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#7 2016


Industrial automation companies…

Algorithm of success: Plastic Enterprise celebrates its 25th anniversary

25 years mean valuable experience, enviable reputation, reliable partners and multiple implemented projects each underlain by dozens of professionals who put their efforts, knowledge, and skills. It would have been impossible to attain success without well-organized work of the experienced and committed team. The company today is a body of highly skilled specialists and competent managers demonstrating unique knowledge and expertise.

Keywords: industrial automation, critical applications, personnel training, cooperation.

Discussing a Topic…

Computerized training systems for industry and transport


Dozortsev V.M.  How much computerized training systems are useful for process operators? Voice of users

The paper discusses the results of two extensive polls demonstrating users appreciation of stet-of-the-art operator training systems (OTS). It analyzes training variants with respect to system types, trainee roles and experience, the availability of various OTS types, training tasks, training session duration and other characteristics. Special attention is paid to computerized training benefits. Principal approaches to OTS development, implementation and maintenance determining the best computerized training practices are summarized. Key recommendations on OTS development are made.

Keywords: computerized training systems, control panel and field operators, operator training types, computerized training efficiency and payback.

Losenkov A.S., Yushchenko T.S., Strelnikova S.A., Kazakov A.A.  Some implementation features of training simulation systems for oil-trunk pipelines

With wider use of state-of-the-art control and automation equipment the requirements to supervisory staff as well as to instrumentation and automation systems of oil-trunk pipelines are getting more stringent. The application of training simulators is a major key to successful operation of such facilities. Moreover, simulators make software tuning and testing more convenient and safe. Finally, they facilitate the development of pipeline's operation mode and transient charts. All these tasks justify rigid requirements to simulation models. These should include first-principles hydrodynamic models of nonsteady processes, full-scale simulation models of automation equipment both for pipeline sections and pumping stations, as well as training scenario generation and test modules.

Keywords: training simulation system, hydrodynamic model, automation tools for pipelines and pumping stations.

Zeldin Yu.M., Lavrov S.A.  A training simulation system for a gas-transport plant

With the case study of the project implemented at the Training center of Gazprom Transgaz Chaikovsky LLC the paper examines an integrated approach to multidisciplinary specialist training with the help of a custom simulation system. It discusses both hard-/software solutions of the simulation system and methodological issues for the multidisciplinary training.

Keywords: training simulation system, gas-transport plant, training, control station.

Lisin Yu.V., Aralov O.V., Savanin A.S.  Developing a training simulator for crude oil and oil products measuring system

The article formulates the goals and objectives of a simulator for crude oil and oil products quantity and quality measurement system and sets development targets for its hard- and software. It describes the simulator's structure and functionality and discusses its application results.

Keywords: training simulator, information processing system, crude oil and oil product measuring system, training.

Yerofeev I.A., Nosarev O.I., Kharitonov V.Yu.  State-of-the-art development of visualization systems for aviation training simulators

Traditional visualization techniques and physically based rendering (PBR) systems are compared. The paper notes that Aurora 3 visualization system from Kronstadt Group (Russia) is a world first implementations of PBR approach to the design of outside world image.

Keywords: visualization, physically based rendering system, aviation training simulator.

Bolshakov A.A., Sghibnev A.A., Zhelezov M.A., Melnikov A.V.  Developing a 3D display for visualization and scheduling

The paper describes a mockup of a 3D visualization bench, its hard-/software architecture and functionality. The design of a workstation for communicating a set of images from user's computer is discussed as well as the principles of user interaction with 3D models. The mockup is an intermediate stage towards the development of a 3D display intended mainly for visualization and supervision tasks and decision-making support based on the representation of 3D, full-color, dynamic images in real time. Moreover, the product under development can be imbedded in training simulators and used in CAD and mechatronic applications.

Keywords: 3D visualization, multiscreen system, projector array, 3D display, visualization, scheduling, single-board computer.

Leus A.V.  On optoelectronic system selection for a virtual reality complex

Strict requirements to process operations personnel justify the need in applying new training system development technologies. The paper discusses the opportunities of applying virtual reality technologies in training simulators as well as key principles of optoelectronic system selection for a virtual reality complex included in a combined training system.

Keywords: training simulation system, virtual reality, optoelectronic system.

Duginov O.B., Levchenko A.V.  InSiDE - Integrated simulator development environment

The paper describes InSiDE, the integrated development environment for process simulators of various complexity. It describes simulator architecture and development technology, outlines application areas, and lists the implemented projects.

Keywords: analytical simulator, NPP, integrated development environment, nuclear reactor, HMI.

Natykach V.V.  800xA Simulator training system

The background for training simulator application at dangerous process plants is outlined. The paper overviews ABB System 800xA Simulator development software for operator training systems.

Keywords: process operator skill improvement, operator training system, process simulation.

Ershova O.V., Polyakova A.M., Chistyakova T.B.  Operator training systems for dangerous electrochemical plants

A methodology of training simulator synthesis is offered. The training simulators are intended for process operators of dangerous electrochemical plants in aluminum, calcium carbide and phosphorus industries. Their functional structure, infoware and software are described.

Keywords: synthesis methodology, training simulators, electrochemical plants, workstation, trainee, instructor, training scenarios, examination, training log.

Zhuk T.V., Ryzhov D.A., Galyaviev L.T., Shigapov A.I.  Key issues of training system selection and implementation at petrochemical plants

Basic requirements to computerized simulators for operator training and process optimization are formulated. A typical block diagram of an operator training system (OTS) is presented. Recommendations on OTS selection and implementation are included.

Keywords: operator training system, petrochemical plant, accuracy, mathematical model, operator interface, 3D.

Khasanov R.I.  Computer support of a driver in mobile object's trajectory and speed selection

A layered-facet model of roadbed is offered as of a spatially extended object, where facet values determine specific traffic safety category and level. Information sources for onboard computer support systems are identified, toolkit and recommendations on the selection of appropriate trajectory and safe speed of a mobile object are developed subject to roadbed characteristics.

Keywords: layered-facet roadbed model, mobile object's trajectory and speed selection, high-precision positioning, satellite positioning tools.

Varnavsky A.N.  Allowing for pupil's psychophysiological state in E-learning system

The paper discusses the opportunity of allowing for pupil's psychophysiological state in an E-learning system. Based on regression analysis of experimental data a logistic model is build enabling the evaluation of pupil's ability to effective learning prior to the learning session. The paper offers to monitor pupil's state during the learning process by galvanic-skin response dynamics. A network model is developed describing E-learning system operation subject to pupil's psychophysiological state.

Keywords: E-learning system, psychophysiological state, cognitive process indices, logistic model, galvanic-skin response, network model, pupil's initial state, pupil's current state.

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