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#6 2014


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Numerical control and robot systems surmount present-day industrial challenges


Grigoriev S.N., Martinov G.M.  Tuning and diagnosis of metal-cutting machines using Web technologies

Improving manufacturing competitiveness requires shorter machine tool outages and timely preventive maintenance. Special stand-alone or NC-embedded toolkits for tuning machine tool drives and diagnosing inputs and outputs of relay ladder logic system respond to this challenge. Application of present-day Web technologies in control system software design enables remote tuning and diagnosis from machine tool vendor's fault-finding center. Geometric and logical control functions are the first ones to be diagnosed. An approach to building diagnosis tools based in virtual instruments integrated in a Web browser is offered.

Keywords: numerical control, digital oscilloscope, Fourier transform, vector graphics, XSLT.

The features of industrial control system design: PLC- and PC-based architectures

Industrial automation solutions based on conventional and soft PLCs are compared subject to the following criteria: operation mode, reliability, maintenance, hardware, information security, security system, programming convenience. These issues are exemplified with Bosch Rexroth solutions.

Keywords: PLC, industrial computer, operation mode, reliability, maintenance, security, programming.

Kudinov A.C.  Sinumerik 840D solution line and industrial robots: their interaction tuning techniques

The paper discusses various techniques for tuning the interaction of industrial robots and machine tools furnished with Sinumerik 840D sl numerical control system.

Keywords: NC machine tool, robot, compiled cycles, unified robot control environment, PLC.

Martinov G.M., Kozak N.V., Abdullaev R.A., Kovalev I.A.  The design of the custom distributed control system for VMG 50 precision machining center

The paper discusses the design of the custom distributed control system for VMG 50 precision machining center for super large component parts. Machine control system structure is presented. Implementation features of multiple-axis machining, PLC interaction and multiterminal control are examined.

Keywords: NC system, control system structure, multiple-axis machining, multiterminal control, NC/PLC interface.

Obukhov A.I., Martinova L.I., Sokolov S.V., Grigoriev A.S.  The design of a custom control system for a layer-by-layer laser synthesis unit

The paper overviews the hard- and software structure of a layer-by-layer laser synthesis unit for powder materials. It offers a modular architecture for a custom control system using the components of the standard AxiOMA Control platform for NC systems. Based on the architecture proposed, a control system for a domestic layer-by-layer laser synthesis unit is developed. General investigation results of layer-by-layer laser synthesis technology obtained with the help of the developed control system are included.

Keywords: custom NC control system, layer-by-layer laser synthesis, hard-/software components, modular architecture.

Nezhmetdinov R.A., Pushkov R.L., Yevstafieva S.V., Martinova L.I.  The design of a custom control system for multi-axis turn mill centers

The paper analyzes various layouts of turn mill centers and identifies their merits and drawbacks. It examines the kinematic diagram of a machining center with oblique layout and formulates key requirements to CNC system. A design of a custom NC system for multi-axis turn mill centers based on the standard AxiOMA Control platform. An application example is included.

Keywords: machining center with oblique layout, NC system, network architecture, EtherCAT protocol.

Plikhunov V.V., Kovalenko A.V.  Siemens SINUMERIK 840D CNC system as an automation framework for a state-of-the-art aircraft building plant

The paper examines the reuse of a single CNC model on various process equipment types and lists the key requirements to such system. At adduces examples of Siemens SINUMERIK 840D application with state-of-the-art process equipment.

Keywords: control system, NC, process equipment, drive, adaptation.

Solutions for metal-working automation based on Fagor CNC systems

New technologies from Fagor Automation implemented in 8065 CNC system are presented. Examples and performance data of machine tools equipped with 8065/60 CNC systems are adduced.

Keywords: NC systems, programming technology, interface, adaptation, volumetric compensation.

Warmbold J.  Robotized handling at KUKA Roboter GmbH domestic manufacture

A solution implemented by KUKA Roboter GmbH domestic robot manufacture is briefly overviewed. A KUKA robot loads and unloads parts to/from a machine tool processing KUKA KR QUANTEC robot components.

Keywords: robot, machining center, NC machine tool, finished product feedback.

Fomin E.I., Nikishechkin P.A.  Practical aspects of domestic STANKIN NC numeric control system application

The paper justifies the necessity of developing an integrated domestic NC system comprising both software and all hardware components. It outlines the architecture and key components of the domestic STANKIN NC system. An example of its application in a machining center for graphite electrodes is adduced.

Keywords: turnkey NC system, control system architecture, graphite processing control.

Supervisory control system for horizontal and vertical turning machines

The paper discusses key capabilities of a supervisory control system enabling quick machining program development by entering parameters from a blueprint. The system is based on Mitsubishi Electric NC tools and is intended for horizontal and vertical turning machines.

Keywords: supervisory control system, part machining program, parameter entry from blueprint.

Vechkanova O.A.  Innovative solutions for industrial automation based on state-of-the-art MELFA robots

Performance attributes, features and application fields of MELFA robots with 2-20 kgf capacity for vertical (RV-F) or horizontal (RH-FH - SCARA) handling from Mitsubishi Electric are outlined.

Keywords: industrial robots, manipulator, inverter, servodrive, handling capacity.

Development and implementation of new machining techniques

The paper briefly overviews new machining techniques developed by DSP subsidiary of Delcam. These include adaptive machining technology, accuracy control with precision contact sensors, trochoidal milling strategy.
Keywords: machining, adaptiveness, accuracy control, trochoidal machining, sensor.

SPRINT high-speed scanning system from Renishaw for CNC machines

Features, characteristics and application fields of SPRINT high-speed scanning system comprising OSP60 sensor, data acquisition tools and applied software, are outlined.

Keywords: NC machine tools, touch probing, adaptive processing, scanning system.

Automated hardware configuring in System Designer Automation Studio

Hardware setup and configuring in control systems has been traditionally done manually; such approach is time consuming and fraught with errors. B&R's System Designer software addresses this challenge: it enables automatic adding of devices to a project with all their settings.

Keywords: hardware configuring, ergonomics, HMI, control system.

Kruchinin A.Yu.  Real-time identification of extended object's state with learning

The paper offers a model of a pattern recognition control system operating in real time with learning. The model enables the adjustment of pattern recognition system's parameters to the current phase of the extended object investigation. Case studies from geophysical investigations of wells and car number recognition are included.

Keywords: pattern recognition system, automated control system, real time, pattern-recognizing control, learning, extended object, recognition validity estimation.

Omel'chenko S.V., Petrushenko S.Yu., Yendiyarov S.V.  A monitoring system for charge blending process

The paper overviews key capabilities of a software suite intended for monitoring and supervision of charge blending in metallurgy. The monitoring system is aimed at the quality improvement of loose material stacking.

Keywords: monitoring, blending, 3D visualization, modeling, decision-making support.

Kulakov I.V., Kumov S.P., Denisenko M.V.  Automation of instrumentation maintenance management

The paper discusses the challenges of instrumentation maintenance at industrial sites, the reasons for considering this activity as an isolated business process, approaches to maintenance and the opportunities of using available software tools at various phases of maintenance automation system lifecycle.

Keywords: monitoring, blending, 3D visualization, modeling, decision-making support.

Journal’s Club

To the 100th anniversary of Professor E.G. Dudnikov (1914-2002)


Innovative solutions from Ventyx

Key events of Ventyx World 2014 user conference are overviewed.

Keywords: production asset management, software, basic assets planning, resource-demanding industries, stock recording.

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