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#8 2023


Belousov R.A., Gapeenko A.N., Fiskin E.M., Nikolaev A.A., Fedchishin A.A., Fiskina M.M.  Conceptual approach to the design and development of KUMIr-Resurs intelligent energy accounting system

The domestic market of information-measuring energy accounting systems is analyzed, popular state-of-the art solutions are discussed. KUMIr-Resurs energy accounting and monitoring system is presented, its featured properties, advantages, and development outlook are outlined.

Keywords: energy accounting and monitoring system, multi-resource system, multiservice, information-measuring system.

Fedina A.A., Skvortsova D.A.  Holonic manufacturing system architecture

The holonic approach to manufacturing system design is analyzed. PROSA-type holonic system is compared with other manufacturing system types. A prototype of holonic manufacturing system architecture for mobile conveyerless assembly is described.

Keywords: holon, holonic manufacturing system, heterarchy, manufacturing system architecture.

Sergeechev V.V., Koryukhov D.V., Sokolanov I.V., Gordeeva N.A.  Automatic inspection system for environmental monitoring in industry

The paper discusses the automatic inspection system from ServiceSoft Engineering for environmental monitoring in industry. The system’s measuring, analytical, and visualization levels are described. EMET gas analysis system from ServiceSoft Engineering is applied at the measuring level. An algorithm for automatic gross emission evaluation is presented.

Keywords: automatic inspection system for environmental monitoring, gas analysis system, gross emission.

Discussing a Topic…

Asset management systems in industry

Molchanov A.Yu.  Logbook in physical asset management system

Present-day approach to enterprise physical asset management presumes the connection of maximum possible number of stakeholders to the asset management information system. The operations staff such as the duty shift, process operators, etc., should have an access among others. The paper overviews the capabilities and organizational features of the tools used for involving operations staff into the asset management process.

Keywords: physical asset management, production information, logbook, operations staff.

Levin S.E., Tikhonova A.S., Malina V.R., Loskut D.I., Rabinovich O.A., Kurpatov O.V.  Optimal scheduling of carrier agents in a mining system with the objective to ensure consistent ore quality at the ore-dressing factory inlet

The paper describes the ore batching technique for the agglofactory feed. The result was achieved with the help of the optimal scheduling algorithm for carrier agents in the mine. The solution employs the combination of a genetic algorithm with simulation techniques. Numerical results are included, which demonstrate the batching optimization process dependent on the requirements to ore concentration and/or throughput at the agglofactory inlet.

Keywords: model, simulation modeling, mathematical modeling, optimization, schedule, genetic algorithm, control optimization, batching.

Aivazian T.V., Kiselyov N.I., Komissarov K.V., Netronin I.V., Petrunin V.V., Poverennov Ye.Yu.  End-to-end interaction of engineering and calculation departments in the unified information space of an enterprise

The paper presents the industrial implementation results of the technology of electronic interaction between engineering and calculation departments in a unified information space of an enterprise based on the domestic software such as Intermech Professional Solutions PLM platform for and pSeven parametric design optimization tools. The electronic business process of initial data preparation for design calculation was developed and optimized with the help of electronic workflow tools. An organizational standard was issued with the guidelines for the development, examination, approval, and change of initial data for design calculation. This resulted in significant time reduction for initial data reconciliation between design and calculation departments, preservation of design decision-making history, and the overall design time saving.

Keywords: unified information space, PLM platform, multiobjective parametric structure optimization, business process, electronic approval, decision-making history.

Bildanov R.G., Malysheva T.V.  Searching for the set of precedential complexes of process documentation

End-to-end execution of all tasks related with design, process engineering, and product manufacturing should fall within the framework of integrated systems, which undergo permanent improvement. For all tasks, these systems should employ unified techniques and tools based on state-of-the-art information technologies. The paper discusses an algorithm, which searches for the set of precedential complexes of process documentation.

Keywords: precedent, process documentation, process, ontology.

Kositsyn D.P.  Improving production efficiency in packaging industry

The paper sets the problem of quality management at pulp and paper mills producing package from corrugated cardboard. It formulates the key challenges faced by the domestic pulp and paper industry and offers the ways to overcome them with the help of MES.

Keywords: corrugated production, production planning, quality management, MES.

Meshalkin V.P., Bolshakov A.A., Petrov D.Yu.  Digital platforms for automated control of chemical engineering systems

System analysis of the operation of chemical engineering systems is undertaken. With the help of IDEF0 decomposition, the structures of of control object’s processes are determined, generic mathematical models of the system’s organization and technical, informational, and functional structures are proposed. System analysis results allowed to develop the interaction structure of digital platforms of chemical engineering systems in order to implement automatic control.

Keywords: digital platform, chemical engineering system, organization and technical structure, informational structure, functional structure, decision-making.

Aristova N.I.  Automata development trends

Even though the present-day automata are improving, they have not yet managed to overcome the key threshold, which discerns them from the living matter: the self-replication ability. Recent years have seen significant progress in this area: the machines still cannot assemble themselves from scratch, but have already learned to assemble each other using prefabricated modules and even adjust themselves for the operation in the changing environment. The paper overviews the scientific literature in the field of self-reproducing automata, evolutionary and adaptive robotics. It shows the relevance of developing an approach to self-reproduction in industry, namely, to the self-reproduction of robots.

Keywords: self-reproduction, self-diagnosis, self-calibration, robotics, cellular automaton.

Ibryaeva O.L., Lebedev D.K.  Application of automated machine learning frameworks in the problem of Coriolis flowmeter readings correction

The paper examines the application of machine learning techniques for correcting the readings of a Coriolis meter during three-phase flow measuring. It shows the advantages of decision tree ensemble models as against the conventional approaches based on neural networks and support vector machine. For the first time, automated machine learning systems are used in this task. The domestic LightAutoML system developed by SberAI team has demonstrated the best results. It has built the model 125 times faster than an expert with comparable accuracy.

Keywords: Coriolis flowmeter, neural networks, support vector machine¸ decision tree ensembles, gradient boosting, automated machine learning systems.

Naryshkin K.V.  Evaluating the effect of software error on a system with the help of fuzzy logic

The paper discusses the evaluation of software error effect on a system. CVSS, rev. 3.1 procedure is a standard for evaluating the effect of an error on data security. Modification of calculation formulae or adding new metrics is a labor-intensive task. The major part of the work describes the procedure for evaluating the effect of error on data security based on fuzzy logic tools. The author introduces the concepts of fuzzy estimates of error effect on data security, of error complexity, of error effect on system components, and of error effect on the system. Fuzzy rule base comprising 121 rules is developed. The procedure proposed has both scientific and practical value for the evaluation of the performance of hard-/software elements of complex control systems.

Keywords: quality estimation, information security, hard-/software systems, CVSS, fuzzy logic, software error.

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