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Industrial automation companies
Advantek Engineering LLC: products and solutions for industrial automation
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CAD system market
Ozhigin D.A. CAD system – a tool for intelligent people
An interview with Mr. Denis A. Ozhigin, Director on strategic development of Nanosoft CJSC opens up the discussion of CAD topic. It categorizes the commercial CAD systems, makes general recommendations on design tools selection and provides a technology development outlook.
Keywords: computer-aided design systems, intelligence, 3D modeling, cloud computing, mobile devices.
CAD implementation: challenges and solutions
The challenges faced by the sites implementing CAD technologies are mainly finance, human factor, and technology selection. The paper provides a case study of CAD implementation by Orbita JSC (Voronezh, Russia). The innovations to be introduced shortly with the help of CAD are listed.
Keywords: CAD system, digital prototype, human factor, pilot project, efficiency.
Tselischev E.S., Glyaznetsova A.V. Attaining maximum efficiency of CAD application in process control system design
The methods for improving the degree of automation in process control system design are discussed. The efficiency of applying the methods proposed with AutomatiCS CAD system is shown. The technology of process control system design using AutomatiCS is presented.
Keywords: CAD system, design automation, process control system, degree of automation.
Petersen M. Designing high-performance VHF antennas with EMPro CAD system
The paper outlines the capabilities of Agilent EMPro 3D electromagnetic simulator with a case study of high-performance VHF antenna design based on SIW technology and the analysis of the influence of antennas and other electronic sources on the overall performance of the system under design.
Keywords: VHF antenna, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW), CAD system, 3D electromagnetic modeling, simulator.
Sadovnikov D.L., Shiryaev N.V. Some opportunities of PDM/PLM
The recent years saw PDM/PLM solutions to find their stable niches at domestic industrial sites and design organizations. A major design project can be hardly implemented today without these solutions. Also, the application of PDM/PLM is practically compelled by customer requirements of lifecycle product support. With several case studies the paper overviews key capabilities of present-day PDM/PLM solutions.
Keywords: product lifecycle management, product data management, product structure, document storage, integration, access permissions.
Kulikov V.A. Effective industrialization on the basis of informational modeling
IT usage in both industrial and civil construction recently limited to CAD applications at design phase. Today, PLM systems enabling engineering data communication at construction, upkeep, reconstruction, mothballing, and dismantling phases is gaining popularity. The paper shows that the multi-vendor tools integration is the most effective method of PLM system design for an enterprise. Therefore, the role of intersystem integrators developing special software for various-source data integration is growing in industrial and civil engineering market.
Keywords: CAD systems, PLM systems, product lifecycle management, engineering data management systems, industrial plant’s informational model, intersystem integration.
Larsson J. Computer modeling-based design
The paper discusses user advantages of CAD systems combining high-level computer modeling tools, such as geometrical modeling, with data management applications. Such systems enable the development of design CAE models simpler than with conventional engineering tools.
Keywords: computer modeling, CAD systems, production prototypes, staging, unified information space.
T-FLEX CAD. Functionalities and features
Key capabilities of T-FLEX CAD ensuring its competitive advantages in the computer-aided design market are presented.
Keywords: CAD system, parametric design, 3D models, unified informational model.
Yeremin D.V., Zimina D.A., Zinchenko V.S., Dubovenko S.V. TILOS software for linear project management: examples of best practices
The paper examines the examples of time–location diagrams in infrastructure construction project management using TILOS software. Case studies from Russian companies are included.
Keywords: time–location diagrams, project management, linear construction projects.
Yevseichev D.A., Maximova O.V., Samokhvalov M.K. TFEL DDS: an automated technology planning system for thin-film electroluminescence indicator devices
The paper discusses a vital instrument-making problem: the automation of technology planning for advanced -film electroluminescence indicators. The field features time-consuming labor-intensive computing and vast amount of raw data to be processed caused by the variety of available thin-film evaporation techniques and tools. TEFL DDS is an automated technology planning system for thin-film electroluminescence indicator production developed purposefully to address these issues. Its key features are the computer-aided structure design and material selection for indicator element’s levels in view of its structural analysis and the development of design documentation packages.
Keywords: thin films, electroluminescence, indicator, process engineering, automated technology planning system.
Nigmatova F.U., Shomansurova M.Sh., Siddikov I.Kh. Making integrated information-analytical systems of the automated apparel and knitwear design
The features of computerized apparel and knitwear design are formulated. The relevance of an infotainment system development for apparel design and integration into enterprise’s unified information space is shown. An approach to such system design is presented. Case studies included demonstrate application advantages.
Keywords: electronic workflow, unified information space, information flows, integrated database, CAD system.
Glukhov A.Yu., Neghinsky I.V. Hard/software system for high-temperature superconductor manufacturing automation
The paper briefly describes the process of high-temperature yttrium superconductor manufacturing and a hard/software system developed to automate it. Operation principles of hard- and software parts are outlined, test results are included.
Keywords: temperature controller, high temperature control, PID control, microprocessor technology, GSM module, wireless monitoring and control, synthesis, high-temperature superconductors.
Krutoy Zames EX Hard/software system for profitability improvement
The paper describes the components and features of Krutoy Zames EX (Stiff Batch EX) hard-/software system intended for concrete and bitumen mixers and formula-feed plants.
Keywords: hard-/software system, integration, universal control panel, business processes.
Kotel’nikov P.V. Reconstruction of command-and-search communication system at Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP
The reconstruction of command-and-search communication system has started at Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant. The paper describes the new communication system to replace the legacy one. The system is based on Armtel switches.
Keywords: command-and-search communication system, digital switches, warning system.
Loychikov S.V. Why Getac?
Application advantages of protected mobile devices from Getac Technology for Russian customers are discussed.
Keywords: protected laptops, protected panel computers, protected smartphones, reliability, workability.
Afonin I.N. Fault-tolerant information systems of the future
The paper presents the structure, capabilities and features of Advantix Intellect, a new generation fault-tolerant information system manufactured by DOLOMANT Scientific and Production Company
Keywords: information system, availability, reliability, fault-tolerance, cluster solutions.
Lubentsova E.V., Masyutina G.V., Rudakova T.A., Lubentsov V.F. Synthesis of an interval control system with an adaptive PID controller
An adaptive technique is offered for PID controller tuning on the basis of functional relations between the optimal controller settings and the plant’s gain. For interval-type plants, the constant stability margin is maintained under plant’s gain changes.
Keywords: interval system, adaptive PID controller, robust controller, maximum degree of stability, transient process.
Antipin A.F. Fuzzification of continuous quantities with term prediction in a multivariable crisp logic controller
The paper examines the fazzification technique for continuous quantity values with serial and parallel-serial interval scanning and with term prediction in a multi-variable crisp logic controller. The technique enables control system speed improvement.
Keywords: multi-variable crisp logic controller, term predictor, parallel-serial interval scanning, STEP-TIME fuzzification algorithm.
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