Цель интеллектуальных средств визуализации – "открыть" оператору глаза…
Цель интеллектуальных средств визуализации – "открыть" оператору глаза…
Agafonov D.V., Dozortsev V.M., Novichkov A.Yu., Pogorelov V.P. PAZ-Check: The automated ESD engineering system
The paper describes an integrated solution for emergency shutdown (ESD) logic engineering. The system offers the functionality for ESD trip monitoring and diagnostics, the assessment of current and historical industrial hazards associated with emergency protection, the estimates of process and equipment readiness to complex technological procedures as well as to their on-going implementation support.
Keywords: emergency shutdown (ESD) systems, distributed control systems, emergency events, actuators, ESD trip root causes and sources, Software-in-the-Loop (SIL), industrial hazards, cause-and-effect relation model.
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Production management systems
Khokhlov A.S., Mishutin D.Yu., Baulin E.S. Methodological aspects of model reengineering for oil refineries and petrochemical plants
The reengineering of production models at oil refineries, petrochemical and similar plants and their and application practice show the key handles for improving production effectiveness and user competence. The paper discusses the specificity of models used in planning and scheduling systems of oil refining and petrochemical industries. It offers a network model maintenance structure including a virtual team of specialists from various enterprise departments headed by an independent coordinator. This approach can be extended to vertically integrated oil companies and petrochemical clusters.
Keywords: reengineering, production model, information and communication technologies, feedback, self-regulation, virtual team, production plan, optimization, linear programming, planning, scheduling by days, scheduling by hours, aggregation, schedule update, additivity, asynchrony, oil refining.
Molchanov A.Yu. Web interface application in asset management information systems
Present-day management information system for enterprise physical assets presumes the connection with maximum possible number of asset management participants. To that end, the functionality of such system should be available for a variety of hardware. Web interface offers a versatile solution to the problem. The paper overviews Web interface hardware and organization features in asset management information systems.
Keywords: physical asset, EAM, distributed computing, Web interface.
Balashova Yu.S., Vermel V.D., Mamontov O.B., Ovsiannikov I.Yu., Podlesnov A.M., Khardin A.I. Tooling backup management in sectoral manufacturing of aerodynamic aircraft models
The paper discusses the automation of tooling backup management for pilot production of aerodynamic aircraft models. It analyzes commercial integrated solutions and presents a custom tool crib management subsystem as a part of an integrated system for aerodynamic aircraft models production.
Keywords: pilot production, tool crib, automated control system, tooling backup, warehousing system.
Feofanov K.V., Makashov P.L. Optimization of ore feed to dressing with the help of “Batching” software module
The paper describes the operation algorithm and the functionality of “Batching” software module, which enables are feed to dressing with averaged elemental composition without the need in a sorting yard.
Keywords: ore feed optimization, batching, sorting yards, X-ray fluorescence analysis, ore-dressing production.
Kolesnikova O.V., Lelyukhin V.E. Automation of custom production management on the basis of digital twins
The paper discusses the results of theoretical research, development and implementation of enterprise management systems using hybrid technologies based in digital twins aligned with Industry 4.0 concepts. It presents the original concept of production management at an engineering plant using and integrated control core implemented as a digital production twin. At any moment, the control core represents the current state of production process of the whole enterprise. System is based on program control scheme with real-time correction of deviations from the program independent on their origin.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, custom production, production automation, integration of control, control core, digital twin.
Brom A.E., Maslennikova Yu..L. Assessment of organizational stability of pilot production with reference to order execution priority
The paper offers an approach to the assessment of the organizational stability of pilot production, which allows for the changes in order execution priority and the number of machine tool switches for specific component parts. It substantiates the introduction of weight factors reflecting the priority change costs. The values of weight factors and organizational stability index in various production situations are analyzed using the orders base of the pilot production of the Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute.
Keywords: organizational stability, pilot production, short-term planning, orders priority, mechanical engineering, automation.
Kamakin A.N., Vasilkov Yu.V. Standard warehouse automation solutions for in-process storage of semifinished workpieces
The differences between semifinished workpiece storage and logistic center are formulated. Automated semifinished workpiece transportation systems are overviewed. Warehouse layouts and their characteristics are offered.
Keywords: in-process storage, semifinished workpiece warehouse, automatic guided carts.
Vedeneev V.A. Intelligent corporate search in the major metallurgical company
The paper describes the project on the organization of corporate search based on optical character recognition technologies, computer vision, and natural language processing. The project was implemented at Severstal PJSC with the help of ABBYY Intelligent Search solution. The application has increased the speed of document search from various enterprise sources by the factor 1.7.
Keywords: corporate search, knowledgebase, file storage, optical character recognition, computer vision, natural language processing.
Zakharov N.A. Energy harvesting for Industry 4.0 applications
The application of energy harvesting technology for wireless sensors and sensor networks powering is examined. Application cases of using the energy of cellular communication networks, light, vibration, airflow from passing vehicles, and power grid leakages are discussed. The organization of sensor cycling with lasting capacitor charging in the feed circuit followed by fast triggering of sensor signal processing circuit and radio-frequency module. Such organization is caused by the supply power much lower than required for sensor operation.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, sensor network, energy harvesting, wireless sensors, sensor networks.
Tsarkov G.Yu., Panarin M.V., Panarin V.M., Maslova A.A., Alekseeva P.G. Applications of neurocomputers for monitoring the operation of relief valve at natural gas reduction points
The paper discusses the results of neurocomputer application at natural gas reduction points for determining the relief valve trip moments, accumulating the self-learning neural network base, and reducing air emissions.
Keywords: neurocomputer, relief valve with limit switch, gas reduction point, telemetering, natural gas air emissions.
Kazymov I.M., Kompaneets B.S., Shuvalova A.A. Decision-making support based on power supply systems’ condition analysis
The paper offers a decision-making support algorithm for equipment availability and power losses based on health analysis of low and medium voltage power supply systems. It formulates the original concept of health analysis results interpretation. The effectiveness and practical value of the algorithm developed are shown, the recommendations on its application are made.
Keywords: decision-making algorithm, distribution network, power system condition monitoring, power losses, power system’s health, power supply system, reliability.
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