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А. де Геуз

А. де Геуз


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#8 2016


In Focus:

Production management systems: application experience and competitive advantages

Grebenyuk E.A., Itskovich E.L.  Improving the accuracy of product quality estimators based on discrete lab data and extrapolation algorithms

The paper offers statistical extrapolation models for discrete laboratory test data of product qualities of industrial processes. It examines the accuracy of analyses prediction by means of various ARMA algorithms. A technique for determining a reasonable statistical extrapolation algorithm and calculating its parameters is offered.

Keywords: laboratory test data forecast, statistical extrapolation of laboratory test data, ARMA algorithms.

Petukhov M.Yu.  Estimating the benefits of advanced planning and scheduling systems application at a refinery

The benefits of advanced planning and scheduling systems application at a refinery are discussed. Key approaches to benefits evaluation of optimal planning, scheduling and production recording systems are formulated. The paper shows that such systems demonstrate rather fast payback.

Keywords: APS, MES, production planning, optimal planning, linear programming, production recording, material balance, oil refining.

Ivanova A.S., Tyunyatkin A.V.  Information platforms for analytical processing of industrial big data

The importance of big data processing and analysis for improving industrial plant's competitiveness is shown. The selection of architecture for big data flows organization is discussed as well as the usage of data infrastructure.

Keywords: big data, real-time database, Industrial Internet of Things, data infrastructure.

Lavrukhin R.S.  Development and implementation of a process control system for a gas treatment unit

The paper presents an integrated approach to process control system development for a greenfield plant. This project management approach is used by Gazprom Automation JSC for all complex projects. Its application is illustrated with the example of process controls development and implementation for a gas treatment unit of the Yubileynoye Oil, Gas and Condensate Field (reservoirs AU11 and PK18-20), Yamalo-Nenetsk Region, Russia.

Keywords: process control system, design, engineering, implementation, integrated approach, standards and guidelines.

Verevkin A.P., Nagumanov H.G., Nagumanov A.H.  Development and implementation of a process control system for a gas treatment unit

The paper discusses the optimization of the thermal treatment of concrete products through the use of stand-alone heating units fueled by natural gas. Heating process efficiency is improved by generating temperature variations at the isothermal heating stage. The paper shows that under optimal conditions it is possible to significantly reduce the temperature of the isothermal warm-up without losing product's mechanical strength. Process control structure is offered, and the results of its implementation at industrial plants are reviewed.

Keywords: thermal treatment, gas, heater, quality, concrete products, benefits, process control system.

Golovanov D.B.  Modernization of packaging line controls with the development of process data acquisition system

The paper discusses the modernization of process controls of Sapal2 packaging line at the chewing gum production section of Mon'delez Rus LLC (Veliky Novgorod, Russia). The modernization project included the development and implementation of a Sapal2 process data acquisition system.

Keywords: MES, SCADA, HMI, food industry, packaging line, process data acquisition system.

Discussing a Topic…

Industrial Internet of Things and cloud technologies

Veselukha G.L.  Industrial Internet of Things - easy and interesting!

The paper presents the functionality of MasterSCADA 4D in the development of automation systems implementing the concept of industrial Internet of Things. An example of an automation project for concrete-coated pipes manufacture is included.

Keywords: industrial Internet of Things, automation systems, development tool.

Milykh V.M.  The fourth industrial revolution - the philosophy of technological fairy tale

The driving force behind industrial revolutions are considered. The state of the art in science and technology resulting in the fourth industrial revolution is outlined. Specific features of industrial automation currently faced by businesses are discussed.

Keywords: industrial revolution, optimization, big data, Internet of Things, cloud technologies, mathematical models, human factor, information security.

Sholokhov A.V.  Myths and reality of Industry 4.0

The paper argues that the integration of information from the previously independent data sources is the key feature of the fourth industrial revolution.

Keywords: digitization, business model, data integration, HMI.

Nikishin A.V.  Internet of things in industry: how to get advantages and avoid risks

The paper shows that while benefiting from industrial Internet and cloud technologies the functionality of new devices as well as, primarily, the cybersecurity should not be forgotten.

Keywords: Internet of things, cloud technologies, cybersecurity, threats, process control systems.

Fortin T., Hawkinson B.  OPC UA and the role of communication standards in the development of Internet of things

The paper reviews the development history of OPC specification, a solution for industrial data exchange between multi-vendor devices and applications in industrial environment. It describes the migration to unified architecture ensuring high security level and wide scaling capabilities. The unified OLE for Process Control architecture (OPC-UA) is an effective solution meeting the requirements of all vertical levels in IIoT systems. This model enables the solution of typical IIoT tasks which cannot be addressed effectively within the Client/Server model. OPC-UA is platform-independent and ensures wide-range scaling thus enabling the networking of various devices from tiny sensors up to big computers and cloud applications. OPC-UA employs X.509 security certificates and a variety of user and application authentication mechanisms. It does not depend on the lower transport layer and uses TCP for binary data communication protocols and HTTP/HTTPS for text data. Moreover, it is currently employing the publish-subscribe model for data exchange. OPC-UA defines object-oriented address space comprising metadata and object descriptions. Finally, OPC-UA is an IEC standard (IEC 62541). Tools and laboratories providing appropriate standard-compliant testing and certification are commercially available.

Keywords: industrial Internet of things, platform independence, publish-subscribe model, object-oriented address space, metadata.

Chekavinskaya Ya.S., Gurianov V.V.  SAMAT 400 SC VECTOR universal machine tool with on-line control system

With the case study of SAMAT 400 SC VECTOR the paper discusses the advantages of equipping versatile machinery with Shturman on-line control system. OMRON's technologies are used in the system.

Keywords: universal machine tool, on-line control system, HMI.

Pesterev A.A.  Scanning pyrometer in the control system of MCVD process

The paper discusses the advantages of a scanning pyrometer as against point IR temperature sensor for the MCVD quartz workpiece manufacture process. It presents a technique for IR sensor readings calibration with the help of a scanning pyrometer.

Keywords: scanning pyrometer, IR pyrometer, quartz sleeve, temperature field, control system.

Journal's Club

To the 50th anniversary of G.M. Martinov

Zyl' S.N.  The features of C and C++ programming languages in critical application coding

The advantages of C and C++ languages for real-time application programming are well known by software developers. However, their underside is also known: there are some structures that may cause bad behavior of syntactically correct code. The vast C/C++ application experience of the industrial community is exemplified in international standards of functional safety. The approach discussed in the paper is offered by those standards and presumes the application of safe subsets of programming languages.

Keywords: programming languages, functional safety, risk management

Aristova N.I., Chadeev V.M.  A methodology of automation cost assessment under given spoilage probability

A methodology for determining the optimal automation scheme ensuring minimum component manufacture cost subject to spoilage probability is developed. The algorithm proposed eliminates the need in the exhaustive search of possible solutions.

Keywords: automation of manufacturing operations, robot, robotic system, automation matrix, spoilage probability.

Tverskoy Yu.S., Muravyov V.M.  Improving air flow control system of gas-turbine unit compressor under changing operating and ambient conditions

With the help of a mathematical model of a power unit the paper investigates the key factors affecting its operating efficiency. Based on the results obtained it offers a regulatory control system for compressor air supply in gas-turbine units of steam-gas plants subject to changing operating and ambient conditions and provides its efficiency estimates under ambient temperature variations.

Keywords: functional design of control systems, gas-turbine unit, steam-gas technologies, power unit's efficiency, operating and ambient conditions, mathematical and simulation models, regulatory control system.

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