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#7 2013


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Process modeling and simulation in modern automation systems


Oreshkin S.A., Spesivtsev A.V., Daimand I.N., Kozlovsky V.G., Lazarev V.I. Synthesis of intelligent automated control systems for complex processes

Sum of Technologies Group offers a new solution to the problem of intelligent process control system design. It combines 2 unique methodologies: (1) building a semantic network over a basic ontology, which enables the characterization of a complex multifactor model as a semantic network over a specific limited vocabulary, and (2) polynomial transformation of NO-factors, i.e., the transformation of expert knowledge into a mathematical model in the form a nonlinear polynomial function. The first one is versatile independent of the subject area, the second one presents the specificity of the subject area through expert’s knowledge and experience. Performance test results with reference to sulfide copper-nickel concentrate melting at Norilsk Nickel JSC are included. The process demonstrates the features of a complex system under essential uncertainty conditions.

Keywords: intelligent control system, complex system, semantic network, base ontology, expert knowledge, polynomial transformation of NO-factors, essential uncertainty, Vanyukov process.

Malafeev S.I., Malafeeva A.A., Konyashin V.I. Simulation of metal tolling processes on the 300 Mill

The paper presents a model describing the processes occurring in mechatronic system of the 300 linear mill> The model was developed with reference to the interaction of electric drive, housing and wrought metal. It is intended for nichrome rolling simulation and enables the analysis of dynamic processes in rolling mill’s mechanical subsystem, electric drive, and power supply with reference to rolled alloy’s features, mill design, drive control system and motor type.

Keywords: simulation, rolling mill, automation, computer, deformation, approximation.

Denisova L.A. Modeling and optimization of nuclear steam generator’s feed control system

A mathematical model of nuclear steam generator’s feed control system allowing for random disturbances affecting the control plant is presented. The model is based on process history data. The transfer function of the shaping filter for generating a random signal with the desirable autocorrelation function is derived. The results of simulation experiments and control system parameter optimization using a genetic algorithm are included.

Keywords: mathematical model, steam generator feed system, stochastic process, shaping filter, performance indicator, genetic algorithm.

Bylkin B.K., Kononov V.V., Bunto P.A., Gulyaev O.V., Sviridov D.V., Trifonov V.E., Tikhonovsky V.L., Chuyko D.V. Application experience of a simulation model for graphite stacking dismantling at AMB-100 reactor of Beloyarsk A-plant.

The paper shares the experience of applying a simulation model for perfecting the technology of graphite stacking dismantling at AMB-100 reactor of Beloyarsk A-plant.

Keywords: A-plant, simulation, AMB-100 reactor, graphite stacking, dismantling technology, emergencies.

Krivonosov V.A., Babenkov V.A., Sokolov V.V., Shibanov E.Yu., Perekrestov V.P. Extraction and filtration process model for phosphoric acid production of Balakovo Chemical Fertilizers JSC

A mathematical model describing the dynamics of pulp concentration and level in phosphoric acid extractor is developed. The model is used in an operator training system of extraction and filtration section for simulating plant dynamics and developing process control recommendations.

Keywords: mathematical model, extractor, filter, phosphoric acid, concentration composition.

Slastenov I.V. Identification of simulation models using real-life process data

A parameter estimation technique for simulation models based on plant data is offered. Experimental results of debutanizer model identification are analyzed.

Keywords: training simulation model, process, identification, simulation.

Toluev Yu.I., Zmanovskaya T.P. Simulation model of a production line based on a complex conveyor system

Development and implementation phases of a simulation model of a production line for gearbox monitoring and testing are described. The paper focuses on the estimation of test bench retuning algorithms. The need to retune the test benches is caused by the change of product types. The model is built with the help of Plant Simulation software.

Keywords: simulation, conveyor system, equipment retuning problem.

Tarasov S.V. Application experience of component modeling in Transas Group’s training system development for cargo-ballast and process operations

The paper examines the experience of mathematical model development for the TechSim/LCHS 500 Series training systems from Transas Group (Russia). It overviews the subject area and the problems solved during the training simulator development. The application-specific requirements to model fidelity and software implementation are analyzed. The object-oriented approach applied, its implementation using Rand Model Designer, and the features of standard component library are described. The actions required to enable the operation of the models developed in real-time simulation are discussed.

Keywords: training simulators, mathematical modeling, object-oriented approach, standard component library.

Vlasov S.A., Devyatkov V.V., Devyatkov T.V., Kuznetsov I.A., Pavlov V.L., Umansky V.I. Simulation techniques in railway capacity evaluation

Application of simulation techniques for evaluating railway capacity is discussed.

Keywords: simulation model, railway capacity, decision-making support system, cloud computing.

Lutskaya N.N., Pupena A.N., Shved S.N. Process simulation model development for debugging PLC codes and SCADA/HMI projects

Simulation models can be applied for preliminary debugging of PLC and SCADA/HMI software. Practical approaches to simulation models development using PLC resources and IEC 61131 languages are offered.

Keywords: simulation, debugging, PLC, SCADA/HMI.

Venger A.L. Mathematical modeling of emotional process

An approach to emotional process modeling using mathematical solution theory is offered. An emotion is considered as the assessment of a situation inducing to specific type of behavior with respect to it. The key objective of the model offered is the formalization of the concepts describing individual features of emotional responding. It is assumed that they determine human individual’s life strategy and, in particular, the behavior in decision situations related with high risk.

Keywords: emotional phenomenon, solution theory, life strategy, lifeworld, anxiety, impulsiveness.

Varnavsky A.N. Simulation of worker’s labor capacity for different variants of work organization

The paper describes a simulation model of worker’s labor capacity subject to fatigue and recovery processes. A set of curves is obtained describing the relationship between labor capacity and the number of short-term breaks under various values of initial labor capacity, fatigue and recovery intensity. An automated system for galvanic skin response pick-off and analysis is described. The system can evaluate the level of human individual’s activity and labor capacity and therefore be used for determining the optimal time for rest and recovery.

Keywords: worker, labor capacity, working ability, fatigue, simulation model, GPSS World, galvanic skin response, LabVIEW.

Lebedev V.O. On the optimal structure of process control hardware

The approach to the optimal structure of process control hardware is examined. The paper discusses the development of process control systems with hierarchical tree structure combining the advantages of bus and star topologies.

Keywords: hierarchical tree structure, system-oriented approach, bus and star topologies, optimality.

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