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#6 2018

Cover Story: Human factor in industrial automation

Gilfanov R.R., Vasiliev A.B., Mokhnatkin I.V., Dozortsev V.M., Agafonov D.V.  Operator training system for Prirazlomnaya oil platfrom

The full-scale operator training system (OTS) for Prirazlomnaya oil platform is described. Specific requirements to the functionality and design of an OTS for an offshore ice-resistant platform are analyzed. Process engineering issues that can be resolved with the help of the simulation model. Further development of the OTS is discussed in view of the platform's increasing oil production.

Keywords: offshore ice-resistant fixed platform, process, operator training system, user interfaces, field operator, virtual reality, virtual tours, panoramic field operator's interface.

Kuravsky L.S., Yuriev G.A., Belyaeva O.B., Prokopieva O.Yu.  Assessing pilotage skills and psychophysiological state of flight personnel per video-oculography data

The paper presents a concept of flight personnel diagnostics based on aircraft simulator data. The background for this approach is the representation of pilot's look motion as a continuous-time Markovian process. Predictive model identification and model validation are discussed as well as the design of an estimator of subject's proximity to references related with different diagnostic groups.

Keywords: video-oculography, Markovian model, multi-factor Markov network, diagnostics, aircraft simulator, factor analysis.

Mironova A.S.  Structural knowledge assessment methods and their application to process operator training

The paper describes the existing methods for structural knowledge (SK) assessment and application to training. It discusses the SK processing phases and the available approaches such as the retrieval of primary data about the knowledge, processing and assessment of the retrieved knowledge, and the development of SK-based feedback during the course of the training. The specificity of process operators work is outlined; the paper focuses on how each of the approaches described works in the context of this specificity. A new approach to SK assessment allowing for the features of operator activities is expounded.

Keywords: structural knowledge, operator, computerized training.

Venger A.L.  A mathematical model of decision-making in extreme situation

The paper offers a mathematical model describing the behavior of a human individual under extremely high disaster probability along with strong time trouble. It is presumed according to the Bayesian approach that the individual aims at the behavior strategy which minimizes the subjective estimate of disaster probability. The influence of individual strategies on the nature of decisions is also examined.

Keywords: mathematical model, decision-making extreme situation, Bayesian approach, subjective probabilityб individual strategies.

Kremez A.S.  Computerized methods of developing professionally important psychological qualities in simulator-based driver training: Application results

Application results of computerized training of professionally important psychological qualities (PIPQ) in simulator-based driver training are presented. The paper shows that the developmental level of driver's PIPQ such as attention allocation, attention focusing, emotional stability, level of velocity and distance perception, complex visuomotor response, self-control level, can be improved significantly with the help of AT-2 computerized psychophysiological simulator. Additional experimental research was undertaken to estimate the impact of fatigue state on the accuracy and timeliness ща driver's response.

Keywords: human factor, professional reliability, professionally important psychological qualities, psychophysiological testing of drivers, psychophysiological training simulator, psychophysiological driver training techniques.

Dozortsev V.M.  Virtual reality technologies in process operator training

The features of user interfaces for process operator training are examined. The advantages and vulnerabilities of field operator's 3D interfaces in computerized training systems are analyzed. An alternative approach to the design of immersive interfaces based on panoramic virtual tour technology is offered. A panoramic interface development case is included. Future research tasks are formulated.

Keywords: virtual reality, 3D animation, operator training systems, panel and field operatorsб operator interface, immersion, immersive interfaces, virtual tours, panoramic interface.

Anokhin A.N., Chernyaev A.N.  Functional design of multilayer adaptive interface for operators of complex technological systems

The increasing complexity of control plants along with the growing number of information flows in automated control systems result in HMI complication that may cause operator's information overload. A possible way to surmount this challenge is the limitation of information presented to operator dependent on the current situation. To implement this approach, the paper offers a concept of adaptive multilayer interface where the scope and form of information representation may vary dependent on operator's tasks. The proposed interface comprises of three levels: structural, analytical, and functional; each one may be visualized dependent on the situation. Visualization criteria are the typicality of situation, the need in performing mental operations, dynamic behavior of control plant, the need in assessing the efficiency of actions, etc. The design of the layers of such interface is based on functional analysis where the process is described as a combination of interacting technological functions each with its efficiency criteria. Functional design of a multilayer adaptive interface is illustrated with an example of a simple heat supply system.

Keywords: multilayer interface, adaptation, human operator, A-plant, technological system, control, functional analysis.

Abramov D.G., Kodolov A.V., Popov F.A.  Design features of user interfaces for automated control systems at special chemical plants

Design features of user interfaces for automated control systems of potentially dangerous special chemical production sites are discussed. They are based on dialog scenario developed for each specific case of user interaction with the system. The paper shows that all control system's users are naturally subdivide into specialists and operators. Specialists' interfaces are smart and provide decision-making support. The interfaces used by operators for controlling critical process operations such as product forming have also smart features. An interface framework for control systems allowing for these features was implemented at Altai Federal Scientific and Production Center (Russia). It is used in several control systems at special chemical plants.

Keywords: special chemistry, automated control systems, user interfaces.

Nikishechkin P.A., Chervonnova N.Yu., Nikich A.N.  An approach to the design of specialized portable terminals for process equipment monitoring and control

The paper investigates the features of human-machine interaction design for controlling complex process equipment. It presents a mechanism for developing supplementary portable terminals for monitoring and control of complex machinery. A case study of the mechanism application for developing additional terminal solutions for monitoring and control of Quaser MV184P machining center is included.

Keywords: automation, NC, HMI, opewrator terminal, Industry 4.0, control, monitoring, machining center.

Journal's Club

Scientist, pioneer, and revolutionary. To the 90th jubilee of E.L Itskovich

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