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#9 2023


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Industrial applications of CAD, PLM, and PDM systems

Ayvazian T.V., Kiselev N.I., Komissarov K.V., Netronin I.V., Petrunin V.V., Poverennov E.Yu.  Implementation of the technology of electronic scripts of design documentation on the basis of enterprise PLM platform

The paper presents the results of the pilot implementation of the technology of electronic scripts of design documentation on the basis of enterprise PLM platform. The electronic business-process was perfected and optimized using electronic workflow tools as well as simple and qualified digital signatures. The integrated transition from sequential examination of design documentation to its parallel expertise was implemented. The corporate standard regulating the order of examination, approval, and recording of electronic design documentation was developed. This resulted in faster design documentation approval and the retention of design decision-making history thus ensuring the overall reduction of product design time.

Keywords: unified information space, IT support, product lifecycle, PLM platform, electronic script of design documentation, electronic approval, decision-making history, simultaneous expertise of design documentation, red pencil.

Koloshkina I.E.  Automated development of design documentation for shaft-type rotary component parts

The paper informs about the system for automatic development of design documentation for shaft-type rotary component parts. The system is implemented in ADEM CAD/CAM/CAPP software. Design solutions meeting the spec requirements are searched with the help of a neural network system. An application case is included.

Keywords: design documentation, automated production engineering, CAD/CAM/CAPP systems, neural network systems for information retrieval.

Igonin V.A.  Design and production engineering: from CAD to ERP

The paper presents the full-scale design and production engineering process from the article model designed in KOMPAS-3D CAD system to further development of article’s electronic structure in the Appius-PLM system to information preparation and communication to 1C:ERP accounting system.

Keywords: Design and production engineering, CAD system, ERP system, product’s electronic structure.

Shiryaev N.V., Sadovnikov S.L.  On some import replacement problems in PLM technologies

Some real-world problems related with import replacement in product lifecycle management are discussed. These include the transition to domestic operating system, the migration to domestic database, legacy data import, data protection issues, integration of applications, adjustment of user interfaces, and report tuning.

Keywords: product lifecycle management, workflow automation, import replacement.

Kozlov S.Yu., Baranov L.V.  RGK geometric kernel

At the 2023 Eurasian Economic Forum, Top Systems have presented their RGK geometric kernel, The paper outlines its development history and the status quo. It discusses it’s the design concepts of the kernel’s data model, its architectural features, and the key challenges faced by the module developers.

Keywords: geometric kernel, geometric modeling, 3D, CAD systems.

Chelenko A.V.  Development of quality metrics for machine-building products by means of expert judgments

The paper reviews the evolution of the term “quality”, which has been changing under the impact of external conditions formed by marketing tools against the increasing competition. A relevant set of quality metrics for machine-building products is formed by means of expert judgments. A new quality metric named “functional correspondence” is offered. It means product satisfaction above user’s original expectations. The term “quality” is redefined. It complies with the demands of machine-building product buyers and gives competitive advantages to the manufacturers meeting them.

Keywords: quality, quality metrics, quality management, expert judgment method, Pareto method.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation of industrial plant construction

Zargano M.G.  Application of Stage-Gate approach for managing major investment projects

The paper presents the methodology for major investment project management based on Stage-Gate approach, discusses its key implementation issues and advantages.

Keywords: investment construction projects, product/project viability, involvement, motivation.

Eriza K.N.  PLM in capital construction of industrial plants

CAPSTROY software suite was created in cooperation with developers of Soyuz-PLM software for product lifecycle management and tailored for design and construction processes. Its functionality and featured properties are outlined.

Keywords: product lifecycle management, design and construction, PLM system, industrial enterprises.

Kurmanova O.V.  Stroyploshchadka nanoCAD: construction planning

The paper discusses the functionalities and tools of Stroyploshchadka nanoCAD for construction sites. The software suite is based on the Russian nanoCAD platform.

Keywords: construction, construction organization program, site work organization program, design.

Girvin D.  Application of IT solutions for Advanced Work Packaging methodology implementation

Implementation phases of Advanced Work Packaging methodology are described, the role of IT solutions in this process is shown. Case studies and recommendations are included.

Keywords: Advanced Work Packaging approach, digital information model, 3D, maturity level.

Implementation of BIM technologies for the design of metallurgy and mining plants in Uzbekistan Republic

Ibryaeva O.L., Taranenko P.A., Teleghin D.V.  Modification of Padé-Laplace method and its application in the analysis of Coriolis flowmeter readings

Padé-Laplace parametric method is used for estimating the parameters of the sum of complex exponents through the calculation of Padé approximation of the Laplace transform of the pickup signal. The non-uniqueness of the approximation denominator results in false poles named Froissart doublets. To resolve the problem, an algorithm is offered for calculating Padé approximations. The modified Padé-Laplace technique is applicable for tracking sine waveform from Coriolis flowmeter’s pickup coil.

Keywords: Padé-Laplace method, Padé approximation, exponential analysis problem, Froissart doublets, Coriolis flowmeters.

Zakharov N.A.  Blockchain technology in distributed

The paper discusses the design of distributed data acquisition and processing systems using blockchain technology. It shows the possibility of using public blockchain infrastructure with toll transactions instead of deploying native infrastructure. Application cases of blockchain technology forestry, equipment health diagnosis, healthcare, and offshore monitoring systems are included. An experimental estimate of computing power consumption is offered.

Keywords: blockchain, transaction, smart contract, decentralization, distributed information system, Internet of Things, Ethereum.

Rotchev K.V., Vovdenko Y.V.  Application of digital thermostatic regulators in instrumentation cabinet heating systems in fuel and energy complex

After the leave of foreign vendors from the Russian industrial automation market the domestic companies have been steadily expanding their niche. The vast experience of developing their own products and operating foreign equipment helps the businesses in accomplishing various production tasks. The paper discusses the calculation of the parameters of a thermostatic regulator for heating systems of instrumentation cabinets used in fuel and energy complex; the case study shows the cooperation between developers and users of automation systems.

Keywords: industrial automation, instrumentation, heating, digital thermostatic regulators.

Livshits I.I.  Analysis of the training process of information security specialists

High-quality specialist training in the field of information security is highly relevant in view of the known attacks against IT infrastructure of major companies along with lack of qualified specialists able to resist such attacks. Based on various expert judgments, we currently face both the lack of available qualified specialists and the impossibility of the Russian higher school to increase the turn-out of such specialists to the target levels. The growing number of graduates must not conflict with the level of training that should be guaranteed by the universities. Against this background, the analysis of master’s theses of information security specialists is undertaken. It shows several excellent specimens done for industry along with the examples of risks associated with banal standard works.

Keywords: training program, information security, speciality, effectiveness, protective measures, risks, conformance evaluation.

Kotsyuba I.Yu., Shestakov A.V.  Automation of corporate personnel policy: competence models in the field of information security

The paper offers a disciplined approach to timely development, updating, and correction of competence models for familiarization, training, expertise improvement, and retraining of information security personnel. The approach substantiates the requirements to specialists and officers and ensures computerized personnel policy in the context of digitalization.

Keywords: competences, models, personnel policy, information security.

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