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#6 2017


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Programmable logic controllers

Itskovich E.L.  Development trends of industrial controllers and their advanced functionalities

The paper points out and discusses key development trends and advanced functionalities of industrial controllers that users should take into account when choosing a controller for a specific application. It analyzes the impact of these properties on controller's lifecycle.

Keywords: controllers, structure chart, state-of-the-art controller functionality, standardization, safety. Internet of things.

Barmin A.V.  SLIO PLC from VIPA: further evolution of SPEED7 technology

By the end of 2013 VIPA has launched its first SLIO Series processor modules thus enabling the transformation of industry-proven distributed I/O system of the same name into a full control system. Like their earlier fellows from the System 300S Series, the SLIO modules are based on the proprietary SPEED7 technology, which has also underwent its further evolution. The second generation of processor modules with significantly improved performance and functionality has appeared in 2016. The paper examines the feature properties and functionality of the second generation SLIO Series modules.

Keywords: PLC, I/O modules, speed, processor module, computational core, memory module, communication interfaces.

Pakhomov D.A.  Next generation ControlEdge controllers

The improved ControlEdgeTM PLC enables effective integration with Honeywell Experion DCS and third-party HMI and devices. The usage of industry-accepted programming languages meeting IEC 61131-3 requirements along with remote tuning and microprocessor software update functions save configuring efforts.

Keywords: PLC, redundancy, universal I/O system, OPC-UA protocol, information security, integration.

Smaghin V.S., Kharisova N.N.  PACSystems RX3i Series CPE400 controller: the summit of control optimization

Key performance data and functionality of the new PACSystems RX3i Series CPE400 controller from by GE are presented. The controller enables the integration of industrial Internet technologies with conventional control systems.

Keywords: controller, cloud technologies, cybersecurity, protected data communication, distributed control system.

Productivity2000: a controller with unique integrability

The paper discusses the functionality and features of a new small-size programmable automation controller family from the Productivity series.

Keywords: PLC, computational resources, communication capabilities, controller programming, integration.

Yemelyanov S.A.  Unitronics PLC-based system for automatic preparation of well sealing liquid with specified density

Functionality and performance data of Vision570TM PLC and Unitronics M91 Series mini PLC are presented. A control system for automatic preparation of well sealing liquid with specified density based on Unitronics products is briefly described.

Keywords: PLC, operator panel, control point, distributed control system.

Sobol' N.G.  Modicon M580 - A worthy successor of the glorious past

Performance data and functionality of Modicon M580 are presented. The paper shows that Modicon M580 along with the new version of Unity Pro programming environment, X80 remote I/O system, and PlantStruxure PES automation platform have all properties demanded by Industry 4.0.

Keywords: PLC, Ethernet, programming environment, compatibility, redundancy.

Stolyarov Yu.S.  IoTA Controls: at the turn of Internet of things and traditional process controls

The paper discusses key performance attributes of a controller included in the novel domestic product - IoTA Controls hard-/software system. Featured properties of the system's software are described.

Keywords: automation of buildings, controller, Internet of things, FBD, API, mobile application, cloud service, scheduling, SCADA, HTML5, Business Intelligence.

Borisov G.B.  Komega hard-/software system from the Moscow factory of thermal automatics (MZTA)

The architecture of Komega - the enhancement of Kontar hard-/software system, is presented. Performance data of the system's modules are listed, its software is described.

Keywords: freely programmable controller, integrated development environment, SSL-encryptionб OPC, cloud technologies, Web access, mobile dispatcher.

Brodsky V.V.  The S Series of ONI programmable logic controllers

Key performance data and functionality of ONI S Series controllers are presented. The paper discusses the results of the trial operation of S Series controller comprising the PLC-S-CPU-0806 processor module and the PLC-S-EXA-0202 extension module for two analog inputs and two analog outputs.

Keywords: PLC, testing, controller programming environment, modularity.

Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V. BASIS-RITM and BASIS-14 controllers: A brief introduction

The paper briefly reviews new BASIS Series products: BASIS-RITM and BASIS-14 intrinsically safe thin-route controller families.

Keywords: controllers, regulatory controllers, recorders, ESD controllers, dust ignition protection, intrinsic safety.

Titova Yu.N.  Simbi-10 versatile controller for semi-automation

Simbi-10 single-block programmable controller for semi-automation systems is presented. Its functionality, features, and application fields are described.

Keywords: programmable controller, universal channels, PID control, teleautomatics, development environment, regulatory controllers.

AGAVA PLC-40 programmable logic controller

Valyunin K.K.  OWEN programmable logic controllers

The paper reviews the evolution of OWEN controllers manufactured by OWEN LLC from 2006. It describes the functionality and performance data of the new OWEN PLC210 controller and discusses its interaction with OwenCloud service.

Keywords: PLC, cloud service, Ethernet, I/O modules, computational resources.

Kuznetsov A.G.  TIA Portal ver. 14 integrated software development environment offers new opportunities

The evolution trends of TIA Portal integrated software development environment are discussed. New basic and optional functions of TIA Portal are examined.

Keywords: integrated development environment, software, controllers, Industry 4.0, integration.

Varlamov I.G.  New technologies in the world of programmable controllers

With the example of MasterSCADA 4D the paper discusses the use of new information technologies implemented in present-day SCADA systems for controller programming.

Keywords: SCADA system, visualization, PLC, cross-platformб Internet technologies, two-layer project structure.

Petrov I.V.  On the evolution of controller software

Key development lines of controller software are formulated with the focus on software protection and security. The paper reveals the automation paradox: the cheaper is the controller, the more expensive are its development and maintenance.

Keywords: controller software, cybersecurity, paradox, communication tools, Industry 4.0.

Chernyakov D.Yu.  Automation Studio and mapp technology

The paper lists the advantages of the integration of mapp technology based on modular software blocks and the Automation Studio development environment.

Keywords: development environment, integration, programming, design, configuring.

Journal's Club

Round Table: on the evolution of programmable controllers

The development of science and technology affects all areas of human activity including industrial automation. The recent years demonstrate the explosion of information technologies influencing controllers' architecture, modularity, communication tools, and software. Controller functionality has changed as a whole. The evolution of automation tools and systems has resulted in the advent of Industry 4.0 technology aimed at the development of digital manufacturing. The current PLC market situation is discussed in the form of a virtual round table.

Keywords: programmable controllers, I/O modules, processor, redundancy, Industry 4.0, algorithms, intelligent functions, communication tools.

Chupriyanov A.A.  On the present and future controllers

The influence of the evolution of present-day information technologies on PLCs' structural, computational, communication, and reliability characteristics is shown. Promising PLCX market trends are outlined.

Keywords: PLC, I/O modules, fault-tolerance, open code, integration.

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