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#3 2024


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Automation systems in oil and gas industry

Ivanov V.A., Denisova L.A.  Model-based study and selection of optimal operating modes for the technological segment of a trunk pipeline

The paper discusses the selection of optimal operating modes for a technological section of a trunk pipeline subject to the minimum energy consumption criterion under a specified oil delivery schedule. It proposes to use equipment efficiency as an additional optimality criterion for improving the performance of oil pumping units. A model of a trunk pipeline section was developed for investigating its operating mode. Calculation results are presented, which allow to make recommendations on the operation of the pipeline’s technological segment in the modes featuring both low specific energy consumption and high equipment utilization.

Keywords: trunk pipeline, operating mode, energy efficiency, mathematical modeling.

Kudryashov V.S., Alexeev M.V., Ivanov A.V., Kozenko I.A.  Synthesis of a digital control system for ethylbenzene-styrene splitter

The paper discusses the modernization of ethylbenzene-styrene splitting process controls for improving process capacity and efficiency. The distillation process is analyzed as a multi-dimensional control plant. The relationships between the manipulated and the control variables are identified, the effect of external disturbances is determined. A control system structure for the multi-dimensional object is offered, a digital control algorithm is developed. The algorithm includes four cascade control schemes with digital controllers, digital compensators of cross-links and external disturbances, and the material balance module for calculating the bottom product draw, and a module for updating the splitter’s reflux ratio dependent on its feed composition. A procedure for structural and parametric synthesis of a multivariate control system for implementing in an industrial controller is proposed.

Keywords: distillation process, digital control system, system synthesis, discrete model, digital controllers and compensators.

Faruntsev S.D.  Model-based tuning of a double loop control system for a three-phase oil emulsion separator using a constant-speed actuator

The paper proposes to improve regulatory control performance in oil treatment facilities by controlling more precisely process parameters, which affect crude oil’s properties at the trunk pipeline inlet. It reviews the known methods of automatic control system design using constant-speed actuators. The drawbacks of single loop control are listed, the variants of a double loop control system with an impulse relay controller and a pulse-width modulator are proposed. Models are offered for both variants. A technique of optimal settings calculation using equivalent circuit is developed, comparative analysis of control performance is undertaken. The operation of the resulting model of a double loop control system for three-phase separator’s discharge chamber within the preliminary dehydration section of a crude oil treatment unit is demonstrated. The method can be used for tuning real-life control systems, which comprise constant-speed actuators.

Keywords: oil treatment unit, three-phase separator, double loop control design, constant-speed actuator, impulse relay controller, pulse-width modulator, equivalent circuit, calculation of optimal model parameters.

Droshnev V.A., Kirillov I.V., Belov S.N., Shchepinov D.N., Suprunchik V.V.  Pipeline monitoring system in Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC

Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC gas production company has developed an integrated remote monitoring system for its pipelines. System architecture and its featured properties are discussed.

Keywords: pipeline monitoring system, leak detection system, self-diagnosis.

Andriyanov I.N., Tkhoruk D.K.  BASIS-100 PLC in automated systems for extractive industries

The paper reviews automation case studies in extractive industries where BASIS-100 PLC from Ecoresurs JSC (Voronezh, Russia) were involved. Service software and maintenance issues are discussed.

Keywords: PLC, process control system, emergency shutdown system, regulatory control, extractive industries.

Nikotin S.A., Kostarev E.V.  Manufacturing Russian analytical equipment: problems and solutions

Russian instrument-making is currently under sever market pressure; however, never before did it face such exciting opportunity to gain competitive advantages. The paper describes the experience of Ecochimpribor LLC in the field stream analyzer import replacement.

Keywords: PLC, analytical equipment, import replacement, technological independence, inline gas analyzer.

Osipova N.V.  Mathematical model of iron ore concentrate production as a subsystem of the digital twin of a mineral processing plant

The paper examines the scientific background of a mathematical model of iron ore concentrate production at a mineral processing plant. The model can be used within the digital twin of a mineral processing plant. Two approaches to initial data selection for model identification are discussed, their merits and drawbacks are highlighted. Examples of model block diagrams for iron ore dressing facilities are presented.

Keywords: digital twin, mathematical model, iron ore concentrate, mineral processing factory, IIoT sensor, mineral processing section.

Medvedev A.G.  Catch up the gold standard: global principles of safe operation of tailings dams

In August 2020, the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management developed by International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) in cooperation with UN Environment Programme was accepted. The paper shows how the principles established by the Global Industry Standard affect the operation of Russian production companies and what digital instruments, in particular, the ones for automated monitoring of hydraulic structures, can help operators and subsoil users of mineral deposits to comply with international guidelines of tailings dam operation.

