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#4 2024

Khitrovo A.A.  The capabilities of pneumatic jet systems for robotic device control

The paper reviews the development history of pneumatic jet systems for robotic and mechanical device control. Based on earlier research, it discusses the opportunity of applying position turbine pneumatic drive coupled with a microfluidic programmed array for a robotic arm with a jet control system.

Keywords: pneumatic systems, jet systems, robotics, pneumatic drive, position drive, turbine drive, programmed array, microfluidic array.

Galieva T.G., Davletshin R.R., Sadykov M.F., Ivanov D.A., Yaroslavsky D.A., Lyubishev A.A., Valyuk A.S., Malaeva E.D., Yakupov N.M.  Electromagnetic interference elimination in the design of an instrument for high-voltage equipment isolation inspection

The paper examines the problems caused by continuous RF noises (FM radio, GSM, TV), periodic interferences (corona discharge), random interferences (amateur radio products, emergency situations). A method and an instrument are developed for high-voltage isolation monitoring. Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is used for frequency discharge detection.

Keywords: nondestructive inspection, localization, received signal power, discharge sources, sensors, partial discharges.

Kamakin A.N., Vasil’kov Yu.V.  Control functionality for multicomponent dosing process

The paper discusses the systems for automatic multicomponent dosing, which periodically implement sequential filling of each component into special containers. An overview of various control strategies for such systems would help the customers to formulate their requirements more precisely. The unavailability of European equipment makes the topic relevant for the localizing the production of similar equipment in Russia.

Keywords: multicomponent dozing systems, control systems, weight module, containers.

Sadovnikov R.Yu., Barbasova T.A., Kazarinov L.S.  Automated control of blast furnace melting with respect to blast parameters

The paper presents an automated system, which optimizes blast parameters for reducing coke consumption and improving furnace capacity. The system can allow for feedstock changes by automatic adjustments of process mode based on feed properties by means of machine learning techniques. The system can operate as a module of blast furnace master’s advisor or be a part of an expert system for the blast mode control.

Keywords: blast furnace, blast mode, clustering, optimization, advisе-system.

Integrated automation of industrial enterprise management in 1C:ERP

Russia-based RATEP enterprise, the producer of control systems for anti-aircraft missile complexes and ground and sea-based artillery complexes has computerized their accounting processes using a domestic ERP system. More than 10 separate accounting processes were consolidated on the basis of 1C:ERP solution.

Keywords: integrated automation of industrial enterprise management, IT infrastructure, integration.

Pozharkova I.N., Mel’nikov A.A.  Automated processing of full-scale test results of fire trunks based on image recognition

The paper discusses a procedure for recognizing the patterns of extinguishing agent’s trajectories with high accuracy and spatial resolution based on digital images of full-scale fire trunk testing. Basic concepts of the recognition technology are outlined, including camera calibration, test site preparation, experiment realization, and subsequent processing of the collected data. The methods used for preliminary image correction with the identification of the extinguishing agent flow are described. An algorithm for preliminary recognition of jet borders using the polar coordinate system for improving the resolution of the technology is presented. A method for calculating the angle of camera rotation relative to the vertical axis based on the images received is described along with an inverse perspective transform technique enabling the calculation of extinguishing agent trajectory with reference to object orientation relative to the coordinate axes. The efficiency of the procedure application for recognizing the upper and lower borders of the water jet from the fire monitor based on full-scale test data is estimated.

Keywords: pattern recognition, jet trajectory, fire trunks, fire robots, digital image, perspective images, automated image processing, machine learning.

Vermel’ V.D., Zinyaev V.V., Kazimirova A.N., Kacharava I.N., Laryutina M.A., Nikolaev P.M., Shardin A.O.  Meeting accuracy and quality requirements to outline-forming surfaces of aerodynamic aircraft models manufactured through automated production technologies

The requirements to the development accuracy of outline-forming surfaces of the modules of aerodynamic aircraft models and to the quality determined by the component part’s surface roughness are assessed. Precision and quality assurance of the surfaces of aerodynamic aircraft models developed through present-day automated production technologies of model manufacturing is discussed. Such technologies include milling with increased speed on CNC machining centers and selective laser fusion of metal powders.

