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И.В. Жолтовский


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#7 2012


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Simulation in control and engineering tasks


Vlasov S.A., Devyatkov V.V., Isaev F.V., Fedotov M.V.  Simulation researches using GPSS World: new opportunities

The paper discusses the improvement and applications of GPSS World hard- and softwareб a most powerful and popular simulation systems. It describes the extended GPSS editor providing state-of-the-art technological level and wideк capabilities of simulation research for industrial and other applications.

Keywords: simulation, user interface, visualization, distributed computing, cloud technologies.

Zak Yu.A.  Structure and functions of simulation systems for small- and medium-batch production

The tasks that can be executed by simulation systems for addressing small- and medium-batch production needs are formulated. The requirements to simulation systems for such production types are defined; the strategy and parameters of sampling tests at various production stages are described as well as the testing sequence.

Keywords: simulation, control operations, small- and medium-batch production, experiments, GUI.

Chistyakova T.B., Razygraev A.S., Polosin A.N., Kolert K.  A software suite for controlling thin polymer film color

A problem-oriented software suite implementing new techniques of controlling the color of calendered thin rigid materials by adjusting liquid stain flow. The suite comprises of a mathematical model for estimating material's color, a model library for calculating the capacity of various-type misers, material and equipment property databases, a color control rulebase, algorithms for generating advices to operator on stain flow adjustment in various operation modes. The technique proposed may be used for controlling the color of other material types, such as linoleum or rubber.

Keywords: color control system, mathematical models, databases, rulebases, software suite, calender production, thin rigid polymer materials.

Sukharev A.V., Golovushkin B.A., Labutin A.N., Yerofeeva E.V.  Simulation of a flexible reactor system for water oxyethylation

A simulation model of water oxyethylation (ethylene glycol synthesis) is offered. The model was validated ba comparing its output with actual process data. The choice of a new flexible structure for the reactor system meeting energy- and resource-saving requirements is substantiated.

Keywords: reactor node, hydrodynamics, ethylene glycols, simulation.

Glebov A.O., Karpov S.V., Karpushkin S.V.  Comparing the techniques of temperature field modeling for hot induction plates

The paper examines 2 techniques of temperature field modeling for hot surfaces of heating plates of rubber goods presses; the first one uses ANSYS, while the second one is based on finite integral transform method implemented in MathCad. The effectiveness of both techniques was evaluated by comparing the results with experiment data and subject to the modeling time. The recommendations are made on using the techniques in the design of heating plates for industrial presses.

Keywords: vulcanizing press, heating plate, temperature field, modeling, finite integral transform method.

Varnavsky A.N., Chekan N.V.  Simulation modeling of the probability of automobile-pedestrian accident probability for various driving types

The paper describes a simulation model of a moving automobile and a pedestrian run out to the traffic area with the accident probability calculation. A set of curves showing the accident probability vs. automobile speed for various pedestrian's walking paces is obtained. A method is offered, which allows to decrease accident probability by using a specialized controller analyzing the changing road situation. A set of curves describing the accident probability vs. automobile speed while using the controller is also obtained.

Keywords: automobile, pedestrian, accident, statistical modeling, simulation model, environment, road entourage, controller.

Denisova L.A., Mescheryakov V.A.  Automation of parametric synthesis of regulatory control systems using a genetic algorithm

The paper offers an approach to the parametric synthesis of a regulatory control system with respect to the selected performance index using a genetic algorithm. A mathematical model of a digital control system implemented in MATLAB / Simulink is presented. The results of system settings optimization eliminating unstable operation and self-excitation obtained by means of MATLAB / Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox are presented.

Keywords: mathematical model, parametric synthesis, digital automatic control system, stability, performance index, genetic algorithm.

Application of simulation tools in mechanical engineering

The capabilities of B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink in the field of equipment and controls simulation are demonstrated with a case study of a project implemented for Jenbacher, Austria.

Keywords: simulation, design, equipment, control systems, controller.

Anosov A.A., Efitov G.L., Zusman S.D.  и  Application experience of infrared spectrometry for gasoline properties measurements at a refinery

The paper examines modern IR spectrometry technologies, the problems of calibration model development and validation, IR spectrometers application at Russian refineries, the specificity and efficiency of stream analysis in gasoline blending. Due to the lack of Russian standards for in-line IR spectrometry as well as of related literature in Russian coupled with the increasing number of stream analyzers at Russian refineries, the discussion of IR spectrometers application experience looks topical.

Keywords: IR spectroscopy, calibration model, chemometrics, stream analyzer, FTIR.

Kruchinin A.Yu.  и  A multi-task real-time pattern recognition system

The paper presents a multi-task [pattern recognition system, which operates in real time and ensures maximum reliability level while solving several periodical pattern recognition tasks.

Keywords: multi-task system, pattern recognition, real time, reliability, adaptive system, pattern recognition effectiveness.

Ressler D.  и  Mobile applications and manufacturing information management process

The paper shows that the application of mobile technologies for accessing on-line data and business information is an important aspect in the manufacturing process. Mobile applications enable quick fixing of problems and refraining from their repetition in future, timely and justified decision-making and proactive solving of technological issues.

Keywords: mobile, real time, database, business information, data access.

Kholodny O.V.  и  Carrier-grade servers: Kontron continues Intel's business

Featured properties, characteristics, test results meeting special standards and application fields of carrier-grade servers from Kontron are presented.

Keywords: carrier-grade servers, fire resistance, seismic resistance, vibration stability, testing, form-factor, energy efficiency.

Yokogawa UTAdvanced Series controllers for local automation

The paper presents the functionalities, performance data, and featured properties of UTAdvanced Series controllers: UT55A, UT52A, UT35A, and UT32A indicating controllers, UP55A, UP35A programmable controllers, and UM33A digital indicators.

Keywords: local automation, programmable controllers, digital indicators, fuzzy logic, surge suppression.

Rubtsov Yu.F., Bogdanov V.G., Kulikov N.D., Rubtsov D.Yu.  и  Automation of interim tests of TTK-110-2UZ-G turbogenerator's stator

The paper provides the information-measuring system for the testing of TTK-110 turbogenerator's stator. Engineering solutions exemplified in the information-measuring system are listed.

Keywords: information-measuring system, functional inspection point, interim tests, instrument channels, stator.

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