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Automation in metallurgy
Genkin A.L., Nikulina I.V. Application of identification techniques in mathematical modeling of ferrous industry processes
Metallurgical processes are examined from control viewpoint. Typical applications of identification techniques in domestic ferrous metallurgy are discussed with case studies of control systems for steelmaking, hot and cold rolling of steel sheets, etching and cladding of steel strips, hot rolling of tubes, as well as in mathematical descriptions of heating and other metallurgical processes.
Keywords: ferrous metallurgy, identification techniques, parametric identification, structural identification, mathematical models.
Salikhov Z.G., Genkin A.L. Application of identification techniques in mathematical modeling of nonferrous industry processes
The paper analyzes typical applications of identification techniques in domestic nonferrous metallurgy, in particular, identification of hierarchic structures of chemico-metallurgical works and spongy titanium production processes, modeling of molybdenum concentrate calcination in reaction chamber of a heater, aluminum electrolyzer cathodes, aluminum electrolysis, plasma-electrolytic oxidation, etc.
Keywords: nonferrous metallurgy, identification techniques, electrolyzer.
Zakharov N.A. Physical modeling in ferrous metallurgy
The paper examines physical modeling of metallurgical processes such as steel fabrication in an oxygen steel-making converter, melting in electric arc furnace, thermal treatment, gas venting, For an oxygen converter process, melt spraying during oxygen blowing is investigated. For an electric arc furnace, current-carrying melt mixing in external magnetic field is modeled. Thermal treatment process modeling resulted in improved heating mode. A gas-suction model was used for investigating mechanical forces in sand seals and checking the completeness of smoke removal from a small-size electric arc furnace.
Keywords: physical model, oxygen converter, electric arc furnace, thermal treatment, gas-suction.
Palamar' I.N., Pervov M.L. Automation of structure image analysis for investigating the features of composite material deformation
The paper discusses the investigation of straining features of a composite material whose components have different deformation resistances. If offers a method for automatic evaluation of composite material deformation using the composite structure. The method is based on the adaptation of the suite of image processing algorithms. Material deformations were calculated by the software automatically based on structure images; the calculation results meet expert judgments.
Keywords: composite material, coordinate grid techniques, deformation investigation, image processing, computing automation.
Belyaeva V.D. A complex of supervisory control systems and the development of a unified data acquisition and processing platform for Bystrinsky ore mining and processing enterprise
The paper overviews key process and business automation tasks at Bystrinsky ore mining and processing enterprise, such as supervisory control systems development for the concentrating mill and for the enterprise as well as the implementation of unified data acquisition and processing platform. It describes solution architecture and shows the structure of the automation complex.
Keywords: supervisory control system, ore mining and processing enterprise, control, monitoring, integration, data acquisition and processing platform.
Prokopiev V.G., Pan'ko V.S., Tsyryulnikov A.M. A geometry monitoring system for cylindrical aluminum alloys ingots
The paper describes a concept of a measuring method and a prototype of a geometry monitoring system for cylindrical ingots made of aluminum or its alloys. The system enables continuous non-contact measurement of ingot surface profile (ingot diameter, curvature, length) during its motion along roller conveyor without any additional mechanical devices.
Keywords: cylindrical ingot, surface defect, geometry monitoring, aluminum alloys.
Kuznetsova O.Yu., Harahnin K.A. A decision-making algorithm for building a task performance sequence for a machine group by moving bottlenecks method
The paper discusses a decision-making algorithm for building a task performance sequence for a machine group in order to minimize the total runtime by moving bottlenecks method. For individual machines, the processing sequence is selected by the Largest Tail method according to the maximum residual duration. Schedule changes for reduced lot size are examined.
Keywords: Moving bottlenecks algorithm, residual duration, schedule for a machine group.
Osipova N.V. Automation of magnetic separator for iron-ore concentrating mills
An automatic control system for wet iron ore separation is discussed. Its control algorithms stabilize iron content in the concentrate and decrease its losses in wet magnetic separation tailings. System's block diagram is presented. A virtual model of magnetic separator's control system was developed and employed in a training and laboratory bench at the Chair of Automation of MISIS National University of Science and Technology (Moscow, Russia).
Keywords: magnetic separation, automatic control system, mathematical model, tailings, iron content in crushed ore.
Khramogin P.A., Pan'ko V.S., Radzyuk A.Yu. A supervisory control system for forced ventilation of a foundry
A supervisory control system for forced ventilation units at a foundry of an aluminum factory is described. Control algorithms maintaining the microclimate under changing ambient temperatures are presented.
Keywords: automatic control system, forced ventilation system, supervision system, visualization.
In Focus:
Modern solutions for industrial visualization, indication, and lighting
Pogorelov V.P., Frolov A.I., Baulin E.S., Lokshin A.V., Novichkov A,Yu. On control environment emulation in operator training simuators
The paper describes the man-machine interface structure from the viewpoint of operator functionality in present-day distributed control systems. It analyzes computerized training features which determine HMI specificity in training systems. HMIs are categorized with respect to their necessity and fidelity in training systems. Configuring tools for emulated HMIs are described, the problem of cost-effective DCS emulation for training purposes is discussed.
Keywords: emulation, HMI, distributed control systems, computerized training systems, operator training.
Solovyov S.Yu., Serov A.Yu. Using JavaScript objects on form views of SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture
The paper overviews the functionality, application areas, and implementation features of JavaScript interface, a possible tool for developing user interfaces based on SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture (WinCC OA).
Keywords: SCADA system, JavaScript, user interface, form views.
Tarasov N.S. Training simulator for emergency response training at Irkutsk Oil Company
A training simulator aimed at improving the operation safety of oil and gas fields is described. The simulation model comprises various emergency scenarios. The system includes both training and testing functionalities. The solution was developed by NEOLANT for a booster pumping station at Yarakta oil and gas condensate field of Irkutsk Oil Company LLC and is being currently commissioned at the site.
Keywords: training simulator, emergency, personnel training, oil and gas field.
Efimov A.I. A way to improve training sample efficiency by adding generated graphic data
This paper analyzes the existing methods of solving the problem of the lack of representativeness of training samples in neural networks. A new method is proposed which consists in using the generated graphic data to form training samples. Application opportunities and limitations of the proposed approach are identified, its merits and drawbacks are listed. The ways to overcome the identified challenges and the methods to improve their effectiveness are proposed.
Keywords: neural network, deep learning, graph data augmentation, graph data generation, compilation training set
Vorobyov S.S. Advantech ERI-2000 Series industrial unmanaged Ethernet switches
Various classes of switching equipment are used in Ethernet networking. Unmanaged switches are simple devices enabling fast and effective organization of a small network. The paper offers a concise overview of Advantech ERI-2000 Series low-end unmanaged switches.
Keywords: switching equipment, unmanaged switches, industrial environment, Ethernet.
Shikhov A.I., Dunaeva E.N. The influence of various factors on the manifestation of acoustic emission in permafrost soils
The conventional methods for controlling permafrost soils underlying buildings and structures are discussed. The factors affecting the reliability of diagnosis methods of permafrost soil bases are presented. The data of experimental studies of the influence of various factors and properties of permafrost soils on the manifestation of acoustic emission in the process of soils thawing are presented. To improve the reliability of the monitoring of ground bases, it is proposed to undertake detailed studies of acoustic emission in various soil types during the thawing and evaluate the temperature range at which the given type of a frozen soil is able to retain its bearing value.
Keywords: acoustic emission; nondestructive control; permafrost soils; soil properties; diagnosis of the foundation of structures; construction in the permafrost zone.
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