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Если путь твой к созданию модели ведет, как бы не был он долог и труден – вперед!
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Cybersecurity in industry
Dryukov V.V. Cybersecurity today: faith in technologies, faith in people, search of balance
The challenges faced by cybersecurity specialists are discussed. The ways to withstand professional trespassers are outlined. It is noted that all possible protection scenarios are associated with considerable investments, and each company should choose its most comfortable expense item.
Keywords: cybersecurity, investments, trespasser, cyberattack, vulnerability.
Basyrova A.A., Livshits I.I. Analyzing the methodology of enterprise cybersecurity audit with the help of outsourcing companies
The concept of cybersecurity audit executed by specialized outsourcing companies is examined. The paper analyzes the existing procedures as well as the state of the art and development trends of domestic and foreign cybersecurity outsourcing market. It proposes to include confidential information protection and risk forecasting according to existing practices in cybersecurity outsourcing scope. Another important task is the improvement of work time control efficiency based on employee motivation analysis.
Keywords: audit, information security, outsourcing, procedures, security level, cybersecurity management system, information technologies.
Mokhnach A.S. Information security of industrial enterprises in Belarus
Cybersecurity challenges of industrial enterprises in Belarus Republic are discussed, the most critical present-day cyber threats are outlined. The recommendations are made on improving enterprise cybersecurity level; the statistics on cyber threats growth trends and categories is offered based on 2018-19 data.
Keywords: information security, industrial enterprises, cybersecurity, targeted attacks, bot, malicious software, vulnerabilities.
Dashchenko Yu.S. Overview of recommendations on the secure remote work for critical infrastructure and other enterprises
The problems of secure remote work of critical infrastructure enterprises is discussed. The effect of remote work on threat landscape changes is investigated. The recommendations on secure remote work in COVID-19 environment issued by various domestic and foreign organizations are compared.
Keywords: secure remote work, critical infrastructure enterprises, cybersecurity.
Kilysheva E.D. Penetration testing of corporate information systems
The vulnerability of corporate infrastructure is being increasingly investigated by pen tests within complex projects. The results of security analysis of corporate information systems against external violators are presented. Recommendations aimed at improving corporate information security level are made.
Keywords: penetration testing, pen test, corporate information systems, vulnerabilities, user credentials, web applications.
Rychkov D.V. On information security problems at industrial sites
The rapid growth of computer science and information technology entailed a global challenge of the early 21st century: process controls protection and the development of effective security systems for production assets. The paper discusses the present-day challenges of information security faced by industrial enterprises.
Keywords: information security, cybersecurity, process control system, media, technical support of process equipment.
Ismailov B.G. Modeling an information security system in facility service networks of oil and gas production sites
The optimal configuration of an information security system (ISS) is determined as a queuing system with losses ensuring the maximum information security of service networks at oil and gas production facilities. This is done by arranging the transition of all unauthorized access requests from the protection mechanism (PM). Computational procedures and algorithms for investigating the optimal characteristics of ISS as single-phase lossless multi-channel queuing systems have been developed. Computing experiments are carried out and numerical results obtained that allow to use the procedures developed in the construction of ISS in various networks.
Keywords: information security systems, lossy systems, protection mechanism, unauthorized access, queuing systems, service time.
Zotov M.V., Kozlov A.A. Robotized system for assembly and brazing bay for flexible stubs of printed-circuit board screens
The paper describes the structure and features of a robotized system aimed at the automation of assembly and brazing bay for flexible stubs of printed-circuit board screens implemented at StarLine Scientific and Production Company. The system is a unique unparalleled product. Project implementation phases and the results attained are adduced.
Keywords: robot system, automation, assembly and brazing bay for flexible stubs of screens, printed-circuit boards.
Miroshin D.G., Rychagova O.A. Flexible automated systems in the diversification of machine works
The paper discusses the diversification of industrial production in modern market conditions. An example of machine works modernization under extending product range is cited. The structures and functionalities of a flexible work cell and the higher-level flexible production system are described. Economic aspects of flexible production cells application in the conditions of production range extension are reviewed.
