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#5 2023


Reshetnikov I.S., Kuznetsov A.Yu.  Manufacturing data model development as per IEC 62264 and the design of integration

The paper discusses the application of basic concepts of ISA-95 (GOST R IEC 62264) standard in data model design for the development of corporate and manufacturing information systems. It provides the concepts of basic models operations, methodological approaches to data model formation. An example model describing materials in discrete space is examined, key approaches to model design ensuring its versatility and adaptivity are illustrated.

Keywords: data model, standardization, materials and material flows description, discrete production.

Balashova K.V., Semenova E.G., Smirnova M.S., Ivakin Ya.A.  Key approaches of risk management to the detection, assessment, hedging, and localization, of dataware quality deterioration risks

The development of state-of-the-art advanced tools for supporting science-intensive production is an expensive and resource-demanding process. The paper substantiates the relevance of developing scientific tools for complex assessment, hedging, and localization of risks associated with the deterioration of dataware of training systems for control room operators because of the integration of interactive electronic manuals. The functional model of qualitative risk assessment is presented in the numerical form be means of soft computing. Qualitative risks are transferred into quantitative ones by appropriate scaling of possible change ranges of the values of these estimates. Color differentiation of risk levels in digital risk assessment matrices is implemented.

Keywords: risk management, dataware quality, risk assessment matrix.

Seroshtanov D.A., Strelkov V.V.  Developing the appearance of a versatile bench with aircraft’s dynamics model and control handles

The paper discusses the structural appearance of an advanced versatile bench for a prespecified list of flight dynamics tasks of an aircraft operated by a pilot. Multifunctionality is a key requirement, which allows to use the bench both as a stand-alone unit and within complex simulation systems. Another important requirement is the usage of standard commercial hardware and software.

Keywords: simulation, bench, structure, appearance, equipment configuration, control handles, aircraft dynamics model.

Potapov E.S., Semenova E.G.  A procedure for automated inspection of complex contoured surfaces in radio industry

The paper offers a procedure for processing experimental data of complex contoured surface inspection by means of coordinate-measuring machine. The data are approximated with a second-order surface. The surface is located by converting to canonical form. The procedure enables the estimation of the deviation of the surface under inspection from the specified profile.

Keywords: coordinate metrology, approximation, theory of quadratic forms, second order surfaces, complex contoured surface.

Dobrynin S.L., Burkovsky V.L.  Algorithms for preliminary processing of machine vision images for detection and classification of defects of FDM 3D-printing

The defects of FDM 3D-printing are analyzed and categorized as the ones caused by extrusion, adhesion, surface, and geometry. An algorithm for preliminary processing of printing images on the basis of machine vision is developed. The algorithm includes image capture using digital microscope and digital camera, calculation of external and internal characteristics of the digital camera, elimination of distortion effects, selecting the area of interestб color conversion of RGB palette to GRAY, equalization of the histogram of the image captured by the digital microscope, adaptive equalization of the histogram of the image captured by the digital camera, filtration using the convolution of the image with the filter specified by 2D Gauss function, projective transformation of the image captured by the digital camera for finding the virtual top view in the XY plane and the virtual side views in XZ and YZ planes that enables the detection and classification of more defects as against image capture in a single plane only.

Keywords: additive production, 3D-printing, fused deposition modeling method (FDM), detection and classification of defects, preliminary image processing, machine vision.

Kovalenko A.V.  The control of energy sources of technological impacts in additive manufacturing

A brief classification of additive processes is provided. The processes with energy sources of technological impact such as laser beam, electron beam, and electric arc are pointed out. Control features of each parameter of these energy sources are discussed. Control algorithms for these sources are generalized, the ways of their hardware implementation are offered.

Keywords: additive technologies, process equipment, control system.

Martinov G.M., Polykov K.V.  Monitoring of multi-channel NC machining through OPC UA protocol with the help of Node-RED toolkit

The monitoring of multichannel NC machining through the OPC UA protocol is discussed. A structural model of data acquisition, visualization and storage for multichannel processing is offered. Practical issues of remote monitoring terminal development with the help of Node-RED tools are illustrated.

Keywords: NC system, process data monitoring, OPC UA protocol, multichannel machining.

