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#5 2020


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Creating a digital engineering plant

Aristova N.I.  Automation of assembly lines at Industry 4.0 level

The paper discusses potential benefits of IIoT, cloud technologies, big data, blockchain, supplemented and mixed reality, digital twins, pattern recognition, additive technologies and other innovations for industrial sites equipped with automated assembly lines. It discusses the role of human individual in Assembly 4.0 systems and describes the technologies improving ergonomical characteristic of operator workstations.

Keywords: assembly lines, Industrial Internet of Things, cloud technologies, big data, blockchain, supplemented and mixed reality, digital twins, pattern recognition algorithms, analytical platforms, additive technologies, ergonomics.

Martinov G.M., Pushkov R.L., Sokolov S.V., Obukhov A.I., Evstafieva S.V.  Numerical control of machinery with dynamically changing kinematics

The problems related with the changes of manufacturing machinery kinematics with the help of machine parameters are discussed. Machine parameters of a numerical control system contain the information about the number of channels and the axes related with the channels, their gearing diagrams, zero point, etc. Each NC configuration for a specific machine features its own set of machine parameters; switching to another set of parameter requires a cold start of the CNC system. The paper offers an approach to CNC system design enabling kinematic diagram reconfiguration according to machine kinematics changes with the help of high-level language for control programs.

Keywords: machinery with dynamically changing kinematics, CNC system, kinematic transformations, of high-level language for CNC system.

Kovalenko A.V.  Generalized control algorithms for electron beam and laser machining for a versatile СТС system

Key parameters of electron beam and laser machining processes are examined. The relationships between the parameters of both processes and their energy sources are shown. Comparative analysis of distinctive features of those parameters is undertaken, unified CNC schemes for the parameters are offered.

Keywords: CNC systems, electron beam machining, laser machining.

Klebanov E.A.  CNC system for Cyclomatic machine

The functionality of the CNC system for Cyclomatic machine is discussed. The paper shows how digital technologies change the persisting manufacturing organization system and affect the roles, qualification requirements and training of production personnel.

Keywords: CNC system for a machine, "intelligent" assistant, visualization tools, diagnostics, data acquisition and communication device, cloud environment

Martinova L.I., Kozak N.V., Kovalev I.A., Lyubimov A.B.  Developing health monitoring toolkit for CNC machine

The software kernel structure aimed at CNC machine health monitoring is outlined. The algorithms for data acquisition during machine operation are described. Data acquisition, aggregation, and processing structure based on IIoT, cloud computing and storage is offered. Examples of data acquisition and analysis for a five-axis milling machine center are included.

Keywords: CNC kernel, software components, machine health, digital manufacturing, data acquisition algorithms, data acquisition gateway.

Yunak I.Yu.  Tool control system for metalworking manufacturing

The paper shows the importance of tool control system and its integration in the unified information space of discrete manufacturing plant. It discusses the variants of production process organization enabling tools accounting with/without tool control systems. A Siemens solution for tools accounting is presented along with the integrated approach to the automation of a discrete metalworking factory.

Keywords: tool control system, unified information space of an enterprise, traceability, identification, adaptive cutting system.

Zharov M.V.  Simulation modeling of machine-shop workspace

AnyLogic is a simulation software suite for instrument-making and engineering and machine-building factories. The paper examines its possible application for workspace simulation aimed at production optimization, workshop and work cell reconstruction and reorganization, and the development of new workshops and cells in batch production conditions.

Keywords: simulation modeling, production process organization, batch production, machine-shop, work sequence, manufacturing scheme, production process optimization.

Klyuev E.M.  Autodesk: digital technologies for plastic industry

The relevance of plastic-based diecasting for manufacturing high-production runs of articles is shown. The paper proposes to use Autodesk Moldflow software suite for improving diecasting process performance. The designer imports a 3D article model to Moldflow from any CAE system, selects the material, configures gating and cooling systems, specifies the rest of necessary data for calculation, and analyzes the spillability. Examples of effective faults removal with the help of Autodesk Moldflow are cited.

Keywords: diecasting, plastic, 3D article model, CAE, gating system configuring, spillability analysis.

Sergeev A.I., Ivanov P.V., Kondusova V.B., Kondusov D.V.  Automated validation of NC codes

The problem of NC code validation is discussed. The paper offers a solution based on the comparative analysis of a 3D model of the article developed as a G-code with the help of the NC code along with the original 3D model underlying the NC code.

Keywords: CAM system, visual validation, NC code, CNC, 3D model, toolpath geometry.

Podzorov N.N., Osipov O.I., Afanasiev Yu.A.  Gear hobbers modernization based on motion controller

The paper analyzes the requirements to electric drives of a rolling-type gear hobber with continuous division, which manufactures spur, helical, and worm gears. A new structural pattern of the hobber with interconnected electric drive is developed that enables electronic synchronization of positional electric drives. A procedure for calculating the driving power of gear hobbers allowing for their operation specificity is created and tested. The structure of drive control system is offered for the hobber's interconnected electric drive. The transition from group electric drive to the interconnected individual one significantly decreases both the machine downtime during single-part production and the professional requirements to machine operator.

Keywords: motion controllers, positioning controllers, CNC systems, mini PLC, micro PLC, electric drive, gear hobber.

Abakumov E.M., Kozhevnikov N.O., Kazanbekov S.B., Reshetnikov I.S.  Infoware of workstations at instrument-making plant

The paper discusses the dissemination of electronic information at the plant floor of an instrument-making factory which combines the engineering of complex items with multiproduct single-part and small-quantity discrete production. The structure of an information system for production personnel support is offered, the functionalities of its modules are outlined. The advantages of applying such system at the plant floor are discussed.

Keywords: Infoware of a workstation, technical documentation, decision-making support system, production personnel, paperless production, workflow management system.

Tyurin O.G., Kornelyuk O.A., Neznakhin D.Yu., Bobrovsky A.A., Akulin V.V., Palochkin K.A.  Development experience of a robot system for pyrotechnic elements production

The paper reviews the challenges of a modern pyrotechnic production and a robot system developed to overcome them. The system enables the control of reed output rate and the cutting length of pyrotechnic items produced by unmanned online pressing as well as their automatic sorting. Solution architecture and key functionality are described.

Keywords: robot system, machine vision system, unloading, dispersing machine, sorting.

Sytov E.V., Vorotnikov S.A., Reznitsky M.A.  A robot system for oil and fat products palletizing. Design experience

The paper presents a robot system for boxed oil and fat products palletizing with the help of a palletizing robot and conveying equipment. The system exempts the personal from hard work, improves the palletizing quality, and eliminates the errors caused by human factor. The robot system control algorithm is based on Petri networks and finite automata. The functional principle of the robot system and its control structure are presented. The solution operability was checked through the simulation in Fanuc RoboGuide environment. The results of its application at EFKO JSC site, Russia are included.

Keywords: palletizing of boxes, robot system, palletizing robot, Petri networks, finite automata, simulation.

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