Keywords: production diversification, flexible production system, flexible production cell, robot system, performance indicators.
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On the way to Industry 4.0 enterprise
Gogolev A. OPC UA and TSN: Industry 4.0 for terminal devices
The advantages of the joined use of OPC UA and IEEE TSN at an industrial enterprise are demonstrated. The problems associated with the adoption of these technologies are outlined. The experiments undertaken by ABB for investigating the performance of industrial OPC UA and IEEE TSN networks in the unified information space of an enterprise are described.
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, data communication protocol, terminal devices, performance.
Nikishechkin P.A., Al Khoury A., Issa A., Chervonnova N.Yu. Application of APC UA protocol for monitoring process equipment operated by a software controller
The paper examines possible application of OPC UA protocol for monitoring process equipment operated by a software controller (SoftPLC). The requirements to the SoftPLC–OPC UA interaction mechanism, its functionality and basic design concepts are formulated. The architecture of the interaction between the controller and the OPC UA server for the implementation of control and monitoring processes is implemented. Key data blocks to be communicated through OPC UA are systematized. The implementation of the SoftPLC–OPC UA interaction mechanism is discussed in the case study of an industrial heater.
Keywords: process equipment, monitoring, OPC UA, software controller, Industry 4.0, control, automation.
Ushakov D.V., Kostyuk V.V. Process control software
VS Automation software platform for process control automation is presented. Its functions and components are outlined, such as VS Automation View for HMI visualization and VS Automation Straton NC for PLC programming with all IEC 61131-3 languages support.
Keywords: process control, visualization, secure data communication, OPC UA, PLC.
Yezhov V.S. On IIoT project implementation at SIBUR sites
The program of digital transformation of production and business processes in SIBUR includes the automation of manual equipment health monitoring and data acquisition operations for further improving of decision-making in process control. IIoT technology stack was chosen as a tool to manage these tasks. The paper discusses the project implementation phases, its results, and further development outlook.
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, digitalization, petrochemistry and oil refining, sensors, equipment monitoring, data acquisition, analytical platform.
Semirenko M.P., Borisov P.A. A digital system for controlling standard operation procedures and process audit
The paper examines the requirements and practical approaches of enterprise management to the digitalization of process monitoring and standard operation procedures of the production. Investigation results of the changes in enterprise top management’s digital activities are presented; case studies from major Russian industrial companies implementing digital transformation are analyzed. The possibility of creating a digital workplace for employees with mobile devices and applications enabling the control of basic operations, tasks, processes, and audits according to existing operation manuals is shown.
Keywords: operation procedures, process manuals, automation of production tasks, digital transformation, process control.
Trubin P.P., Ibatullin A.A., Khomchenko V.G., Gebel E.S. Modified NDT algorithm for localization and mapping of SLAM mission in dynamic environment
The paper discusses the application of sequential localization algorithms in the task of mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment. It proposes to modify the Normal Distributions Transform (NDT) algorithm by supplementing it with a new procedure of raytracing-based map update. The performance, including the speed, of the software implementation of the modified NDT algorithm is investigated on both test and real-life data.
Keywords: NDT algorithm, SLAM, raytracing, dynamic obstacles, dynamic environment, navigation of mobile robots.
Lavrenov R.O., Magid E.A. Multihomotopic search of optimal route for standalone mobile devices
A new route planning method for mobile standalone robots is offered based on the Wronski graph. The algorithm is aimed at the search of spline trajectory as a two-dimensional map with polygonal obstacles. The trajectory obtained on the basis of Wronski graph calculation over the robot’s environment is used as the first iteration. The objective function for the optimization allows for the formalized trajectory optimality criteria. The algorithm solves the problem of route planning in difficult conditions where the trajectory of a mobile robot should allow a wide set of criteria.
Keywords: mobile robots, standalone route planning, optimization, spline, Wronski graph, potential field, Nelder–Mead method.
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