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#8 2017


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Production management systems

Itskovich E.L.  Production automation project: the role of engineering in process facility automation

The paper overviews the content of engineering and consulting services in the automation of process industries which the most of sites need at all phases of automation system lifecycle.

Keywords: engineering in automation, engineering company, system integrator, general contractor.

Khobotov E.N., Ermolova M.A., Dudnikov E.E.  Operations scheduling at in-line assembly factories

The paper examines the methods for developing agreed plans and schedules of components manufacturing for all operating departments of an in-line assembly factory. The planning of transportation between departments for further machining is also discussed.

Keywords: planning, scheduling theory, in-line assembly, decision rules, aggregation methods, components transportation, machining equipment.

Vozhakov A.V.  A synchronized control system for short-run production

The paper offers an approach to short-run production optimization based on the development of a material flow synchronization module. Maximization of current order priorities is used as a criterion along with the prioritization of jobs with minimum scheduled start time. A test case is included demonstrating the operation principle of a synchronized production control system under changing manufacturing environment.

Keywords: material flow, optimization, extraction systems, short-run production, lean production, optimization, mathematical modeling, QRM, ERP.

Losenkov A.S., Yushchenko T.S., Stel’nikova S.A., Michkova D.E.  Optimization of oil transport traffic in branched long-distance pipelines

A new approach to oil transport scheduling in branched long-distance pipelines is offered. The approach enables the calculation of traffic over a given period with the specified discretization subject to pipeline characteristics (throughput, pumping modes, etc.), crude oil properties (sulfur content, density, etc.) and tankage capacity along with transportation energy optimization. A case study demonstrates the capabilities of the approach.

Keywords: long-distance pipelines, freight traffic scheduling, oil transport.

Molchanov A.Yu.  Organization of distributed computing for physical assets management

Effective management of physical assets is important for most of industrial enterprises. The specificity of the control object determines the control system configuration: it should employ distributed computing. The paper overviews the technologies relevant for such systems.

Keywords: physical assets management, EAM, mobile solutions, distributed computing.

Nikolaev A.V., Kamakin A.N., Vasil’kov Yu.V.  Improving process equipment capacity by means of control software

The paper offers possible ways to improve domestic and foreign control systems of discrete processes. And systematizes modernization activities.

Keywords: process controls modernization, applied software, capacity improvement actions.

Poletaev V.P., Bogdanov D.A.  Automated information preparation complex for product postproduction optimization

Criteria for determining the optimal frequency of preventive maintenance activities are offered. An informational support system is developed allowing to automatize the process of integrated logistics support of industrial product’s lifecycle.

Keywords: reliability, maintenance, maintenance intervals, complex indicators, failure, reliability function, approximation, least squares method, automation.

Kolodnikov I.A., Lebedev V.O., Shishkin A.V.  Automatic keeping of gaseous medium composition in dry boxes of a complex of experimental units

The paper discusses the implementation an algorithm for automatic keeping of gaseous medium and underpressure in dry boxes of a complex of experimental units for improving MOX fuel production technology. The application of the algorithm will enable the preparation of the intrabox environment in compliance with guidelines and its maintenance over the whole work cycle.

Keywords: algorithm, gaseous media, sealed box, block valve, hard-/software system, underpressure.

Sedov R.A., Podlesny A.M.  Transparent integration of production data in the process control system of a vehicle LPG filling compressor station

The paper discusses the implementation of an automation system for a vehicle LPG filling compressor station on the basis MasterSCADA software suite. The focus is made on the integration of heterogeneous equipment in a single system.

Keywords: integration, production data, vehicle LPG filling compressor station, link protocols, SCADA system.

Talamanov S.A., Salenko A.S., Zezin A.V., Tverdovsky N.A.  Application experience of SPPA-T3000 hard-/software system in automatic control systems of the gas-turbine power plant of Novy Urengoy Gas Chemical Complex

The paper outlines technical and functional structures of SPPA-T3000 process control system intended for utility systems of the gas-turbine power plant of Novy Urengoy Gas Chemical Complex. It summarizes the experience of SPPA-T3000 application at a plant which pertains to a wide class of industrial automation objects due to its information capacity and the complexity of functional tasks.

Keywords: process control system, hard-/software complex, automated control system, heat-mechanic equipment, utility systems, supply-and-exhaust ventilation facilities.

Borisov A.V., Spiridonov A.V., Khatimov M.R., Ismakov I.Sh., Ryzhov D.A.  Advanced process control application at EP-360 olefin plant

An advanced process control system has been recently implemented at EP-360 olefin plant of SIBUR-Kstovo, LLC (Russia). The paper outlines the implementation phases and discusses both tangible and intangible benefits.

Keywords: advanced control, multivariable predictive controller, soft sensors, process optimization, benefits.

Kochkovskaya S.S., Serdyuk A.I.  Automation of experimental data processing in the optimization of chemical composition of test tool steel grades using fractional factorial analysis

The paper presents the results of software product development in Delphi object-oriented environment based on the fractional factorial design enabling the automation of experimental data processing. Based on the obtained graphic and mathematical relationships, it reveals the effects of various alloying components on mechanical properties of tool steel grades. The software was successfully implemented in the central laboratory of Ural Steel JSC (Novotroitsk, Russia).

Keywords: chemical composition, mechanical properties, optimization, experiment, modeling.

Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V.  BASIS-14: a small controller with great capabilities

The paper overviews the BASIS-14 family of thin-route intrinsically safe controllers from Ecoresurs JSC (Voronezh, Russia): key functionalities including the integration ones, performance attributes, applied software, technical support.

Keywords: thin-route controllers, spark protection, regulatory controllers, recorders, ESD controllers.

Lezhnin D.V.  RX3i – The best automation equipment

Performance attributes of RX3i Series controllers from GE Automation&Controls are presented, the interfaces supported by the equipment are described. The possibility of modernizing legacy process control systems and their migration to new controllers are discussed.

Keywords: PLC, communication interfaces, modernization, process control systems, Industrial Internet.

Vasiliev D.V.   Method for the calculation of the light field of the automated navigation complex

The paper presents a sector navigation complex and a principle of its light field formation with controlled space-time characteristics for visual orientation support during aircraft landing and ship navigating along complex waterways. It offers a new method for calculating the parameters of a contour of a light field’s element in the sectoral navigation complex. The method ensures the refinement of the light field’s contour up to 30% of the light’s visibility range.

Keywords: navigation complex, light field, sequence of images, meteorological view, probability of detection, atmospheric turbulence, optical system.

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