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Discussing a Topic…
Acquisition, processing, and monitoring of production data, formation of knowledge
Martinov G.M., Polyakov K.V. An approach to process data monitoring in multichannel machining with the help of NoSQL database, Node-RED, and Grafana
An approach to the design of process data monitoring in multichannel machining on CNC work centers is offered. It is based on third-party software solutions such as NoSQL database, Node-RED, and Grafana. A block diagram of a monitoring system implemented on the basis of Node-RED and Grafana is offered. A monitoring system for a two-channel machining using OPC UA protocol and MongoDB database is developed.
Keywords: CNC system, process data monitoring, multi-channel machining, OPC UA.
Yerpalov A.V., Sinitsin V.V., Ibryaeva O.L., Shestakov A.L. A method for augmentation of multidimensional time series in equipment health monitoring tasks
The paper proposes a decomposing data augmentation method. As against the available ones, it handles multidimensional time series and during the augmentation retains the general trend and the structure of multidimensional data based on plant sensor readings. The gist of the method proposed is the application of multilevel variational mode decomposition coupled with conventional augmentation techniques. The method was verified using real-life multidimensional time series for thermocouples and load cells. The augmentation results were analyzed using MAE criterion as well as stochastic process PDF.
Keywords: equipment state diagnosis, sensor readings, augmentation, multidimensional data, synthetic data, variational mode decomposition.
Belov N.B. Robotized data acquisition for neural network classifier training
Machine vision technologies enable wider employment of robotic arms in various industrial applications such as pattern recognition and classification, determination of object position and orientation, quality control, adaptive task execution, and safety. Convolutional neural networks are the key technique for pattern recognition, classification, and segmentation. For their training at a specific task, sizable datasets are to be collected. The paper proposes to employ an industrial robotic arm, which can pass through the work area in the automatic mode with the specified step. During the movement, the robot can adjust its tilt angles with respect to X, Y, and Z axes within the ranges, which do not result in actuator locking. The paper shows that the the robotized dataset acquisition for neural network training ensures significant training time reduction and higher work accuracy.
Keywords: industrial robotic arm, neural network classifier, dataset, video stream.
Serjantov A.S., Volkova G.D. Comparing the approaches and methods of knowledge retrieval from technical documentation
The problem of knowledge retrieval from technical documentation is examined. The paper investigates the features of technical knowledge representation in technical documentation issued as books of technical solutions. Criteria for analyzing the approaches to and methods of data retrieval are identified. Existing data retrieval techniques are overviewed and analyzed, their applicability to data retrieval from technical documentation is assessed.
Keywords: knowledge retrieval, subject knowledge, technical documentation, books of technical solutions, natural language processing, semantic network, automation of subject tasks.
Kirov A.V. A concept of an integrated lifecycle management system for state customer’s products
The development and manufacture of articles meeting customer requirements within the planned resources coupled with their aftermarket support is today a most difficult problem. This is partially caused by the imperfection of the existing product lifecycle management system, in particular, by insufficient application of present-day information technologies. The paper offers an approach to product lifecycle management by a state customer using information support tools. System’s basic design concepts are established as well as its key components and the tasks.
Keywords: lifecycle, quality, control, customer, information support.
Variable-structure mechanical systems
Zhdanova Yu.I., Moshkin V.V., Romanov M.P. Developing analysis method for variable-structure mechanical systems
Functional diagram remains unchanged in variable-structure systems. The paper presents a method for its development and analysis based on mechanical system properties and substantiates the destination of additional elements and their influence on system operation. The analysis based on the functional diagram enables the identification of the implemented way of object circumference by output elements. Additional elements to be introduced for implementing the specified circumference method, such as, contour, pinch, or combined, are determined.
Keywords: anthropomorphic capture, actuating elements, block diagram, functional diagram, number of movement degrees, contour circumference, pinch circumference, combined circumference.
Digital technologies for engineering plants
Lyamshev D.V. Digitalization of machine-building plants. An end-to-end view of customers’ problems, MES theory and project implementation practice of GK Tsyfra
Typical challenges of automation and digitalization of machine-building enterprises, such as low benefits of digital projects and possible constraints in production management systems, are formulated. A brief overview of MES evolution is provided. Implementation and application examples of Dispatcher MES are discussed.
Keywords: MES, automation, digitalization, machine-building enterprises.
Tsyganov V.V. On the strategic control of transport and logistics infrastructure of Russian Federation
The national digital transport and logistics platform is being developed in Russia. The platform will underlie the unified trustworthy environment for the interaction of transport companies as well as for regulatory authorities. Specialists from Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the development of theoretical and methodological fundamentals for the system of strategic control of transport and logistics infrastructure development within the platform. To that end, it is proposed to use the set of field-tested models and methods for strategic control of transport and logistics infrastructure development in Siberia, Far East and Russian Arctic under climate changing conditions as a framework for such system.
Keywords: transport, logistics, infrastructure, strategic control, transport and logistics platform, modeling.
Bludov A.V. L52 Consyst Electronics special PLC technologies for process production automation
The paper presents L52 Consyst Electronics modular PLCs for medium-size and large process control systems. It outlines their following functions: backup and hot standby, communication tools, ADC properties, event sequence recording function, temperature conditions, operation speed and memory size, AT300 development environment.
Keywords: PLC, process production, communication tools, process control system, backup, development environment, event sequence recording, operation speed.
Osipova N.V. Overview of machine vision systems for ore dressing and beneficiation process control
The paper overviews the research in the field of machine vision development for ore dressing and beneficiation processes. It provides examples of the systems for fast ore composition analysis before crushing and grinding using machine vision. An opportunity of detecting uncrushable particles on the conveyor and belt displacement is shown. Algorithms for determining the thickening process parameters on the basis of liquor image binarization. Automation of flotation process on the basis of foam images and its characteristics is examined. Merits and drawbacks of machine vision systems for ore dressing and beneficiation control are discussed.
Keywords: machine vision, neural network, binarization, segmentation, histogram, Gaussian blur, Voronoi triangulation, regulatory control impact, crushing, grinding, thickening, flotation.
Kolosova O.V., Makhiboroda V.D., Efimov-Soini N.K. Organization of remote work for engineering project management
For improving the efficiency of Russian organization, the paper discusses new opportunities and risks in the organization of remote workplaces with examples from traditional engineering areas such as scientific research and development.
Keywords: remote work, digital environment, control, business process.
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