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Industrial automation - The backbone of digital manufacturing in mechanical engineering
Grigoriev S.N., Martinov G.M. Numerical control system: present-day challenges, informational and technological security
Present-day challenges to numerically controlled process equipment faced by Russian mechanical engineering industry are systematized. Numerical control system is examined as an information protection object. Network levels in present-day NC systems are identified that enables actions needed to ensure their technological and information security.
Keywords: numerical control, information and technological security.
Aristova N.I., Chadeev V.M. A methodology for estimating the benefits of mass production automation
The paper discusses the evaluation of potential benefits of mass production automation where a specified set of automation tools is used. Automata operation efficiency, their cost and lifetime are allowed for. The algorithm developed enables the selection of automata set ensuring minimum product cost. The estimate of minimum attainable manufacturing cost is calculated.
Keywords: automation, robot, production, labor efficiency, manufacturing operations.
Obukhov A.I., Martinova L.I., Lyubimov A.B. Developing a forward frame scanning algorithm for linear and nonlinear part presentation control laws in numerical control
The problem of forming motion speed control and its solution in numerical control systems are investigated. A forward frame scanning algorithm based of simple kinematic equations is offered, which is not sensitive to the instability of the cycle of data exchange with drivers. The results of algorithm's application in a real-world NC system are included.
Keywords: NC system, forward frame scanning, interpolation, part presentation control, jerk limitation.
Nezhmetdinov R.A., Nikishechkin P.A., Pushkov R.L., Yevstafieva S.V. Application practice of software controller for machine magnetics of Quaser MV184 vertical mill
The kinematic diagram of Quaser MV184 vertical-mill machining center is examined. A network architecture developed for controlling its kinematic diagram is presented. Algorithms for controlling milling center's key nodes with the help of machine magnetics are described.
Keywords: milling machine center, NC system, network architecture, SoftPLC, EtherCAT, M-functions.
Plikhunov V.V., Kovalenko A.V. Automation of vacuum ion-plasma treatment using a state-of-the-art control system
The processes of vacuum ion-plasma treatment is discussed. Key process parameters and their representation in the NC system are examined. A functional principle of a control system for a unit implementing a variety of ion-plasma treatment processes is offered.
Keywords: control system, numerical control, SINUMERIK 840D, process equipment, vacuum ion-plasma treatment.
Kremnev D.E., Sonnykh M.V. Open Core Engineering - A tool for implementing machine's special user functions
Software and firmware of machine-tools, robots and special machinery, determines the intelligence, reconfigurability, flexibility, and, eventually, productivity of an engineering plant. Present-day control system architectures are based mainly on PLC and motion controllers programmed in compliance with IEC 61131-3 standard. However, functional libraries provided by controller vendors limit the implementation of special functions. PLC-based automation of machinery becomes possible only in cooperation with vendors. This results in significantly higher costs and longer development cycle along with possible difficulties in case of reconfiguring or functionality extension. Bosch Rexroth offers its Open Core Engineering technology to the developers of control systems based on NC and motion controllers. The technology enables open and direct access to kernel's functions with the help of high-level programming languages.
Keywords: PLC, motion controllers, high-level programming languages, mechanical engineering, automation systems, NC, HMI, real time.
Dimitryuk S.O., Pavlov S.A., Potesin V.V. Treating end faces of pipeline components
The paper discusses the development of parametric control routines for processing the billets with thin walls and relatively high form errors based on in-line measuring of surface points' position coordinates (based on point cloud).
Keywords: thin wall treatment, pipeline components treatment, NC, point cloud modeling, control routine parametrization based on measured values.
Kozak N.V., Abdullaev R.A., Kovalev I.A., Chervonnova N.Yu. Implementation of logical numerical control and production security tasks on the basis of Soft PLC external computation modules
The architecture of a distributed NC control system with Soft PLC implemented on the basis of external computation devices is discussed. This architecture enables the execution of NC system's logical task and the production security task by different stand-alone Soft PLCs. The paper examines the Ethernet-based NC / Soft PLC interface and presents the customization of NC functions to specific machinery based on NC / Soft PLC interface's data structure.
Keywords: NC / Soft PLC interface, distributed control architecture, software controller, NC system configuring, control tasks.
