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#3 2013


Grebenyuk E.A., Itskovich E.L.  Estimating key performance indicators of a manufacturing plant. Part 2. The features of the estimates of quantitative manufacture indicators

The ways of plant's product and energy flows measurement are discussed. The algorithms of computing cumulative flowrates within the specified time interval and error estimation formulae are included.

Keywords: performance indicators of a manufacturing plant, cumulative product/energy flow rate calculation within a specified time interval, performance indicator measurement errors.

Rogov S.L., Poznyak E.V.  Modernization of pulse safety valve controls in boiler unit emergency systems

Structural diagram and functional features of CUV DC microprocessor modules with pulse regulatory control and electromagnetic valve control are presented. The advantages of CUV DC modules application for modernizing emergency systems of Ust-Ilim Heat Power Plant's boiler units.

Keywords: microprocessor module, boiler unit, electromagnetic valve, emergency system.

Discussing a Subject…

Key events in embedded computer technology market (2003-12)


Aristova N.I.  Embedded computer technologies: breakthrough innovations or how to make great strides

The paper overviews key embedded computer technologies of the last decade such as chip manufacturing technology change, multi-core processors, virtualization of computing, 64-digit processors and devices meeting increased safety requirements. Performance data and informal features of modern embedded operation systems affecting users' choice are listed.

Keywords: embedded computer systems, chip manufacturing process, multi-core processors, virtualization, 64-digit processors, safety operational system.

Derevyago E.V.  Embedded synthetic brain as framework of contemporary digital civilization

The significance of embedded systems in contemporary private and social life is shown. The philosophy underlying the embedding is boundless, while the realityof embedded system market is represented by a limited albeit rather diverse hard-/software tools. Development features of various embedded solutions, successes and failures of embedded technology developers are analyzed.

Keywords: embedded systems, module computer, single-board computer, form factor, processor, dual-coreness, multitasking, interface.

Round table. Key events of embedded computer technologies in the recent 10 years

Specilaists from Beckhoff, MicroMax, Rodnik, Schroff analyzes the evolution of embedded computer technology in the recent 10 years, point out key events in this market and provide their forecasts.

Keywords: embedded computer technologies, processors, computer-on-module, single-board computers, embedded OS, interfaces, intelligent devices, electronic components.

Zolotarev S.V.  Key events of embedded operational systems in the recent decade. Specialist's opinion

The paper offers specialist's opinion on the problems of evolution and application of operational systems for embedded solutions in the recent 10 years based on personal experience and publications overview.

Keywords: OS, real time, embedded systems, Internet for things, programming language, open source code.

Milykh V.M.  Embedded computer technologies and data processing environment

The paper overviews development trends of embedded computer technology as a tool for creating data processing environment.

Keywords: embedded computer technologies, interface, control systems, OS, unified solutions.

CompactPCI Serial standard for building modular embedded computer systems

The paper overviews CompactPCI Serial basic specification from popular specification family for building CompactPCI embedded computer systems: key innovations in plugs, interconnects, supplies, mechanical structures and conduction cooling. The compatibility with previous CompactPCI 2.0, 2.16 and 2.30 specifications is discussed. System design opportunities offered by CompactPCI Serial and competitive VPX/OpenVPX and MicroTCA specifications are compared.

Keywords: embedded computer systems, plugs, interconnects, power supply, conduction cooling, form factors, cross-boards.

Drozdov S.N., Zolotarev S.V.  Ultra-compact minicomputers from CompuLab Ltd.: technological innovations and real projects

The paper presents fit-PC2, fit-PC3 and Intense PC ultra-compact minicomputers from CompuLab Ltd., a leading developer of computers on module. Several application cases in Russia and abroad are included such as a new Russian traffic police car, new promising pilotless vehicles, self-contained underwater and above-water vehicles.

Keywords: computers on module, minicomputers, expansion boards, embedded solutions.

Intel extends the functionalities of mobile devices

The paper briefly overviews Intel's novelties for mobile devices: smartphones, panel computers and Ultrabook system with transformable chassis. New smartphone platform, quadrocore 22-nm single-chip system for panel computers and more user-friendly Ultrabook devices with innovative transformable chassis.

Keywords: mobile devices, smartphone, panel PC, transformable chassis, monoblock, energy conservation.

Toughpad changes panel computer concept

Panasonic has expanded its protected corporate panel computer range with new models. Fully protected Toughpad series small and thin computers (10.1 inch diagonal with Windows 8 Pro, 7 and 10.1 inch diagonal with Android) were created to meet increasing corporate demand for specialized panel computers. New devices feature modern functionality and can increase personnel effectiveness significantly.

Keywords: protected panel computers, demanding operation conditions, mobile employees, durability, reliability.

Pinaev A.L.  Aydin protected monitors for industrial and special applications

The paper overviews the evolution history of the USA-based Aydin Displays company, the features and application areas of its key products - protected displays for industrial and special applications. Rodnik Scientific and Production Enterprise is Aydin's distributor in Russian and CIS countries.

Keywords: protected monitors, harsh operation environment, CRT and LCD displays.

Trofimov V.B.  Prototype-based approach to the design of automated expert systems with multi-structural recognition of complex patterns

The features of a multi-functional structure of an automated expert system for complex pattern recognition are examined; an approach to its design is offered. A multi-structural recognizer comprising elementary neuron network classifiers is designed.

Keywords: pattern recognition, expert system, artificial neuron networks.

Kruchinin A.Yu.  Controllable pattern recognition systems in adaptive control systems

The requirements necessary for decision-making about the pattern recognition process control in automated systems are formulated. Controllable and non-controllable pattern recognition are compared by capacity and result veracity; the significance of pattern recognition veracity estimate is shown.

Keywords: pattern recognition system, automated control system, real time, recognition control, efficiency, veracity, veracity estimate.

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