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#3 2016


Shestakov N.V., Mishin S.P.  State-of-the-art automation solutions improve the efficiency of Russian industrial plants

The paper shows how innovative automation helps to improve the competitiveness of industrial plants. Major keys to success lie in justified automation programs, avoiding "piecewise" automation, attracting dedicated experts to project implementation, drawing on domestic and foreign experience.

Keywords: automation, industry, optimization, projects and service, benefits, quality, costs, efficiency, reliability, energy efficiency, safety, import replacement, production and engineering localization.

Manufacture, R&D, engineering, consulting and service in Russia as a key to successful implementation of process automation projects at industrial sites

In search of a process automation partner Russian enterprises require the complete set of services, manufacture of world level quality products in Russia, compliance with all guidelines and requirements, the availability of appropriate certificates and permits, short manufacturing times, the proximity of company's offices and service centers to Russian key industrial clusters, technology customization, the availability of Russian experts, turnkey project implementation, perfect services, and comprehensive consulting and support. To meet these challenges Emerson has been implementing its business localization strategy for more than 10 years. A key step on this way was made in June 2015 when Metran Industrial and Office Center was launched in Chelyabinsk. Most of the technologies, solutions, and services presented in this issue of the Journal come from Metran Industrial Group and are provided by the employees of Chelyabinsk office.

Keywords: Russian manufacturer, world level quality, localization, research, development

Kulikov V.N.  Advanced process control solutions and approaches from Emerson

The paper overviews Emerson's approaches and solutions in advanced process control which enable additional benefits owing to improved control performance and process optimization.

Keywords: automation, advanced control, regulatory control performance improvement, optimization, benefits estimation.

Kreidlin E.Yu.  DeltaV control system - From process control to operator training

The paper discusses the application of Emerson DeltaV control system for building an effective training solution for process operators.

Keywords: operator training, computerized training simulator, process control system, process, simulation model.

Guzenko D.B., Ilchenko M.A.  Ensuring undisturbed compressor operation by means of anti-surge system

The paper outlines key technical and organizational issues related with the development, implementation, and operation of both stand-alone and DCS-integrated anti-surge control and protection systems.

Keywords: centrifugal compressors, compressor anti-surge control and protection system, DCS integration.

Kiryushin P.N.  ESD system: from risk to safety

The paper discusses the existing practices of emergency shutdown (ESD) system development at Russian sites. It offers an algorithm for practical application of GOST R IEC 61511 standard requirements in ESD systems for improving their functional safety. An integrated approach is offered to the design, implementation, and maintenance of complete safety loops from sensor level to actuators.

Keywords: requirements to ESD system, safety lifecycle, safety integrity level, safety loop distribution, risk analysis.

Pilipenko I.S., Kulikov V.N.  Developing energy efficient production system

The paper presents Energy Advisor and Plant Optimizer: the solutions for energy consumption monitoring, management, and optimization at industrial sites. Both are intended for plant's energy efficiency improvement.

Keywords: energy management, monitoring, automation, regulatory control performance improvement, enterprise's energy balance, energy management system.

Savos'kin V.V., Cherkashin M.V.  Technologies and solutions for vibration control and condition diagnosis of rotating equipment

Technologies and solutions for vibration monitoring and condition diagnosis of rotating equipment based on CSI Series equipment and AMS Suite software are presented.

Keywords: vibration control, vibration monitoring, rotating equipment diagnosis, vibration diagnosis, automatic vibration diagnosis.

Kozhevnikov A.A.  iOps Integrated Operations Center. Controlling dirty, dangerous, and distant industrial plants

The paper discusses the organization of present-day working process and the development of effective workspace for executing complex manufacturing, operational, and business tasks in industry. It focuses on the implementation of safe and protected remote workstations, collaborative workspace organization, overall enterprise time saving with the application example of a corporate operations center.
Keywords: operations control center, distant plant, emergency situation, critical solutions, integrated information environment.

Isaev V.B.  Process control efficiency

Organizational and technical activities aimed at process control efficiency improvement are discussed.

Keywords: process control efficiency, user's requirements, capital and operational expenses, energy efficiency, reliability.

Zavodin R.S.  Non-contact solutions for broken ore classification and flotation process in mining industry

The paper examines the opportunity of advanced ore processing and dressing process control using non-contact control solutions. Emerson offers innovative solutions for in-line material classification at crusher outlet as well as real-time flotation control.

Keywords: automation, non-contact control, process control, flotation process automation.

Giniyatov M.Yu.  Integrated solution for oil and gas production. A Smart Field

The paper overviews the full range of state-of-the-art smart field technologies along with automation and data communication solutions for oil and gas production. These technologies and solutions improve operations efficiency, safety, and reliability and save operation costs.

Keywords: smart field, oil and gas production, automation, efficiency, unified information space.

Shavlovich Z.A.  Comprehensive automation of hydropower and storage plants

The paper presents Emerson's approaches and solutions for comprehensive automation of hydropower and storage plants based on its Russian center of competence in the field of hydraulic unit and power plant control. The application of these approaches and solutions results in control performance improvement and process optimization.

Keywords: hydropower plant, storage plant, automation, water turbine control systems, optimization, benefits estimation.

Parshin A.D., Kiryushin P.N.  The evolution of ESD systems: DeltaV SIS with electronic marshalling technology

ESD systems with conventional design are compared with the ones based on electronic marshalling technology. The novel technology delivers higher reliability, extended diagnostic coverage, and smaller maintenance costs.

Keywords: emergency automation, electronic marshalling, characterization module, centralized architecture, distributed architecture.

Avtonomov Yu.N.  Fisher antisurge valves in compressor antisurge control and protection systems

Engineering features of structures related with the design and manufacture of antisurge valves are discussed as well as the methodological approaches to their testing and tuning with the example of Fisher antisurge control valve.

Keywords: antisurge valve, automated regulatory control and protection system for compressors.

Tagirov D.N.  Comprehensive control technology based Rosemount instrumentation

The paper presents a comprehensive control technology enabling wider process facility outlook from both operations and business viewpoints. The data acquired from hundreds and thousands of sensors are aggregated to easily available and intelligible information resulting in higher safety, reliability and energy efficiency levels as well as other benefits critical for business competitiveness. The advantages of this approach were proven by many industrial applications including oil and gas, chemical, power engineering and mining.

Keywords: comprehensive control, competitiveness, wireless communication, measuring instruments, monitoring, condensate extractor, heat exchanger.

Isaev V.B., Bashutin Yu.P., Tsygina S.A., Dudkin M.N.  Automation systems for tank farms: composition, structure, functions, and characteristics

The functionality of Emerson's process automation solutions for tank farms is described. Block diagrams of Rosemount Tank Gauging and METRAN GSUR-10 product recording systems are presented, the related measuring and communication hardware and software is listed.

Keywords: automation, tank farms, product recording, operating costs, measuring systems.

Pokidov V.M.  Turnaround maintenance: a nightmare or a welcome opportunity

A turnaround maintenance planned well in advance opens up wide opportunities for improving productivity, reliability, safety. equipment life, and faultless operation during the whole of turnaround cycle as well as significant increase of cycle duration. This is a key opportunity for implementing new technologies, modernization and equipment replacement programs as well as overall productivity and profitability improvement.

Keywords: turnaround maintenance, predictive diagnosis, early fault detection, advance planning, reliability improvement, fail-safety, technical inspection and audit, maintenance cycle, cost-effectiveness.

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