Инвестиции в автоматизацию производства – как зерно: если его не сеять, от него будет мало толку…


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#8 2024


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Automated enterprise asset management systems

Molchanov A.Yu.  Technical aspects of the interaction between an informational EAM system and other enterprise systems

The present-day approach to physical asset management presumes the interaction of maximum possible number of stakeholders with the informational EAM system. However, enterprises would typically have more information systems, which the employees involved in physical asset management processes may use. The paper overviews the possibilities and technical features of the organization of the interaction between information systems for involving the personnel in asset management processes.

Keywords: physical asset management, EAM, distributed computing, data exchange, integration of information systems.

Buryak Yu.I., Petrov A.V., Andreev D.V., Ariskin Yu.N.  Automation of the development of civil helicopter maintenance program in the integrated information environment

The paper proposes new approaches to the automated generation of maintenance program for civil helicopter equipment at its development and operation stages. The program employs the information from the datasheet management system, reliability analysis, and logistics support analysis. A procedure for maintenance program generation based on ATA MSG-3 specification was developed as well as the proposals on its implementation within the software suite for the integrated logistics support.

Keywords: helicopter equipment, maintenance program, integrated logistics support, operational documentation, interactive electronic technical manual.

Kuznetsov A.Yu., Reshetnikov I.S.  Dynamic routing of discrete manufacturing in the context of ISA-95 standard

The paper discusses the organization of discrete manufacturing based on dynamically changeable routes. It shows that such approach underlying the operation of the production management system significantly improves the stability of the whole system to small production process variations. Basic concepts of the approach implementation are described in the context of ISA-95 recommendations.

Keywords: discrete manufacturing, planning, scheduling, production management systems.

Dmitriev A.Ya.  Developing the practice of sustainable identification of mechanical engineering product and process quality in digital manufacturing

In digital economy conditions, sustainable identification of product quality is an important item of systematic quality planning over the whole product lifecycle. Traditional identification techniques would not typically provide reliable results in real-life conditions. The paper shows that additional information from specialists and experts of quality management function should be used for improving the stability of parametric identification of product and process quality. The approach provides the estimates of production state meeting both test instrument readings and additional expert inputs. It is proposed to undertake parametric identification on the basis of regulatory control theory. The results of the approach testing in various production processes are included.

Keywords: digital manufacturing, quality management, quality function deployment, identification, matrix transformations, inverse problem, regularization.

Vedmid’ P.A.  Replacement of foreign CAM systems in complex mechanical engineering

Complex mechanical engineering requires heavy-class PLM solutions, which should include CAM systems. Domestic PLM developers include Siemens NX-based CAM modules in their products. The paper examines the functions of NX CAM, which are especially necessary in complex mechanical engineering against the lack of domestic CAM systems. This functionality is especially important as a requirement to Russian heavy-class CAM system.

Keywords: CAM systems, PLM systems, import replacement, digital twin of machine tool, setup sheet.

Karachanskaya E.V., Lyubomsky S.A.  Analysis of the Russian market of data communication monitoring software

Domestic market of network monitoring tools included the unified register of Russian software is analyzed. Functional requirements to such systems are discussed. The paper argues that proprietary information from “smart” network hardware can be used for data communication channel analysis along with the specialized software tools.

Keywords: monitoring systems, data communication networks, decision-making support, software products.

Portenergo installs ServiceVisor to improve personnel performance

Souyatinov S.I.  Formalization of mental models of human operator on the basis of synergetic neural network

The activities of human operator in present-day man-machine system structures are discussed. The paper notes the increasing requirements to human cognitive abilities including the content and properties of mental models. It presents a conceptual approach to the mathematical formalization of mental models of human operator in the context of their influence on the decision-making. Technical implementation of human operator functions on the basis of synergetic neural network is described. An example illustrating the application of the approach proposed in a helicopter control task is adduced.

Keywords: human operator, cyber-physical system, cognitive activities, mental models, neural network.

