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#6 2020


Itskovich E.L.  Digital transformation roadmap for processing industries

The discusses the development of a roadmap for automation, informatization, and digitalization of processing sites to attain Industry 4.0 level. It focuses on the transformation concept and argues about possible roadmap developers.

Keywords: current automation level, automation development concept, digital transformation of an enterprise, a roadmap to attain Industry 4.0 level.

Kuznetsova S.V., Simakov A.L.  The recognition of component part’s the contact point position in robotic assembly with forces and moments sensing

The paper discusses the recognition of component part’s the contact point position in the assembly based on the information from the forces and moments sensor. The analysis of the component part’s single-point contact interaction is undertaken. The equations of the interrelation between forces and moments sensor readings and the parameters of the contact point location are derived. The sensitivity of forces and moments sensor is investigated with reference to component part orientation recognition.

Keywords: automated assembly, component part’s single-point contact, industrial robot, forces and moments sensor, sensor sensitivity.

Nikolaev P.M.  Calculation of arm tools positioning angles in a robot system

Eulerian angles are used in various robot systems to specify arm tools directions. In real life, an inverse task is often relevant, i.e., to determine rotation angles enabling the move of the orthonormal frame associated with the arm tool from the initial position to the final one. A solution technique is offered ensuring Eulerian angles calculation for any initial and final frame positions. The calculation algorithm and its software implementation are included.

Keywords: Eulerian angles, orthonormal frame, coordinate system, robot systems, arm tools.

Grekov E.L., Shelikhov E.S.  Automated control of hexapod motion based on STM microcontroller

A universal mathematical model describing of a hexapod robot’s simultaneous translation in various directions and turning. The procedures of motion data determination and the development of servo drives deviation task are presented. The control algorithms are implemented on the basis of STM32F407 Series microcontroller with FreeRTOS real-time operating system.

Keywords: microcontroller, hexapod, control algorithm, motion kinematics, mathematical model.

Puzanov A.V.  Modeling the reaction of the adaptive suspension of a mobile rescue robot

Diminishing the size and weight of standalone mobile rescue robots poses constraints for equipment’s external force actions, their magnitude, direction and frequency. Application of adaptive hydro-pneumatic suspension ensures better efficiency of mobile rescue system along with improved stepping stability and higher power density of external actions. The paper offers simulation results of mobile rescue robot’s adaptive suspension during hydrohammer operation.

Keywords: emergency rescue operations, robot system, adaptive suspension, hydrohammer.

In Focus:

State-of-the-art regulatory control techniques in industrial control systems

Zver’kov V.P., Petrochenko Yu.N.  Alternative integral criteria for parametric synthesis of automatic control systems

Application of search optimization algorithms and digital modeling in parametric synthesis of automated control systems opens up new integral criteria. Their minimization ensures highly efficient transients and sufficient stability margin in closed-loop control. These integral criteria can be a good alternative to the ones used in optimal loop tuning. Several groups of alternative criteria were investigated with reference to the optimal tuning of a PID loop for control plants with sigmoid transient response; the results and application guidelines are included.

Keywords: automatic control system, stability margin, integral criteria, PID controller, controller settings, transient responses, frequency responses.

Vasiliev I.I., Vasiliev M.I.  Software tool for automatic PID controller tuning in an open loop

A software tool for automatic PID controller tuning is developed. The software examines control object’s dynamics and calculates controller settings. It can be an alternative for commercial loop tuning software used in PLC design.

Keywords: PID controller, acceleration curve, control object, automatic tuning, control loop.

Kryukov V.V., Tugov V.V.  Application of fuzzy high-pressure supervision regulators to control the gas reduction process on the linear part of a gas-main pipeline

The paper discusses the problems of a gas pressure reduction control system in gas pipelines based on conventional PID controllers. A new approach is proposed which combines PID control with fuzzy logic-based adaptation. Control performance of new scheme is tested and investigated under destabilizing input parameters.

Keywords: pressure, gas pressure reduction, PID controller, supervisory control, fuzzy logic.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation in mining industries

Chizhov M.N., Mikhalev I.O., Kakovina S.G., Shadrin D.S., Liferova O.L., Radionov S.N.  Implementation of geological 3D modeling at coal mining enterprises: the experience of Krasnoyarsk subsidiary of Sibniiugleobogashchenie LLC.

The paper discusses the application of new open-cast design and planning technologies based on geological 3D modeling. It allows for the experience gained by Sibniiugleobogashchenie LLC specialists at various coal mining etnteprises.

Keywords: computer-aided engineering system, geological information systems, geological 3D modeling, geological 3D model of a coal-field, digital terrain model, remote sensing of Earth, aerial photography.

Pshichenko D.V.  Bystrinitsky ore mining and processing enterprise on the way to digital transformation

The implementation of supervision and MES systems in Bystrinitsky ore mining and processing enterprise are described. System functionality, architecture, and implementation results are reviewed. A new production management technology was implemented on the basis of process automation, supervisory control, and business process management systems integration.

Keywords: process control system, MES, business process management systems, digitalization, scheduling, remote monitoring.

Eskenov R.H., Esetov B.S.  Equipment health monitoring system for an ore-dressing factory

Prerequisites, goals, and objectives for the development of an equipment health monitoring system at an ore-dressing factory in Kazakhstan are discussed. System architecture is presented, project results and development outlook are included.

Keywords: monitoring system, process, ore-dressing factory, equipment, integration, unified information space.

Gantimurov A.P.  A method to ensure the fault-tolerance of data storage systems and determine recovery frequency

Ensuring the capacity, fault-tolerance and integrity is a key requirement to data storage systems. Based on recovery time and recovery point objectives (RTO and RPO respectively), the paper discusses a method which ensures the fault-tolerance of data storage systems and allows to determine the recovery frequency taking into account the data exchange of business processes at various priority levels.

Keywords: data storage system, fault-tolerance, data recovery.

Babich N.A.  Application of interference neural network for real-time dynamic data analysis

Present-day real-time operating systems include the tools enabling data acquisition about the activity of system processes. Their analysis is a complex task in view of data size and structure. An interference model of a neural network has proved to be a convenient and reliable tool in a variety of machine learning and machine vision applications. Its application in dynamic data analysis make the network learning process and more convenient and flexible as against the conventional neural networks; it will also increase the data processing rate.

Keywords: dynamic analysis, anomaly detection, real-time operating systems, machine learning, neural networks perceptron, interference model.

Lukovnikov M.А.  Modernization of centralized supervisory control system of TrustInfo data center’s utilities

The paper discusses the modernization of centralized supervisory control system of TrustInfo data center’s utilities. The solution is based on Wonderware System Platform.

Keywords: centralized supervisory control system, utilities, data center, monitoring.

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