Ученье - свет, но сам процесс – просто мрак.
Мудрость человека пропорциональна его способности к обучению.
Ученье - свет, но сам процесс – просто мрак.
Мудрость человека пропорциональна его способности к обучению.
Discussing a Topic…
Ergonomics in industrial automation
Tyrva V.O. Automation of man-machine ergative system based on anthropomorphic control application
The paper discusses the results of theoretical and experimental research of object control in man-machine ergative system. Such control type is named anthropomorphic control by the author for being a part of combined object control by human operator and a control automaton. A procedure for modeling controlled processes in the system's state space is offered on the basis of a set of incomplete representations of simple motions underlain by the model of human operator's and machine's actions and responses used in engineering psychology. Based on the classical maximum speed problem's solution, the anthropomorphic control of a boat in hazardous conditions is designed. The automation of a man-machine system is examined where combined control devices based on new operation principles are applied in the HMI.
Keywords: man-machine system, control, model, motion representation, ergative system.
Rozhkov V.I., Lakhai A.A. Information models design for automated control systems of megalopolis gas distribution network taking into account ergonomic requirements
The developers of information models using SCADA technologies often ignore ergonomic requirements. The practice of developing the structure and algorithms of operator activities often lacks at the design phase. However, optimal allocation of functions between operator and machine as well as among operators should be organized at this phase, otherwise it may take longer time for operators to make decisions in emergency situations. Information model-based analysis of the activities of gas distribution network supervisors enables the development of their activity algorithms; further application of the mathematical tool of A.I. Gubinsky generalized structural method results in man-machine system's quality estimates. In general, the application of this approach significantly improves the operation quality of the man-machine system and reduces the emergency crew mobilization time.
Keywords: information models, ergonomics, gas distribution network, operator's activity algorithm, generalized structural method, man-machine system's quality estimates.
Shcheglov D.K., Pilikov N.A., Timofeev V.I. Conceptual principles of digital transformation of defense-industrial sector
The paper briefly reviews the key trends in the digital transformation of domestic hi-tech industrial companies and undertakes a semantic analysis of the digital transformation concept and its components with reference to the production activities of defense-industrial organizations. It provides the guidelines, tasks, principles, and expected results of the digital transformation of design offices and industrial enterprises of the defense-industrial sector.
Keywords: digital transformation, digitalization, integrated structure, defense-industrial sector, product lifecycle, information technologies.
Discussing a Topic…
Automation of agricultural sector
Sukhanova M.V., Bondareva L.A. Moisture level measuring device for deciduous plants
The paper proposes to include a functional plant diagnostics procedure in the agrotechnical activities. It describes an operation principle and test results of a measuring device for deciduous plant moisture level. The measurement is based on the mirror component of the mixed reflection from the leaves at the NIR wavelength.
Keywords: agricultural sector automation, precision farming, functional diagnostics, mixed reflection, mirror component.
Razorennaya D.Yu. Precision fertilization based on ASF index
Automation and digitalization of plant cultivation processes results in optimized and more efficient production, in particular, owing to variable rate fertilizer application based on soil expertise. ASF index is a key component of soil expertise, it characterizes sustainable fertility areas of a field based on long-term vegetation. The digital implementation of the ASF index is indicative maps which underlie automated precision farming.
Keywords: precision fertilizer application, sustainable fertility areas, precision farming, vegetation index, satellite data array.
Loginov S.O. Site traffic management system using IoT technologies
The paper discusses the challenges faced by EFKO Group's marine terminal which caused the start of a site traffic management and terminal load planning project. It describes the solution architecture and key functionality, presents project implementation results and further development outlook.
Keywords: dispatching system, terminal load panning, parking equipment, control points.
Ustinova A.D. Industrial Internet of Things technologies for agriculture
The areas of application of the Industrial Internet of Things technology in the field of crop production, animal husbandry and maintenance of agricultural machinery are considered. Examples of projects implemented at foreign enterprises are given.
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, crop production, animal husbandry, agricultural machinery.
Nikonorov А.N., Muraviev I.K., Marshalov E.D., Muravieva T.E. Developing a training and research process control system for a combined-cycle power unit
The paper presents the training and research process control system comprising a mathematical model of a domestic a combined-cycle power unit. The system was developed on the basis of Power Plant Process Control Polygon underlain by a hard/software toolkit with a generic power plant controls structure. System development methodology and its implementation by means of a commercial hard/software toolkit are discussed. The system enables safe testing and debugging of new control algorithms as well as automation specialists training and power plant personnel's skills improvement.
Keywords: training and research process control system, combined-cycle power unit, hard/software system, plant model, specialist training.
Berda T.I., Pulyakh E.A. Digital platform for managing job safety and labor efficiency improvement
The paper presents Optimizer digital platform for managing job safety and labor efficiency improvement in the industries with increased portion of mobile personnel and hazardous works. Key components and functionalities of its hardware and software are discussed. Application cases are included.
Keywords: employee scheduling, digital electrician, labor efficiency improvement, labor protection, industrial safety, mobile personnel, digital personal protection equipment, digital tags.
Shevelev S.V., Knyazev I.V. Robotization: a way for growth in modern environment. Integrator's experience
The paper reviews robotization projects in Magnezit's magnesia refractory production, MolProduct dairy factory, and Unilever's sauce and mayonnaise production. It discusses the factors inhibiting the development of industrial robotics, and showcases robotization advantages.
Keywords: industrial robot, robot system, safety system, integration, benefits.
Koloshkina E.I. Automation of decision-making on the possibility of three-dimensional articles milling on 2.5 axis NC milling machines
The paper discusses the possibility of three-dimensional articles milling on a flat cutting CNC machine if an NC instruction developed by a CAM system includes a discrete displacement in Z axis. The ways to determine surface geometrics dependent on the of 2.5 axis milling conditions are examined, automatic computing algorithms are included.
Keywords: CNC milling, 2.5 axis milling, programming, CAM system, surface imperfections, computer simulation.
Journal's Club
On the identification of industrial plants. To the 100th anniversary of N.S. Rajbman
Distribution grids of Russia: new solutions to old problems
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