Novel hi-tech metal processing solutions for Russia
The paper briefly presents DMG MORI's state-of-the-art products and services for various industrial applications to be exhibited at the forthcoming Metal Processing 2015 in Moscow.
Keywords: metal processing, control panel, visualization, additive manufacturing technology, comprehensive automation.
Sladkov D.V. Ensuring long-term accuracy in small- and medium-batch manufacturing
The paper discusses how to ensure machine tool's thermal stability, in particular, its feed drivers. It offers using linear displacement sensors as a possible solution.
Keywords: feed drivers, steel thermal expansion coefficient, high machining speeds, linear displacement sensors.
Vermel' V.D., Gubanov G.A., Deev K.A. Application of process dampers in automated manufacturing of low rigidity parts
The problem of low rigidity part vibration in process of its milling is discussed. The paper describes a system of process dampers with vacuum fixing as a versatile tool for timely vibration preventing. With several case studies of different parts cutting it demonstrates application advantages of the dampers developed.
Keywords: high-speed milling, low rigidity part's vibrations, damper, surface finish, machining accuracy.
Teleshevsky V.I., Sokolov V.A. Software correction of volumetric errors of multi-axis systems based on laser interference measurements
The paper discusses laser correction of geometric errors of multi-axis NC-systems (CMMs and machine-tools). The correction technique is based Kalman's observability and controllability concept. In order to observe a multi-axis system a versatile laser measuring system is used, which can measure machine's various spatial functions. Based on the measurements of a certain number of spatial functions, a systematic error map is developed in machine's workspace (more than 10,000 points in 40 seconds). A new method for generating correction strategy is offered. On its basis, a control program postprocessor is developed ensuring minimum volumetric errors over the whole workspace. Experimental results of volumetric error correction for 3-axis high-precision NC machines are included.
Keywords: multi-axis systems, volumetric accuracy, observation, control, laser measurements.
Martinova L.I., Stas' A.V., Grigoriev A.S. Automation of qualifying operations on machine tools equipped with AksiOMA Control NC systems
The paper substantiates the importance of automatic implementation of qualifying operations on machine tools. It presents algorithms and data structures for implementing the cycles of sensor calibration and part's accuracy parameters control in AksiOMA Control NC system.
Keywords: NC systems, operational inspection, calibration cycles, measurement sequences, billet quality control.
Gernot B. Taming of robots
Industrial robots are a usual attribute of present-day manufacture. However, until recently they were kept in isolated cells to avoid risks for nearby working people. By applying T?V-certified functional blocks B&R has improved robot operation safety up to the level enabling their application beside people.
Keywords: industrial robots, functional robots, limitation of tool center's velocity, tool's central point.
Kohnyuk R.V. Simulation and off-line programming of robotic complexes in RobotStudio environment
The paper presents the functionality of RobotStudio software environment intended for configuring and programming of ABB's robotic complexes.
Keywords: simulation, programming, configuring, robotic complexes, animation, wireless communication, 3D.
Journal's Club
To the 60
th anniversary of M.I. Pertsovsky: On the development of scientific habitat
Kryghin A.A. Practical optimization of planned maintenance schedules for simultaneously located heating system's fragments
The paper discusses a relevant problem of determining the optimal service life of an extended heating system's fragment. It offers a mathematical model and key algorithms developing optimal maintenance schedules for one and two simultaneously located extended pipeline's fragments. With the case study of four simultaneous fragments the calculation of optimal maintenance schedule is undertaken along with benefits evaluation.
Keywords: planned maintenance, heating systems, mathematical model, benefits.
Kruchinin A.Yu. Synthesizing barcode reader system for industrial production recording
The paper offers an approach to the synthesis of real-time industrial pattern recognition systems based on the selection of recognition control criteria. A case study of a pattern recognition system for production recording with the help of DataMatrix industrial codes reading is discussed.
Keywords: pattern recognition system, real time, recognition control, barcode, production recording automation.
Shatalov A.G. Internet of Things in real-life conditions
Omron Kusatsu factory improves productivity based on objective data
The paper presents an industrial system based on Sysmac NJ controller with SQL client, MS Big Data software, and Excel front end. The solution intended for real-time acquisition, processing and analysis of production data was implemented at Omron's instrument-making facility in Kusatsu.
Keywords: database, big data, controller, data acquisition, processing, and analysis, linear charts, optimization.
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