Keywords: digital twin, mathematical model, iron ore concentrate, mineral processing factory, IIoT sensor, mineral processing section.

Meshcheryakov V.A., Letopolsky A.B., Nikolaev D.I., Teterina I.A.  Neuron network technologies of identification and machine vision for modeling the control process of excavator’s working equipment

The paper offers a method for detecting and estimating the position of excavator’s working equipment and design reference marks with the help of convolutional neural networks on the basis of video images and 3D point cloud from stereo camera. The models based on multilayer Elman RNN are developed for identifying the interaction between the working equipment and the environment. The models enable the prediction of angular velocities of the excavator’s platform, excavator’s boom, stick, and bucket dependent on control joysticks’ positions. The methods and models developed can be used in the automatic intelligent control system.

Keywords: automatic control system, excavator, machine vision, convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network.

Levitin A.V.  Texture segmentation in semi-finished leather images using local binary patterns

The problem of texture segmentation in semi-finished leather images is discussed. Such problems may arise in product quality control at production sites, where texture abnormalities and semi-product flaws should be detected. The paper offers a method for developing texture signs of an image element by estimating the density of local binary patterns (LBP) of each type in the element’s neighborhood. The results of the experimental study of the structure segmentation method, which employs the proposed signs along with the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) procedure, are presented.

Keywords: texture segmentation, leather texture, machine learning, local binary patterns, local texture signs, linear discriminant analysis, machine vision.

Vasin D.Yu.  Application of Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) algorithm in telecommunication technologies

The paper reviews the basic Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) data compression / decompression algorithm with reference to audio data. It presents experimental results, which compare sequential and parallel LZW algorithms from the viewpoints of compression ratio, quality, and computing complexity.

Keywords: sequential / parallel compression, audio signals, Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) algorithm, multimedia and telecommunication technologies.

Salikhov Z.G., Nikulina I.V.  Automation of industrial and household waste treatment processes in the present-day conditions

Several safe and effective technologies of industrial and household waste treatment have been developed in Russia but are not currently used. At the same time, waste treatment facilities based on Hitachi-Zosen technology featuring high cost and dangerous atmospheric emissions are being built. The paper shows the necessity and urgency of developing a national version of technical requirements to waste treatment facilities that would open up application opportunities for domestic solutions.

Keywords: industrial and household waste treatment process, safety, cost, dioxins, carbon dioxide.

Shchetkin A.A., Bevz A.S., Antsyferov S.S., Minaeva O.A., Anevsky S.I., Ostanina O.I.  Models of normal equipment behavior and their construction based on data

The application of machine learning techniques for equipment health prediction in the manufacturing of electronic components and devices is discussed. The case of production equipment connected to equipment health monitoring and prediction system is considered under the incomplete regulatory framework. The possibility of optimizing preventative repair plans and phased application of monitoring and forecasting tools is demonstrated. The paper shows that the interaction between the IIoT.Istok intelligent monitoring system and the automated equipment maintenance and repair system enables the identification and elimination of problematic areas in production management.

Keywords: manufacturing, machine learning, maintenance and repair, planning, Industrial Internet of Things.

Vedmid’ P.A.  Data model for quality management systems

Classical quality management systems (QMS) are monolithic ones built around a database and having advanced tools for connecting with other information systems of the enterprise. There are no such systems in Russia, therefore, import replacing design should be based on the present-day microservice architecture. Key arguments were presented in the author’s work in Automation in Industry, No 2, 2024. However, data format for such system has not been discussed before. The paper offers to use the available Quality Information Framework (QIF) standard for this purpose.

Keywords: quality management systems (QMS), Model Base Definition, Product and Manufacturing Information, Quality Information Framework, nonconformance management, import replacement.

Kanchurin R.Ya, Morozov N.A.  Automated design of Skyline-type acoustic diffusers

A design procedure for Skyline-type acoustic diffusers is offered. It enables the calculation of diffusers with any desirable size multiple of the element’s specified cross-section dimension. Computer modeling of sound wave dissipation was undertaken in the Comsol software for design procedure development. The procedure underlies a software suite, which calculates diffuser parameters and develops a 3D diffuser model in Kompas-3D environment with the help of a software interface. The software’s featured property is the improved automation level of the design process.

Keywords: design automation, computer modeling, acoustic diffuser, sound waves, sound scattering coefficient, diffuser parameters, sound frequency, acoustic pressure.

Prefabricated cable racks from HilTi

The ways to reduce the costs of cable rack construction are discussed, an alternative to conventional solutions is offered.

Keywords: prefabricated cable racks, impassable cable racks, benefits.

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