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#6 2021


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Process modeling in automation systems

Koshevoy V.O., Lavrikova A.G., Leonova E.S., Porokhnyak O.B., Guter V.V.  Modeling cyber-physical states of FCC unit

State modeling presumes the selection of isolated data blocks from the total plant information. The paper shows the applicability of the “state” concept to an oil refining unit. It demonstrates the mathematical state selection techniques and proposes the new stable state concept. The possibility of selected states interpretation through the product qualities is demonstrated.

Keywords: clustering, process unit operation states, quality estimators, state graph, state stability.

Kilin G.A., Suslov A.I., Kavalerov B.V., Gribkov I.N., Pleshivyh A.S.  Neural modeling in semi-full-scale testing of automated control systems in propulsion engineering

The paper examines the possibility for connectionist model integration into a semi-full-scale testing complex for automated control systems in propulsion engineering. The outlook for and the advantages of using connectionist models in model-oriented design technology are discussed. With the example of gas-turbine power plants, the foundation architecture of a neural network is presented that significantly simplifies the search of neuron network architecture parameters and the development connectionist model.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, mathematical model, testing, test bench, model-oriented design, gas-turbine power plant, software suite.

Puzanov A.V.  Simulation-based investigation of thermal conditions of control block of mobile equipment drives

Russian geopolitical interests in the Arctic Zone require high operability of mobile equipment, its modules and components in low temperatures. Engine start in the frost is a difficult technical process. The paper offers a solution to the problem of drive control block heating to the operating temperature range in minimum time and with the lowest temperature gradient to exclude thermal deformation.

Keywords: drive control system, thermal operating conditions, heating simulation.

Discussing a Topic…

Augmented and virtual reality in industrial automation

Ksenofontov P.K.  Key classes of VR tools and their application areas

The background of the advent and dissemination of modern virtual reality tools are discussed. Key types, classes and models of commercial VR tools are reviewed, their merits and drawbacks are listed, application areas are outlined.

Keywords: virtual reality tools, VR helmet, mobile phones.

Chistyakova T.B., Furaev D.N., Polosin A.N., Zashchirinsky S.V.  Application of virtual and augmented reality for computer-aided design and control in oil refining and polymer industries

The paper presents virtual and augmented reality models for design, construction, reconstruction, and revamp of innovative high-tech objects in petrochemistry, oil refining, and polymer industry. Based on such models, problem-oriented software suites were developed for training resource-saving design and control of complex plants and systems in oil refining and polymer production. Application of virtual models results in design efforts and time saving, design solutions quality improvement, timely elimination of design and construction errors, promotion of innovative solutions for multi-product oil-refining and polymer producers on both domestic and foreign markets.

Keywords: virtual models, augmented reality, training software systems, computer-aided design, automated control, petroleum production, polymer materials production.

Romanenko V.I., Kiryukhin P.K., Pugachev P.A., Khomyakov D.A., Shcherbakov A.A., Yushin I.M., Tikhomirov G.V.  Virtual analogs of physical stands of the MEPhI National Research Nuclear University

The paper presents the development of the Virtual Reality Laboratory of the MEPhI National Research Nuclear University aimed at the emulation of experimental units in virtual reality, the combination of physical modeling and virtual reality, application of augmented and virtual reality technologies in students training.

Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, physical modeling, CAD, CAE.

Dunaeva K.V.  Modernization of business processes in electrical industry

Manufacturing challenges faced by businesses in electrical industry are formulated. With the case study of Zavod Sneget JSC, the manufacturer of electrical connectors, the enterprise’s recent IT infrastructure is discussed, its development concept is presented, the business processes modernized by today are listed.

Keywords: business process, electrical industry, reengineering, IT infrastructure.

Livshitz I.I.  Unified engineering solutions for secure workflow

Electronic workflow gives businesses such advantages as reliability, simplicity, fast response, and non-repudiation in document handling. The paper cites several examples of electronic workflow implementation in Russia, discusses the challenges and the related economic aspects. An approach to risk assessment of electronic workflow implementation is proposed. A case study of an international electronic workflow project in an international company is included.

Keywords: document, workflow, simple electronic signature, enhanced qualified electronic signature, information security, risks.

Patsan A.V., Shaburova A.V.  Measurement assurance challenges in optoelectronic instrument-making and the ways to overcome them

The paper discusses the challenges faced by measurement assurance services of optoelectronic instrument-making enterprises and offers the ways to overcome them and recommendations for their minimization and elimination.

Keywords: optoelectronic instrument-making, measurement assurance, measuring instrument.

Makarov A.D., Marsov V.I., Marsova E.V., Dzhabrailov H.A., Antonova E.O.  Selecting optimal kinematic structure for concrete placement manipulator arm

The paper expounds the procedure of the geometric synthesis of kinematic structure elements for a concrete placement distribution and manipulator arm control device. The procedure enables the control orientation and positioning of arm tools of the special equipment used at large industrial construction sites for concrete placement into the curb. The capabilities of the manipulation system for implementing production steps using normalized kinematic indicator are assessed.

Keywords: construction, concrete mix, manipulator system, manipulator arm, kinematic chain.

Bashirov M.G., Yusupova I.G., Bashirova E.M., Mavlekaev E.Yu., Stankov A.V.  Automated control system installation for studying the effect of low-cycle fatigue of metals on the parameters of the electromagnetic-acoustic signal

An automated control system for testing machines has been developed, which makes it possible to study the effect of low-cycle fatigue of metals on the parameters of an electromagnetic-acoustic signal. The hardware and software part of the system is presented. The proposed ACS provides an increase in comfort and a decrease in the time spent during the experiment.

Keywords: automation, testing machines, microcontroller, electromagnetic-acoustic transducer, stress-strain state, electrical equipment.

Petukhov V.A.  Compiler testing code generation using generative adversarial networks

The problem of code generation in an arbitrary programming language is discussed, the present-day results in this field, their merits and drawbacks are examined. Urgent problems are identified, such as transposing language rules (syntaxis and some semantic rules) into machine learning algorithms instead of their formal description in the model architecture. Generative adversarial network algorithms are proposed for rsolving these problems.

Keywords: machine learning, code generation, generative adversarial networks, compiler testing.

Kind memory

To the memory of E.L. Itskovich

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