included along with IU MERA-MIG's measurement performance data.
Keywords: multiphase flowmeters, multi-phase test rigs, water cut, metrology, testing.
Kondrashov S.N., Paramonov P.N., Shumikhin A.G., Bersenyova N.I. Application of thermodynamic relationships for controlling delayed coking unit's main fractionator
The paper investigates control technique for delayed coking unit's main fractionators. The algorithm proposed is based on thermodynamic relationships and their derivatives for controlling coking vapor fractionation both in steady-state and transient modes and additionally employs special procedures to control light and heavy coking gas oil draws during drum switches. The technique improves the control accuracy for coking naphtha and light gas oil cut points.
Keywords: oil refining, delayed coking unit, fractionating column, coking vapor separation process, automatic control.
Central control room modernization in AK Transneft JSC
Hard-/software solutions implemented during the modernization of Central control room at AK Transneft JSC are discussed. The key modernization objectives are the exclusion of redundant control actions, ergonomics and reliability improvement.
Keywords: traffic control, modernization, ergonomics, design, information display tools, redundancy.
Automation of gas well yield measurement using a mobile gaging rig
A mobile complex for measuring gas well yields is presented. Its key competitive advantage is the possibility of yield measuring without switching the well from the process that saves thousands cubic meters of natural gas and cuts the operating costs.
Keywords: oil and gas industry, field research, PLC, gas well yield measurement. mobile rig, emergency protection.
In Focus: Process liquid and gas analyzers
Kigel A.A., Chernokozinsky D.A. Zilberman I.I. In-line process analysis and supervision: methods, advantages and application features
Various aspects of selecting measuring techniques and instruments for process analysis of liquid and gas quality are discussed. Against the variety of instrument vendors and process analysis methods faced by industrial users the paper describes the most common measuring techniques and discusses their application subject to process characteristics and task features.
Keywords: process analyzers, photometric analysis, remote analysis, gas analyzers, air quality monitoring.
Dozortsev V.M. World market of operator training systems. Trends, challenges, forecasts
Detailed statistics on the world market of computerized operator training systems is presented by geographical regions, industries and training system types. Key market trends affecting the demand are analyzed, Market forecast through 2016-17 is included.
Keywords: computerized operator training system, custom and standard simulators, virtualization, 3D operator interfaces, virtual reality.
Borshchev A.V. Simulation modeling: 2015 state of the art, trends and forecast
The paper discusses business applications of simulation modeling including manufacture, logistics, supply chains, human services, consumer market, asset and project management, HR, social dynamics, healthcare, and some scientific application using general-purpose tools. Engineering and scientific applications of simulation modeling requiring special methods and tools lie beyond the scope of this overview.
Keywords: simulation modeling, consulting, business processes, abstraction, discrete-event and agent simulation, probability theory, mathematical statistics.
Nyrkov A.P., Zhilenkov A.A., Sokolov S.S., Cherniy S.G. Hard-/software implementation of emergency prevention system for sea transport
Hard- and software of a marine Euler-angle orientation control system is described. Vessel rolling and pitching are controlled by ballast tank level adjustment. A method for compensating the deviation of vessel's plane from horizon plane in emergency situations is offered. Using roll and pitch angles data it calculates the parameters of emergency cargo displacement characteristics.
Keywords: metacentric height, rolling, vessel safety, digital system, MEMS sensors.
Filippenko N.G. Automation of high-frequency polymer material processing
The paper discusses development phases of scientifically justified methodology for signal processing in thermal-electric polymer material heating. It shows how the application of the methodology proposed at a printer delivers significant benefits.
Keywords: polymer materials, high-frequency electrothermics, signal selection and processing organization, automated electrothermics control.
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