Keywords: automated production technologies of model development, aerodynamic model, aerodynamic experimental research, accuracy and quality requirements to outline-forming surfaces of aerodynamic aircraft model.

Tsarev V.S.  Organization of software verification in process control systems of A-plants

The organization of the process of A-plant control software verification is discussed. Basic models of verification process organization are examined, their comparative analysis criteria, which allow for the specificity of the nuclear industry and the resource constraints, are formulated.

Keywords: process control system of A-plant, verification, applied software, process organization.

Shilov L.S., Shan’shin S.E., Romanov A.S.  Application of machine learning techniques in the analysis of RGB images for developing 3D models with the example of human body

Application of machine learning and neural network techniques enables significant improvement of RGB image analysis accuracy for retrieving 3D image parameters. The paper presents a procedure based on computer vision and machine learning techniques. Human body is considered as a 3D image. The approach proposed includes the application of a series of 2D images obtained with the help of conventional digital cameras for developing detailed 3D human body models including its outlines and proportions. The procedure proposed can result in the development of high-precision 3D human body models, which can be used for medical purposes, for clothes design and manufacturing, as well as in other areas, which require precise reproduction of human anatomy. The measurement error of key human body parameters, such as girths and lengths does not exceed 1.5 cm that proves the procedure’s high precision.

Keywords: machine learning, neural networks, 3D modeling of human body, RGB image analysis, measurement precision.

Khamid V.Kh.  Correlation analysis of the factors affecting drug consumption

The assessment of the need for medicines is still a major problem for hospitals and medical centers. The paper identifies eight factors affecting drug consumption. It presents the correlations of the chosen factors with the consumption of popular antibiotics selected in a hospital in Iraq. The results of the study enable the development of prediction techniques for drug stock control in hospitals and medical centers. The approach proposed may be useful also for industrial enterprises.

Keywords: drug consumption, correlation analysis, medical logistics, factors.

Panarin V.M., Maslova A.A., Alekseeva P.G.  Investigation of data and notifications from the unified system of digital twins of gas distribution objects

A unified system of digital twins of gas distribution and consumption objects was developed for three gas distribution stations (Kireevskaya, Lipki, and Zakharino) in the Tula region of Russia and is being currently operated. Based on neural network models for analytical processing of telemetry data collected during the course of six months at 33 control objects of three connected gas distribution groups, the operation of the objects was studied subject to the factors affecting the occurrence of emergency failures of critical equipment and the mechanisms of their prevention. The study showed the effectiveness of the models developed. The analytical control of gas distribution objects enabled early detection of equipment failures and emergency prevention as well as the minimization of natural gas emissions to the ambient by timely warning of the operating staff about necessary adjustments of gas control equipment at gas reduction points.

Keywords: analytical system, digital twin, neurocomputer, gas distribution network, telemetry, data monitoring, notification.

Zakharov N.A.  Machine learning in Internet of Things devices and embedded systems

The relevance of machine learning in the Internet of Things and embedded systems is shown. The features of the TensorFlow Lite Micro library are outlined. The specificity of machine learning organization in fog and edge computing environment in embedded systems is discussed.

Keywords: machine learning, Internet of Things, embedded systems, fog computing, edge computing, framework.

Suvorov A.P., Kuzovkin A.V.  Computer structure modeling and implementation of combined porous electrode tool using generative design elements

The paper examines the application of electric treatment methods the present-day production and the extension of electrode-tool slate in the conditions of single and pilot production. For electrode-tool design, it proposes to use CAD and trabecular structures and implement them by means of additive production. Porous structures remove of electrical reactions and the generated heat from the treatment zone that enables the stabilization of electrical processes owing to the controllability of the movement of working medium.

Keywords: electromachining, porous surfaces, combined tool, computer modeling, computer-aided design systems.

Journal’s Club

Kravchenko V.N.  The peculiarities of working with Chinese suppliers

Merits and drawbacks of working with Chinese instrumentation vendors and suppliers are discussed. Recommendations are made on how to organize successful business with Chinese companies.

Keywords: Chinese market, instrumentation, secondary sanctions, rebranding.

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