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#2 2022


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Human operator interaction with artificial intelligence systems


Oboznov A.A., Akimova A.Yu.  Trust, distrust, super-trust, and super-distrust in automatics in operator activities

The paper discusses the concepts of human operator’s trust and distrust in automatic systems. It substantiates the opportunity of transferring trust/distrust attitudes between people to the relationship between the human operator and the equipment, in particular, the automatics. The results of a research proving the effect of trust and distrust on the reliability and efficiency of operator activities in uncertain and complex situations are presented. The specificity of manifestations of extreme trust and distrust, named super-trust and super-distrust, is examined. Recommendations are made on the prevention of extreme super-trust and super-distrust manifestations of operators in their day-to-day work.

Keywords: trust and distrust in automatics, super-trust and super-distrust in automatics, human operator, efficiency of activity.

Dozortsev V.M., Venger A.L.  On the problem of human operator’s trust in artificial intelligence

Operator’s trust in the equipment under control is a prerequisite of its safe and effective operation. With the increasing equipment complexity including the advanced automation tools and, in the near future, the artificial intelligence (AI) systems, attaining the necessary level of confidence in the equipment becomes the paramount condition of digital transformation in production systems control. Against this background, the paper examines the factors affecting human operator’s trust or distrust in equipment and analyzes the additional challenges caused by the inclusion of AI elements in the control loop. Special attention is focused on operator’s individual psychological features which affect his/her level of confidence in AI systems. The results obtained may be considered as an attempt of a description of human engineering problem of mutual adaptation ща operators and AI-based automatics whose global application has no alternative.

Keywords: smart equipment, semantization ща equipment, mutual redundancy of operator and automatics, strong and weak AI, trust and distrust in equipment, automatics, and AI, AI ethics, attributive styles of operator, reliability of information in decision-making, subjective admissible risk level.

Tyrva V.O.  On the interaction of human operator and automaton in collaborative control of an object in man-machine ergative system

The paper presents the results of a study of the organization of human operator interaction with a control automaton in an ergative man-machine system during collaborative plant control. Such control is considered as a variant of situational control implemented by specific digital devices of man-machine interface, which combine the actions of human operator and the system’s control automaton. Design philosophy and operation principle of collaborative control devices are characterized with the help of iconic models. The possibility of improving the control performance and the mutual learning of human operator and control automaton at targeting, planning, and implementation levels on the basis of information technologies of artificial intelligence and collaborative control devices is shown. The features of planning, dynamics control, and state correction of a man-machine system are discussed for the conditions where parametric, signal, and coordinate uncertainties in a mathematical model of actions and responseы of human operator and machine should be allowed for.

Keywords: man–machine system, human operator, artificial intelligence, interaction, control.

Bogomolov S.L, Anokhin A.N.  Intelligent analysis and suppression of chattering alarms at an A-plant

Power unit’s operator at an A-plant is notified about the events by alarm signals and performs appropriate corrective actions. The probability of missing important information increases with the growth of alarm intensity. Therefore, nonsignificant alarm signals should not be displayed. Such signals may be categorized into chattering and secondary. The paper describes the algorithms for calculating the optimal values of hysteresis loops and time delays for eliminating chattering alarms. It also discusses a data mining algorithm for detecting alarm patterns. The detected patterns are further converted into potential rules for suppressing insignificant alarms that to be offered to operations engineer. Application of such rules may decrease the amount of secondary alarms.

Keywords: A-plant alarming, alarm signal suppression, chattering alarm, secondary alarm, alarm flood, information overload.

Vedmid’ P.A.  QMS maturity level in IT perspective

The paper continues the series of publications on the causes of low requirements for quality management systems (QMS) from domestic enterprises. As it was noted earlier, most of the enterprises prefer to use existing ERP, PLM or MES systems for quality management or even use nothing more than Word and Excel.

Keywords: quality management systems QMS), QMS automation systems, plan-do-check-act (PDCA), advanced product quality planning (APQP), risk analysis, nonconformity management.

Nazmieva V.R., Kabaeva O.N., Puzanov A.V.  Modeling manipulator kinematics in cylinder assembly operations

Robot systems improve the productivity and production process quality, eliminate incidents. The paper presents the results of manipulator kinematics modeling for cylinder assembly operations. The dependences of contact forces during the assembly operation upon different initial positions and orientation of superposed cylindrical surfaces allow to tune the manipulator control system, improve its operating speed, eliminate emergencies caused, in particular, with workpiece jamming.

Keywords: manipulator, force-torque sensor, assembly process, kinematic model, process modeling.

Sergeev A.I., Ovechkin M.V., Proskurin D.A., Popov A.N.  Automated estimation of welded joint parameters per X-rayograms in engineering industry

The paper examines the problem of analyzing the results of radiation monitoring in technical systems. It outlines the drawbacks of radiographic inspection method and lists the flaws that can be detected. An X-rayogram model of a welded joint is presented. The model is based on two-level classification of weld point; The object’s membership in the classes of cast kernel’s diameter violation classes is determined at its first level, and its membership in the kernel position violation at the second one. A mathematical model of a template matrix, which enables precise estimation of significant parameters of product’s weld joints on the basis of its X-rayogram is offered.

Keywords: nondestructive check, flaw detection, identification model, welded joints.

Korshunov S.A.  Drives with ultra-low harmonic level and recuperative drives

The operation of electric equipment depends upon power quality. Harmonic distortions make negative effect on power grids and the attached equipment. The paper discusses the ways of suppressing harmonic distortions and improving the reliability and efficiency of electric power generation and transmission.

Keywords: electric equipment, power quality, harmonic distortions, frequency converter, drives with active rectifier, active harmonic filter.

Korshunov S.A.  Drives with ultra-low harmonic level and recuperative drives

The operation of electric equipment depends upon power quality. Harmonic distortions make negative effect on power grids and the attached equipment. The paper discusses the ways of suppressing harmonic distortions and improving the reliability and efficiency of electric power generation and transmission.

Keywords: electric equipment, power quality, harmonic distortions, frequency converter, drives with active rectifier, active harmonic filter.

Zakharov N.A.  Fault-tolerance of control systems with integrated architecture for critical applications

The features of Fault-tolerance of control systems with integrated architecture are discussed. Examples are cited, such as brake-by-wire, steer-by-wire, and magnet suspension control systems.

Keywords: fault-tolerance, redundancy, configuration, configuration supervisor, integrated architecture.

Kruglov K.N.  Credential theft attacks through trusted infrastructure in automatic control networks

The paper analyses spyware attacks with limited number of targets and short lifecycle of each malicious software sample, which may be aimed at industrial enterprises. It shows how SMTP services responsible for posting are used for phishing delivery and the collection of stolen data. The recommendations are made on ensuring the reliable protection of industrial enterprise, its partner network and the whole business.

Keywords: spyware, malware, industrial enterprises, phishing delivery, trusted corporate infrastructure.

Simis B., Kilyusheva E., Novikov A., Serebryannikov D. Darensky D., Kostikov M., Morozov A., Popov A., Anisenya N., Murzina A., Reutov A.  Cyber-security market overview, 2021-22

The paper reviews key 2021 cyber-security trends and provides an outlook for the next year.

Keywords: cyber-security, vulnerabilities, malware, APT groups, dark web, hackers, cyber criminality, phishing, robotization, cyber exercise, artificial intelligence, biometrics, blockchain, remote access.

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