Поточный анализатор не позволит потоку богатств потеряться в песках расточительности.
Поточный анализатор не позволит потоку богатств потеряться в песках расточительности.
Kremnev D.E., Sonnykh M.V. Solutions from Bosch Group for continuous equipment health and energy consumption monitoring as a complex solution for Industry 4.0 implementation at an industrial plant
To implement Industry 4.0 concept, an engineering business needs a network infrastructure and a production model aimed at monitoring and analysis. Bosch Group responds to this challenge with a number of solutions, such as CISS multi-sensor device for detecting acceleration and environmental conditions, IoT Gateway for data acquisition, communication and interpretation, Production Performance Manager equipment health monitoring software, and Active Cockpit data visualization system.
Keywords: equipment health monitoring, energy consumption monitoring, network infrastructure, monitoring and analytical production model, visualization.
Koriath H.-J., Hoffmann M., Langer T. Digital engineering for machine tools and industrial equipment
New products from Fraunhofer IWU (Fraunhofer Institute of Machine-tools and Forming, Germany) and their application results are reviewed. The products include SmartStamp forming press monitoring system, an interference protection system for cutting machine's components during cutting operations, and dynamic scheduling of industrial robots' trajectories.
Keywords: monitoring system, CNC system, interference protection system, cutting machine, modeling, motion coordinates, optical inspection, robot training.
Kozak N.V., Nezhmetdinov R.A., Martinova L.I. Integration of logic control systems into "smart" production based on Industry 4.0 concept
The paper discusses the current development trends of industrial plant organization, analyzes logic control systems and their compliance with the Industry 4.0 concept. It offers an architectural model ща a logic control subsystem and a diagnosis task in a NC system with the capability of data communication to higher control levels for integration in a digital engineering plant. A case study of an oblique cutting-machine is included.
Keywords: logic control, controller, CNC, PLC, diagnosis subsystem, process, Industry 4.0, "smart" production.
Churanov S.A., Saidullin R.M. "Dispatcher" monitoring systems as a tool for improving equipment utilization and personnel efficiency
Functionality, features, and components of "Dispatcher" information system are discussed. A methodology of the system phased implementation at industrial sites is offered. A success story from Rosatom's subsidiary is included.
Keywords: monitoring system, maintenance, preventive maintenance, planning, control, analysis, analytics, production time, key performance indicators.
Vagransky V.A. Automation of control programs development by means of parametric technologies
An innovative approach to process design presumes the use of parametric technology. With the parametric modification of the original part model developed at the design phase, the cutting path and the associated control program (CP) are recalculated automatically. The application of this approach results in significant CP development time saving for the parts with underlying parametric basis.
Keywords: CNC, design, parametric technology, product lifecycle, path.
Martinova L.I., Stas' A.V., Kudinov O.A. Automation of workpiece position determination and monitoring in NC machines
The paper analyses the errors of prismatic workpiece setting on NC machine table and offers a procedure enabling the development of a measurement sequence for determining and monitoring of workpiece position during the cutting process. The measurement sequence development according to the procedure includes the generation of a mathematical model, a flowchart, a control program, and an operator's screen. The sequence was tested for adjusting workpiece position.
Keywords: CNC system, measurement sequences, operational inspection, workpiece position determination, workpiece position monitoring, measurement sequence model, measurement sequence flowchart, measurement sequence development procedure.
Pushkov R.L., Salamatin E.V., Evstafieva S.V. Practical aspects of high-level language application in CNC systems for group production implementation
The application of group technology in multiple machining is discussed. An example of group detail cutting is adduced, typical surfaces and variables are identified. AxiOMA Control CNC system enables the use of a high-level language for developing parametric programs and implementing multiple machining. A screens configuring mechanism for entering surface cycle parameters is developed.
Keywords: group technology, control program parametrization, control program for NC machine tools, CNC system, configurable screens.
Drozdov A.Yu., Denisova N.A., Doronin A.I., Vasyanin A.A. An information retrieval tooling system for single-part production
The paper discusses the structure of an information retrieval tool management system used at the tool storage center of CNC workshop of the pilot production of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Sarov, Russia). The system enables the recording of measuring and cutting tools and the time needed to their search.
Keywords: information tooling system, measuring and cutting tools, tools recording.
Alberti E.A. Industrial robots learn to "feel" like people and transfer skills: an inside look at the Successor new robot system
Key capabilities of the Successor new robot system from Kawasaki Heavy Industries are presented. The system allows to control a robot remotely with the imitation of real operating conditions. It enables the collaboration of a human individual and robots and opens up new opportunities for robot training such as skills transfer from experienced workers.
Keywords: robots, remote control, imitation, training, skills transfer.
Kovalenko E.I. Application outlook for collaborative robotics in Russia and CIS countries
Over the recent 10 years, the collaborative robotics market is growing by 40…50% per annum with higher growth rate in Asia as against Europe and USA. In CIS countries these technologies are just exploring the ground in production chains of industrial automation. The paper discusses key differences between cobots and traditional robotic centers, cobots' advantages, key trends and future of domestic collaborative robotics market, its growth drivers and constraints.
Keywords: collaborative robotics, industrial robots, automation, cobots.
Mikhailov V.N. Robot system for palletized cargo unloading and further shipment to conveyer line: application experience
A case study of robot system application for palletized glass jars unloading and further shipment to conveyer line is presented. The system's operation algorithms are described including product transportation and inspection.
Keywords: robot system, palletized cargo unloading, conveyor line, transportation, energy conservation.
Barakhtin A.N. ARKODIM low-cost manipulating robots
Design features and functionality of ARKODIM Cartesian console robots are discussed, application areas for such robots are outlined. The features of cabled and hybrid cabled robots and industrial hinged manipulating robots are described.
Keywords: Cartesian console robots, hinged industrial manipulating robot, cabled robot, hybrid cabled robot, control system, positioning accuracy.
Sokolova E.Yu., Bondareva A.S. Adaptive robot systems: development and application outlook
The paper presents ABAGY Robotic Systems, an automation tool for industrial robot systems.
Keywords: CAM system, cloud technologies, adaptive robot systems, real time, video cameras, 3D scanners.
Kovalenko A.V., Khloponin V.A. Key ways of current-density distribution in electronic beam in modern CNC systems
Present-day methods for arranging current-density distribution over electronic beam's section are discussed and analyzed from the viewpoints of information validity and the applicability of a method in modern CNC systems.
Keywords: CNC system, electronic beam, current-density distribution.
Vermel V.D., Gubanov G.A., Leontyev A.E., Chernyshov L.L. Specialized processing of cutter force measurement signals in high-speed milling on CNC machining centers
The paper examines algorithms and software implementation of a cutter force components estimator in high speed milling subject to cutter's impact on the work piece. The measurements were made with a multi-component dynamometer from Kistler (Switzerland).
Keywords: high speed milling, quartz crystal dynamometer, cutter force's and moment's components, cutter force components' frequency spectrum, processing algorithms, software implementation.
Martinov G.M., Grogoriev A.S., Kovalev I.A. Ann approach to the development cross-platform stand-alone automation controller based on the synthesis of its modules
The paper investigates the development of a programmable automation controller for applications not related with complex interpolation (packing, presses, etc.) The approach proposed enables the selection of a permissible minimum configuration of a hard-/software platform and applied software dependent on the control plant's spec and with reference to the runtime platform's computational capability and the number of components in the control program. An example of control system synthesis for a hydraulic cylinder is included.
Keywords: PLC, programmable automation controller, CNC, PC architecture, ARM architecture.
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