Rokhlov V.A., Khamitov R.N., Zherebtsov S.N., Latyntseva A.A.  Modeling configuration control process for power distribution network under external influences

The paper describes the operation of the automated system, which controls the configuration of the power distribution network under external influences such as emergencies or manual power line shutdowns. It describes a mathematical model, which comprises a set of finite automata whose total number depends on the number of power lines in the section under consideration. Simulation results show that the algorithm proposed ensures the required control of power network configuration under a variety of external disturbances that results in reduced power losses.

Keywords: power distribution network, mathematical modeling, optimal control, finite automaton, external influences, power loss minimization.

Kovalev V.Z., Zakharov I.L., Kazymov I.M., Kompaneets B.S.  Estimation of commercial losses of electric energy based on the analysis of electricity meter readings

The paper argues that the losses in power supply systems should be split into technical and commercial categories. It analyzes the factors affecting the amount of commercial losses in power grids and outlines detection problems. The solution proposed is based on graphical power supply diagrams and data tables available for computer processing with the inputs from the automated metering system. Mathematical tools for loss detection and the assessment of its location and amount are described.

Keywords: data analysis, dataset, decision-making, analysis of electric energy consumption parameters, commercial losses of electric energy.

Belopukhov V.N., Borovik S.Yu., Kuteynikova M.M., Podlipnov P.E., Sekisov Yu.N., Blinov A.V., Goldobin E.A.  State monitoring of components and assemblies of high-power propulsion systems using single-turn eddy current sensors

The paper discusses an approach to the design of online diagnosis tools for dangerous conditions of high-power propulsion systems caused by the destruction of friction couples in aircraft and rocket engines, as well as by foreign object entries into gas-air flow duct of an aircraft gas turbine engine. The approach is based on the application of original single-turn eddy current sensors with a single current loop, or a conductor section, or their cluster forms as sensing elements. Simple design of the sensors ensures their high manufacturability and robustness under intensive external exposure. Examples of approach implementation in state monitoring systems of various engines are adduced. The efficiency of the technique was proved in lab and test bench conditions.

Keywords: liquid jet engine, aircraft gas turbine engine, gas-air flow duct, foreign objects, bearing assemblies, destruction, wear particles, single-turn eddy current sensor, online diagnosis.

Pozharkova I.N.  Predicting the propagation of atmospheric pollutions in view of the terrain based on computational hydrodynamics models

The paper compares the effectiveness of the prediction of the atmospheric pollution propagation in view of the terrain and housing based on the Gaussian model and the computational hydrodynamics techniques. In the latter, the following key operations were automated: the development of the geometrical model of the space under investigation and of the computational grid, formation of the initial dataset, and results processing. With the case study of Krasnoyarsk heat power plant # 2, the results of atmospheric pollution propagation prediction are presented. The results were obtained using the k-ε turbulence model and the multi-phase Eulerian model, as well as the Gaussian one.

Keywords: prediction of atmospheric pollution propagation, computational hydrodynamics, turbulence model, Eulerian multiphase model, Gaussian model.

Gromov Yu.Yu., Ishchuk I.N., Rodionov V.V.  Detection and recognition of manmade and hidden subsurface objects with the help of deep learning neural networks

The paper reviews the existing methods for the detection and recognition of manmade and hidden subsurface objects on images, including the one based on deep learning neural networks. It demonstrates how the method of multi-temporal image segmentation can be applied in such tasks. The convolutional neural network architecture is described. The results of experiments conducted with the data sample comprising the images of both visible and IR wavelength ranges are included.

Keywords: deep learning, remote monitoring, convolutional neural network, optoelectronic systems, thermophysical parameters.

Journal’s Club

Dozortsev V.M.  To the 100th anniversary of I.I. Perelman: the history of a happy idea

In August 2024, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of I.I. Perelman, the author of control algorithms using dynamic object model. Today, this technology and scientific area is known as model(-based) predictive control (MPC). The article informs about the man and renowned scientist.

Keywords: control algorithms using dynamic model, model predictive control, identification.

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