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Журнал «Автоматизация в промышленности»


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#3 2017


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Automation of oil and gas plants

Anosov A.A., Efitov G.L., Shaidullin R.A., Golovanov Yu.V., Korolev A.V.  The influence of laboratory errors on the efficiency of a refinery fuel blending control system

The paper discusses the role of laboratory as a key element in fuel blending process control and proposes to introduce a non-rejection limit for commercial grade fuels. It analyzes the causes of quality runaway and the ways to minimize it in offline and online optimization systems. With the case study of Omsk Refinery the paper analyzes the operation of an online NIR analyzer, checks the validity of a calibration model by means of applied statistics, offers and calculates setpoint correction for online optimization. The ways to optimize laboratory performance are proposed.

Keywords: error, non-rejection limit, quality giveaway, laboratory, online analysis, offline and online optimization.

Soloviev S.Yu., Serov A.Yu.  Application of WinCC Open Architecture SCADA system in oil and gas industry

The paper reviews the functionality and key features of WinCC Open Architecture SCADA system aimed at supervisory control, data communication and process control in oil and gas industry.

Keywords: SCADA system, cross-platform software, redundancy, reliability, distributed system, mobile access, scalability.

Kukhlevskaya A.  Automated control of shift operations

Structure and functionality of eSOMS shift operations management system are presented. The system is intended for automation and integration of basic process unit control functions.

Keywords: shift operation management systems, maintenance, production management systems, process control systems, electronic document management, mobile devices.

Gaidash D.M.  AIS-ORION domestic hard-/software system

Featured properties and performance data of AIS-ORION domestic hard-/software system are presented. A pilot project implemented with AIS-ORION at Vyatka Regional Gas-main Control Office.

Keywords: hard-/software system, controller, aggregated intelligent station, fault tolerance.

Kryukov O.V.  The development and implementation of process control systems for oil pumping stations of oil-trunk pipelines

Giprogascentr JSC (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) has implemented a project on process control system development for main and line-service oil pumping and preheat stations managed by TransOil JSC (Kazakhstan). Design features are discussed with the example of a main oil pumping station.

Keywords: design work, process control system, oil pumping stations, microprocessor technology, self-diagnosis, hierarchy.

Kazbulatov I.G.  Microseismic monitoring of hydrofracturing process based on wavelet analysis

The paper offers microseismic event location technique using wavelet analysis and compares the results of manual, STA/LTA, and wavelet-analysis-based data processing. The technology enables the improvement of fractures topology identification efficiency, decreased number of false detections, and better hydrofracturing control.

Keywords: microseismic monitoring, wavelet analysis, microseismics, hydrofracturing, microseismic event.

Nikulin O.V., Zhilenkov A.A., Cherniy S.G.  Experimental research of power quality at a drilling rig with online power supply

The paper analyses power quality at drilling rigs with online supply based on authors' field investigations. It examines the influence of the controlled electric drive of drilling rig's basic mechanisms on the key power quality indicators and their compliance with standards and guidelines subject to exogenous factors. The investigations were undertaken by the authors for online- and offline-powered drilling rigs located at Azov and Black Sea shelf (Crimea Republic) and at oil fields in Tatarstan Republic.

Keywords: shelf, harmonic component, drilling rig, distortion, reliability.

Vasiliev B.Yu.  Energy-efficient multimotor electrical drive with individual drive motor control and active power factor correction

The paper examines multimotor electrical drives with various frequency converter structures: with a common converter, with individual converters, and with a multi-inverter shifter. It shows that multi-inverter circuits with an active rectifier ensure the best energy efficiency of a multimotor drive. Unified control of an active rectifier and electric motors integrated in process control look the most rational choice for multimotor drive's control architecture and algorithms. An example of a multimotor drive design for a water pumping unit of a heat power station is cited; simulation results are included. Application efficiency of the proposed control structures and systems is analyzed.

Keywords: multimotor electrical drive, induction motor, multi-inverter frequency shifter

Pachuev A.P.  New Electric FX5 Series controllers from Mitsubishi Electric

Performance data, functional and design features of Mitsubishi Electric's next-generation FX5 Series PLCs are presented.

Keywords: PLC, add-in modules, temperature modules, motion control module, response speed.

Zilonov M.O.  KVD high-pressure valve: "our response" to foreign vendors

Key competitive advantages of KVDR Series high-pressure valves from LG Avtomatika are formulated. Their basic performance data and application areas are listed.

Keywords: high-pressure valve, import replacement, forging techniques, reliability.

Podlesny A.M., Mamontova M.A.  Ensuring system reliability with embedded MasterSCADA tools

Most popular redundancy schemes and the ways to implement them based on the InSAT software are described.

Keywords: server reservation, channels reservation, SCADA, hot redundancy, triplicating, OPC UA.

Tyurin O.G., Kulikov A.V., Shabalin V.M., Bezuglov D.V.  Automation of high-energy materials production by pressure die casting technique

The paper examines implementation features of a process control system for high-energy materials production by pressure die casting technique. The project was implemented on the basis of a state-of-the-art high-reliability hard-/software system from Siemens.

Keywords: high-energy materials, pressure die casting technique, process control system, functional control blocks, synchronous batching.

Journal's Club

To L.M. Yakovis 70
th anniversary
. On fundamental science and retarded practice

Industrial Automation Companies

On the evolution of automation tools and systems

Connect 2016 Forum on Innovations was summoned up in Moscow by Schneider Electric in December 2016. Improving enterprise efficiency and compatibility through innovative solutions was announced as the Forum's key topic. Noted innovations included the deployment of a new industrial control technology presuming the integration of production elements with a unified industrial network. Mr. Boris S. Muratov, VP of Schneider Electric's Industrial Automation Department in Russia and CIS countries has answered the Journal's questions about IIoT technology, its role in production management vertical, cybersecurity, and Schneider's solutions meeting IIoT concept.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, cybersecurity, intelligent objects, integration, hierarchy.

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