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#4 2016


Markov V.G.  CIAM (Central Institute of Aviation Motors) - The only scientific organization in Russia able to undertake the whole cycle of works in design and engineering of world-class aero-engines

The paper describes the structure and capabilities of CIAM's test facilities for aero-engines of various-purpose aircraft in process of their design and development.

Keywords: test facilities, high-altitude test benches, thermal vacuum chamber, flight simulation, aero-engine, experiment.

Markov V.G.  The role and place of CIAM and its test facilities in the design and development of promising aero-engines

The paper discusses the testing of aero-engines for various-purpose aircraft in process of their design and engineering. The development of a unique complex of high-altitude test benches in CIAM was a key step in the evolution of aircraft propulsion engineering in the USSR.

Keywords: aero-engine, testing, technology, experiment, test benches.

Zakharov D.L., Loginova A.A., Maslov V.P., Mineev B.I., Mironov A.K.  Application of automated PIV complex for measuring velocity fields of gas flows

A comprehensive investigation of the measuring technique for instantaneous velocity fields is undertaken. Distinctive features of the technique's application fields and its key advantages are pointed out and described. Image processing algorithms implemented in the automated PIV complex are discussed. An example of PIV technique application in the investigation of a supersonic flow around the models of aero-engine's input devices is included.

Keywords: instantaneous velocity fields measuring, velocity field, image processing algorithms.

Aslanyan E.V., Baluev B.A.  A pyrometric system for non-contact temperature measurement of rotating disks in gas-turbine engines investigated on acceleration test benches

The paper presents a fiber pyrometric system for measuring the temperature of rotating components of gas-turbine engines during strength tests under strong electromagnetic interferences from induction heaters of the component parts under investigation. The system is used in CIAM for test-bench investigation of aero-engine turbo-charger's components. Typical measurement results are presented; some methodological issues related to the radiation capacity of the surfaces of the components under investigation are discussed.

Keywords: instantaneous velocity fields measuring, velocity field, image processing algorithms.

Mirnaya M.R., Ivanov K.A., Kobtseva A.A., Sorozhkin A.S.  Automated temperature field measurement for thermocolor painted surfaces of gas-turbine engine's components

The temperature of aero-engine components, in particular, the ones made of new structural materials, which are used in high-temperature combustion chambers and turbine's structural elements, is measured using multi-stage thermocolor paints providing pictorial information about surface temperatures without its distortion in the investigated spot. A decoding technique for thermal surface temperatures based on surface's digital photography after the experiment was tested. Object photographing using digital cameras requires preliminary engine dismantling after testing; moreover, this technique does not work for hard-to-reach odd-shaped surfaces. To overcome these challenges, OLIMPUS IPLEX FX industrial videoscope was used for thermal surface photography. The general qualitative picture is built using fragmentary photography with subsequent splicing of thermo surface's image fragments in a single whole. This requires the development of a technique for panoramic splicing of individual thermo surface image's fragments to obtain a qualitative involute of the surface under investigation for further decoding of the temperature field.

Keywords: thermometering, multi-stage thermocolor paints, camera, videoimage endoscope, temperature field, aero-engines.

Golentsov D.A., Lihter V.A., Ulybyshev K.E., Vatazhin A.B.  Diagnosis features of gas-turbine engines, their components, and rigid body fractures

The paper discusses a new field in applied electrogasdynamics, the electrostatic condition diagnosis of gas-turbine engines and metal body (engine component) fractures. It explains the causes of the appearance of uncompensated electric charge in the gas flow passing through the engine. Special diagnostic systems were developed and used for condition diagnosis of aero-engines both in airfield and test-bench conditions.

Keywords: diagnosis, gas-turbine engine, electrostatic charge, jet engine velocity current, rigid body fracture.

Vavirovskaya S.L., Zakharov D.L., Korneev M.V.  Automated dynamic and velocity characterization of temperature sensors of CIAM's UV-010 validation unit

The temperatures of air at engine inlet and gas flow behind the turbine are measured with a conventional contact sensors that requires speed and dynamical corrections, which in turn need thermal inertia and thermoreceiver's restoring coefficient. CIAM uses UV-101 validation unit for experimental determination of these characteristics. The paper examines the structural diagram and operation principle of this resting equipment and discusses experiment automation issues.

Keywords: temperature sensor, thermal inertia, incompleteness of deceleration.

Sakharov V.B., Flanden V.S., Buchstab P.A., Sadovin M.A.  Surface temperature measurements with multichannel optical pyrometer

Reliable estimates of thermal conditions of engine's most thermally stressed components, in particular, turbine blades, are required during aero-engine development and operation. Optical pyrometers are widely used for these tasks due to their non-contact capability, high response speed, information value, and ease of use. CIAM's measuring system based on a multichannel optical pyrometer is presented. It provides temperature distributions over the blades of high-pressure turbines in line with experiment.