Ogorodnikov A.I.  Distributed CAD system in a private cloud

Mechanical engineering projects are implemented by student teams in a private university cloud with the help of ASKON software. Dispense programming infrastructure is developed. The license server is deployed on a virtual machine and PostgreSQL project database management system is tuned. A standard electronic structure of the article is created in the cloud for a six-axis robot manipulator with reference to the mechatronic composition of the design object. Hierarchical representation of electronic documents in the article’s electronic structure enables the multivariant design of industrial robots by undergraduates with the help of state-of-the-art concepts and digital technologies.

Keywords: computer-aided design, industrial robot, distributed system, virtual machine, private cloud, information security.

Razumov D.A., Malyshev V.V.  A procedure for multicriteria optimization of project portfolio of large complex systems

Program or project portfolio management in a major company requires the tools providing timely information for optimal decision-making. The approaches are not free from drawbacks such as the dependency on experts’ subjectivity and on the complicated, long-term, and ambiguous procedure of expert knowledge formalization. The paper offers an approach to surmount this challenge.

Keywords: decision-making support, multicriteria analysis, project portfolio balancing, recursive algorithm, monitoring.

Larin S.I., Bil’danov Raf.G., Bil’danov Rad.G., Sel’tsov E.V.  Structural-functional representation of ontological modeling platform for preproduction engineering

A platform for ontological modeling of preproduction engineering is offered, which ensures automated preparation of the necessary technological information. The platform’s structure and functionality are outlined. For platform users, a software system named ontological data mart is developed, which implements the functions needed by various user groups.

Keywords: preproduction engineering, repository, ontological modeling, business process.

Chikhladze Z.D., Brom A.E.  Simulation modeling of maintenance and repair of technical equipment at its operation sites

The paper substantiates the relevance of developing a simulation model for the process of maintenance and repair of technical equipment at its operation sites. The companies rendering such services face the need for headcount optimization. The problem is caused by the difficulties of complex forecasting in the conditions of the variety of uncertainties and scenarios. The study aims at the development of tools enabling the prediction of the number of specialists needed for timely field maintenance and repair activities. A simulation technique is offered which allows to produce various scenarios quickly and cost-effectively and predict the necessary resources. The study result is a simulation model of operation, maintenance and repair of equipment at its operation sites, which enables optimization experiments of both various stages and the whole process.

Keywords: maintenance and repair, simulation modeling, optimization, equipment maintenance at its operation sites, linguistic variables, fuzzy logic in process simulation.

Alexandrov A.A., Balashova Yu.S., Mamontov O.B., Ovsyannikov I.Yu., Podlesnov A.M., Tereshin S.V., Khardin A.I., Shariy A.V.  Hard-/software system for NC equipment monitoring based on 1C: Enterprise platform

The paper discusses a hard-/software system for monitoring the load of NC machinery manufacturing aerodynamic aircraft models for wind-tunnel experiments. The system monitors machinery status: machining as per the control program, tuning and workpiece positioning, machine off or failed. The monitoring information is used for the preparation of reports on equipment loading, for scheduling job allocation over the available machinery, and for updating production schedule and plans.

Keywords: pilot production, NC equipment, equipment monitoring, NC equipment control, production automation with NC equipment.

Izybaev D.A.  Automation of incoming feed monitoring in 1C:ERP with the help of Quality Control module

The paper discusses the functionality of Quality Control module aimed at the automation of incoming feed quality monitoring and its further usage in the production process. The module can be built in the user’s existing accounting system based on 1C:ERP 2.5 as its subsystem.

Keywords: incoming feed quality monitoring, automation, quality control.

Kazachkov A.G.  Warehouse automation: struggle for independence

In order to integrate heterogeneous hard- and software into a unified warehouse automation system, the paper proposes to develop a software adapter to the interfaces of all systems that need to be connected. Case studies are discussed, the potential of the approach proposed is emphasized.

Keywords: warehouse, control system, adapter, software interface.

Industrial Automation Companies

NC systems from Syntec Technologies: advanced cost-effective technologies without limits

The paper discusses key development trends of Syntec Technologies (China): five-axis NC systems and a software platform ensuring the integration of heterogeneous equipment into a unified manufacturing ecosystem.

Keywords: NC systems, five-axis system, integration, controllers, smart manufacturing.

Technologies improving the accuracy of KUKA robots

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