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#5 2019


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Creating a digital enterprise for discrete industries

Martinov G.M.  Digital manufacturing technologies compliant with Industry 4.0

The paper overview the key research directions of the Department of Computer Control Systems of STANKIN Moscow State Technical University in the field of digital production technologies according to the Industry 4.0 concept. The opportunity of using AxiOMA Control digital control platform as a framework for industrial automation is discussed. Several case studies are included with IIoT, Web technologies, OPC UA, full and augmented reality technologies.

Keywords: digital manufacturing, mechanical engineering, discrete manufacturing, OPC UA, IIoT, augmented reality.

Vermel' V.D., Deev K.A., Leontiev A.E., Nikolaev P.M., Pupchin V.A., Shardin A.O.  Tool feed rate correction in CNC milling of metals with increased cutting speed

Local changes of cutting tool coverage by the work material in СТС milling may result in the jump of cutting tool moments and forces thus decreasing tool life and machined surface quality. An algorithm is offered for automated local correction of feed rate per minute to minimize the influence of this effect on the milling process. The software implementation of the algorithm is based on the computational capability of modern video processors.

Keywords: milling, control program, tool feed rate correction.

Obukhov A.I., Yevstafieva S.V., Rybnikov S.V.  Architecture and implementation of a solid-state simulation system for real-time machining process

Control program visualization helps to avoid a lot of errors associated with tool positioning and reorientation, check the correct approach of the tool to the work piece, etc. This becomes especially relevant in multi-axis machining. At the same time, processing simulation functions are often performed by third-party software products rather than CNC systems due to the high cost of developing this application for CNC systems as well as the performance limitations of CNC hardware. A new approach to the construction of a solid-state simulation system for real-time machining process is offered enabling the simulation system to be implemented as part of the CNC system.

Keywords: machining process simulation, voxel model, sparse octree, digital twin of a part.

Martinova L.I., Fokin N.N.  An approach to the development of a unified programming system for CNC turn-milling machines in a dialogue mode

The problems of transferring finished control programs to various CNC racks are considered. Based on the analysis of the dialog programming tools, a unified form of recording the cycles of typical technological transitions for turning and milling processing has been developed. With the example of a cycle of deep drilling of an array of holes with the removal of a tool for chip breaking, a unified solution is demonstrated enabling the reuse of ready-made control programs on different machines and CNC racks.

Keywords: control program, CNC system, dialog programming, control program transfer, machine cycles, cycle parameters.

Martinova L.I., Kozak N.V., Stas' A.V.  Ensuring the accuracy of workpiece installation on CNC machines in automated production

An analysis of errors determined by the workpiece's position control cycle is undertaken. The process of measuring the accuracy of workpiece position on a CNC machine is described. A technique has been developed for using the workpiece position control cycle and adding new user elements. The application in the control program of a cycle for determining and controlling the position of workpiece's position on the table of a CNC machine is demonstrated.

Keywords: CNC system, workpiece position control, workpiece positioning, measuring cycles, cycle algorithm, mathematical model of a cycle, user screen of cycle.

Nikishechkin P.A., Chervonnova N.Yu., Nikich A.N.  Development a process monitoring system in the framework of the implementation of Industry 4.0 concept

Theoretical aspects of the development of process control and monitoring systems for industrial enterprises are discussed. The requirements to the system under development are formulated along with its functionality and basic design concepts. Basic process data blocks that need to be obtained and monitored in real time are systematized.

Keywords: process, monitoring, Industry 4.0, data acquisition, control, automation, CNC.

Pushkov R.L., Salamatin E.V., Evstafieva S.V.  Acquisition and visualization of equipment field data

The paper discusses the acquisition of operational data and technical parameters of a CNC system aimed at monitoring the correct use of equipment and the compliance with its work regulations. The system's own REST-server is used for data storage and processing.

Keywords: diagnostic data acquisition subsystem, data acquisition subsystem architecture, document-oriented database management systems.

Kovalev I.A., Nezhmetdinov R.A., Kvashnin D.Yu., Chekryzhov V.V.  Aggregation of information about process equipment operation using Industrial Internet of Things

The paper discusses an approach to the acquisition and aggregation of data from sensors located on heterogeneous process equipment using the principles of Industrial Internet of Things. Key analytical data processing platforms are reviewed. A case study of data acquisition from a planer-milling machine with their subsequent analytical processing in Microsoft Azure is included.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, CNC data acquisition, databases, cloud computing.