Keywords: multichannel optical pyrometer, surface temperature measurement, high-pressure turbine, gas-turbine engine.

Markov Yu.S., Grebennikov A.V., Lepestikhina E.G., Merkulov M.I., Burmistrov V.V.  Operation and automation of present-day refrigerating and drainage units of high-altitude compressed air plants

High testing quality of aero-engines and their components at design and development phases is critically important for insuring engine quality. Refrigerating and drainage unit of the high-altitude compressed air plant necessary during the testing to simulate engine operation conditions was developed in 1950s, revamped in the 80s and now needs a new modernization to comply with extended requirements to engine testing and a number of operational problems. The paper discusses the ways and methods to overcome the challenges in refrigeration and environmental test and offers short- and long-term development strategy for the refrigerating and drainage unit.

Keywords: refrigerating and drainage unit, refrigerating plant, environmental test, cooling agent, coolant, performance characteristics, control algorithms and programs, process, development strategy.

Saev A.R., Yeltarenko A.A., Tarashev S.E.  Process control circuitry development for C-16 test bench complex for special testing

Process control system of C-16 test bench complex is described. The paper shows the possibility of developing a digital controller with a computer in the closed loop on the basis of L CARD's hardware under certain constraints. Control system's reliability and noise immunity has increased drastically due to the separation and galvanic isolation of block and control valve circuits and the executive power section of the control scheme both from each other and from the bench oscillator.

Keywords: process control system, synchronous data acquisition, galvanic isolation, digital control channels.

Markov Yu.S., Grebennikov A.V., Lepestikhina E.G., Skirda V.N., Merkulov M.I.  Design-theoretical and experimental research of process optimization of CIAM's refrigerating and drainage unit for environmental test of aero-engines and their components

Operation efficiency of refrigerating units included in refrigerating and drainage facility is determined by the settling time and the ability to ensure stable parameters of the cooled air. This depends on several factors where process control performance and equipment condition are the paramount ones. Therefore, a new process control system for refrigeration units was developed and implemented enabling a wide range of design-theoretical and experimental research. Performance characteristics of the most critical equipment pieces were determined, the conclusions about their condition derived, and the recommendations made on the revision schedule development and optimal operation schemes.

Keywords: refrigerating and drainage facility, equipment condition, process control performance, refrigeration units, coolant refrigeration, propulsion engineering, experimental research, environmental test.

Markov Yu.S., Tikhonov E.A., Zakharov N.D., Yegorov P.M.  Experiment-calculated research for the modernization of high-altitude test bench's control system

The modernization of the existing process control system of the high-altitude test bench for aero-engines and their components was caused by the need to ensure test safety and the reduction of test duration for energy conservation and cost saving. State-of the-art analog and digital modules were used for the modernization. New algorithms and software were developed enabling higher response speed and control performance of bench parameters describing aero-engine's operation environment.

Keywords: aero-engine, high-altitude test bench, automated control system, combined two-dimensional regulatory control system.

Markov Yu.S., Tikhonov E.A., Zakharov N.D., Yegorov P.M.  Experimental testing of control algorithms for key process operation and auxiliary parameters in air-gas loop and fuel systems of C-17T test bench for combustion chambers

The paper examines a regulatory control system for test bench's interrelated parameters. The system was implemented with the help of combined two-channel controllers operating in closed and open loops. Pressure and temperature at the inlet of the article under test are used as a feedback of the closed loop, whereas the open loop is based on the governor's discharge characteristic estimated experimentally.

Keywords: automated control system for process parameters, regulatory control system, two-channel controller, closed loop, discharge characteristic.

Markov Yu.S., Tikhonov E.A., Zakharov N.D., Yegorov P.M.  Experimental study of control laws for process and auxiliary parameters of C-5/2 bench's fuel system during combustion chamber testing

The control of process parameters of test bench's fuel system is discussed. The algorithms based on governor' experimental discharge characteristics are employed in two-channel controllers. Fuel pressure reading at the inlet of the combustion chamber under test was used as a feedback for improving control accuracy in the closed loop.

Keywords: automated control system for process parameters, regulatory control system, two-channel controller, closed loop, discharge characteristic.

State-of the-art test facilities for a state-of-the-art engine

The history of the cooperation between Mera Scientific and Production Enterprise and CIAM is reviewed. The relationship between the evolution of measuring and computing complexes and the quality of aero-engine bench test is demonstrated.

Keywords: test facilities, measuring and computing complexes, measuring systems, scanners, propulsion engineering.

Pil'kevich R.Yu.  A new development impetus

The paper presents innovative automation solutions from EL-SCADA intended for measurement processes and engine-building enterprises.

Keywords: aerospace complex, test equipment, sensors, digital scanners, import replacement.

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