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#6 2024


To the 85th anniversary of V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Discussing a Topic…

Developments of the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS for industrial automation


Saveliev M.Yu., Anosov A.A., Baulin E.S., Gorodnova M.V.  Developing integrated automatized management systems for oil refining and petrochemical plants

The problem of end-to-end management of a continuous production such as a refinery or a petrochemical complex is examined. The paper emphasizes the existing gap between the systems addressing different subtasks at various management and control levels and discusses the approaches to the integration of models for such systems. It proposes an approach to the design of the end-to-end multilevel management and outlines the primary development tasks for integrated automated production management systems. A case study of a pilot implementation at a refinery is included.

Keywords: current management, calendar management, operating management, integrated automated production management systems, integrated object model, integrating control loop, end-to-end management.

Shtakin D.V., Snegiryov O.Yu., Torgashov A.Yu.  Soft sensor development based on small training sample for quality control of hydrocracker’s fractionator products

The paper discusses the improvement of the accuracy of soft sensors of anti-wear properties and flammability indicators of hydrocracker fractionator’s products in small training sample conditions. It offers a soft sensor development technique for product properties not related with volatility. The technique includes an algorithm for small sample expansion with reference to the introduced sparsity index. The method’s effectiveness is demonstrated as against the approaches to soft sensor development without training sample extension or with its extension but not allowing for sparsity index. Kinematic viscosity of mid distillate at 40 0C and kerosene flash point in a closed crucible were chosen for comparison.
Keywords: soft sensor, small sample, sparsity, sample expansion, neural network, rectification, volatility indicators, indicators of anti-wear properties, flammability indicators.

Pashchenko F.F., Hieu T.D.  Novel adaptive simulation and control methods for technical systems

Recursive adaptive methods for identification and control of technical systems have been being developed in the Institute of Control Sciences for years. The paper discusses new generalized adaptive and regularized generalized algorithms for system parameter estimation based on the observations of system’s input and output signals. It shows the applications of these algorithms in the development of training simulators in power industry and in decision support systems.

Keywords: adaptive methods, simulation and control methods, technical systems, identification.

Aristova N.I., Chadeev V.M., Yakimova O.A  Human-centered approach to flexible production control

Digitalization minimizes the role of human factor in production systems, a human individual can work more creatively in better conditions. This means a stronger human focus along with the technical one. In the Institute of Control Sciences RAS, a methodology of flexible production engineering has been developed for various articles, including automata, for a variety of operation conditions given the probabilities of high-quality execution of production steps. The paper notes that flexible production can be implemented only under digitalization conditions. Methods and algorithms proposed can be adjusted flexibly to production environment and help an operations engineer to make decisions on the possibility and expediency of production launching. As further development of this approach, the paper substantiate the relevance of developing a unified formalized approach to the investigation of human labor organization at flexible production sites. It shows that the probability of high-quality and timely production step implementation can be a component of a formal description along with the probability of retaining the required working qualities throughout the professional career. The probabilities can be evaluated using the results of computerized training of employees as well as personnel monitoring surveys.

Keywords: self-reproduction in industry, automaton, human-centered, technocentric, flexible production, probability of intended work time use.

Menn A.A.  New tasks of transport mobility control

The paper offers a concept of transport services in big cities and the principles of mobility control, which provide an optimistic outlook for overcoming the crisis of traffic jams and environmental pollution. The concept presumes a gradual refusal of private car utilization either within city borders or for farther journeys in favor of on-demand transportation services. The design technology of information systems needed for change implementation is discussed. The time of the advent of on-demand transportation era is evaluated. The necessary transport services are discussed as well as regulatory impacts of administrations at various levels needed for surmounting the prevailing opinions about preferable ways of transportation.

Keywords: transport, mobility, service, information systems, transport services, city, on-demand transportation.

Bazenkov N.I., Zhilyakova L.Yu.  Models of complex network systems with heterogeneous agents

The paper presents two heterogeneous dynamic network models. The network nodes are complex elements with internal structure and the ability to transmit and receive various type of signal from a pre-specified set. One more feature of the nodes is the ability to generate signals in the absence of external excitation. The first model describes heterochemical interactions of biological neurons in small ensembles and the generation of rhythmic activity, the second one describes the propagation of several types of information among social network users. Notwithstanding the different objects of study, the have a number of common properties that enables the application of similar formalisms for the modeling of dynamics in such systems.

Keywords: dynamic network models, heterogeneous networks, neuronal ensembles, heterochemical ensembles, social networks.

Vytovtov K.A., Barabanova E.A., Novochadova A.V., Gradkikh T.Ya.  Identification of oil pollutions of water surface with the help of UAV

The paper presents research results in the field of environmental monitoring related with the identification of the oil pollution of water surfaces. It proposes an identification method based on the processing of images from multispectral UAV cameras in Neva geoinformation system. For the analysis of multispectral photos, a preliminary spectral analysis is undertaken, which provides the necessary indices of spectral radiance factors. Further application of machine learning techniques improves the identification accuracy.

Keywords: multispectral survey, spectral analysis, spectral radiance factor, geoinformation system, machine learning.

Vytovtov K.A., Barabanova E.A., Ivanov M.G.  Local radar navigation system for tethered high-rise platforms

The paper describes the design concept of a Local radar navigation system for tethered high-rise platforms in the 800 MHz – 5.8 GHz frequency range. The system’s key feature is its independence of global satellite navigation systems as well as its noise and suppression immunity and low observability in the radio frequency range. Technical features of radar angle tracking systems are examined, practical results of developing a locator beacon for such system are presented.

Keywords: local navigation system, passive radar system, tethered high-rise platform, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), triangulation method.

Popad’ko V.E., Barashkin R.L.  The cooperation of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University and the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The paper briefly overviews the history of the Chair of Process Automation of the I.M. Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University and outlines the projects implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Control Sciences.

Keywords: cooperation, virtual plant, training simulator classroom.

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