Kovalenko A.V.  A versatile CNC for additive process equipment and a flexible manufacturing system

The paper offers a block diagram of a unified CNC system for controlling various additive processes such as layered powder synthesis, surfacing with bar stock or wire, layered plate stock lamination, etc. The features of controlling various process impact sources, such as energy (laser emission sources, electron-beam power units), chemical (inkjet print heads), and mechanical (edge tools) are presented; their key parameters are analyzed and generalized.

Keywords: CNC system, additive technologies, flexible manufacturing system.

Balashova Yu.S., Vermel' V.D., Mamontov O.B., Ovsyannikov I.Yu., Podlesnov A.M., Shinyaev A.V.  Automation of design and manufacturing of articles in pilot and single-part production. A case study of aerodynamic model for wind tunnel test)

The paper discusses the automation of design and manufacturing at a specialized single-part production of aerodynamic aircraft models. The integrated information environment was developed which comprises all components of the job, their technical and organizational support under strong variability of work specifications, temporal, technical and labor constraints.

Keywords: pilot production, production engineering, automation of production control, integrated information system.

Kremnev D.E., Sonnykh M.V.  Collaborative robotic systems in the design of future production

The paper discusses the relevance of using collaborative robots (cobots) as assistants in various manufacturing operations at industrial sites. The capabilities of present-day collaborative robots are illustrated by the APAS solution from Bosch.

Keywords: collaborative robots, cobot, safety, axial force and torque transducers, sensing skin.

Klebanov E.A.  GIAS hard-/software complex: a modern tool for controlling mechanical assembly production

Lower equipment and staff downtime due to non-effective work organization at small-scale production results in higher efficiency. The paper describes GIAS hard-/software complex aimed at improving the productivity of setup personnel and thus reducing machinery outages.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, mechanical assembly production, information and analytical resources, outages, digitalization, small-scale production.

Simzikov S.А.  Digital design of CNC machinery

Siemens approach to the development and tuning of control systems for CNC machinery is based on virtual commissioning. The first stage of the process, the development of control system's hard-/software configuration (machine's commissioning archive) is examined in detail.

Keywords: virtual commissioning, control system configuration, machine archive, CNC.

Podzorov N.N., Bychkov M.G.  Modernization of multimotor drive system at a process unit

The paper discusses the modernization sequence and the results obtained for the automatic hot foil stamping machine. The machine is aimed at color foil coating from the printing block surface on the side face of various can lids.

Keywords: multi-axis motion controller, cyclic operation, positioning loop, CNC systems, mini and micro PLC.

Tyurin O.G., Golubev A.E., Kornelyuk O.A., Neznakhin D.Yu.  Robotic complexes for terminal operations in the production of ballistite articles

The paper describes the modernization of ballistite articles production by applying modern robotic systems at all phases of terminal operations. This allows to unify separate operations into a combined production system, withdraw the staff from danger areas, improve the capacity and product quality.

Keywords: robotic complex, machining, dimensions control, armoring.

Komissarov A.V., Kozhenkov V.A., Zaitsev S.A., Zakharov D.S., Shishkin V.V.  Developing the methodology of multivariate equivalent cycle test on the basis of HALT procedures for evaluating the durability of on-board radioelectronic equipment

The prediction of reliability indices is discussed along with a model of multivariate equivalent cycle test for evaluating the durability of on-board radioelectronic equipment. The test is based on HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) procedures. Test cyclograms are presented.

Keywords: HALT, multivariate equivalent cycle test, broadband random vibration, cyclic temperature change, test cyclogram, durability.

Journal's Club

Innovator in measurement, control, and inspection. To the 90th anniversary of V.Yu. Kneller


DMG MORI brings to Russia its advanced machine-building technologies, develops localized production, and provides automation solutions and technologies for additive manufacturing

DMG MORI demonstrates at Metalloobrabotka (Metalworking) 2019 Exhibition in Moscow its latest developments in the field of digitalization. These include CELOS interface and new DMG MORI machining cycles for localized ECOLINE machinery. Much attention is also paid to automation solutions such as Robo2Go and PH 150 pallet changing system as well as the additive manufacturing. The technology will be demonstrated on the LASERTEC 30 SLM 2nd generation machine. DMG MORI has rendered 45 CNC machines to WorldSkills 2019 championship that will take place in Kazan, Russia.

Keywords: metalworking, digital manufacturing, localization, Industry 4.0.

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