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#9 2024


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Industrial applications of CAD/CAE systems

Sidorenko O.M., Salanov A.A., Kozlov A.I.  Mathematical modeling of sensitive element of angular velocity sensor using ANSYS CAE software

The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling of a sensitive element of a Coriolis vibratory gyroscope. The modeling was done by finite element method using ANSYS CAE software. The gyroscope’s sensitive element has the shape of a double tuning fork. The amplitude-frequency response and signal parameters are obtained, which ensure the sensitive element operation in force-to-rebalance mode. The simulation results are compared with the experimental ones.
Keywords: angular rate sensor, Coriolis vibratory gyroscope, solid-state wave gyroscope, modal analysis, harmonic analysis, finite element model.

Koloshkina I.E., Kapitanov A.V., Feofanov A.N.  Automated design of processes and control programs for high-speed CNC milling

The paper offers an algorithm for automatic calculation of high-speed CNC milling parameters, which allows for surface roughness characteristics, difference in removed layer thickness compensated for by the stability of optimal chip thickness, step size, and trochoidal cutting width. A structural diagram of computer-aided design of high-speed milling CNC processes implemented in ADEM CAD/CAM/CAPP environment is presented. It includes the mathematical models developed and the control program in Excel.
Keywords: automated process design, CAD/CAM/CAPP systems, high-speed milling.

Moskalev I.V., Bakanov A.A.  Import replacement in industry: domestic solutions for reverse engineering and engineering calculations

The paper examines the features and functionalities of domestic design software for early lifecycle stages such as reverse engineering, express analysis of design solutions, calculations, and virtual testing of product models. The solutions proposed are compatible with Linux operating systems.
Keywords: import replacement, reverse engineering, express analysis of design solutions, engineering calculations, virtual test.

Kondusov V.B., Kondusov D.B. Information support of UAV lifecycle as a tool for improving CAD efficiency

Permanent improvement of UAV is caused by the needs of the present-day volatile environment. The efficiency of UAV design and operation is a paramount issue. To address these challenges, the information support of UAV lifecycle should be developed, in particular, the models and methods for the informational interaction between the vendor and the user, which will allow for the analysis of the product’s logistic support and the data acquired during the operation of well-known UAV.
Keywords: information support, CAD, analysis of logistic support, lifecycle, PLM system, UAV.

Zhilenkov A.A.  The analysis of the state of the art of the design of hard-/software accelerators for deep learning model inference

The paper analyzes the application outlook for hard-/software accelerators of deep learning model inference as well as the methodology and design criteria for such accelerators and compares their hardware architectures. It discusses three basic approaches to the optimization of deep learning models for their effective deployment on various hard-/software architectures: peak capacity increase, efficiency improvement, workload reduction. The advantages of PLD as a platform for deep learning model deployment are shown.
Keywords: design, hard-/software accelerators, deep learning models, PLD.

Cheranev I.V.  Application of 3D model in shipbuilding

The paper discusses the development of a 3D of a vessel’s sheer line with the help of the internal data processing system of T-FLEX CAD 17 software suite.
Keywords: 3D model, shipbuilding, vessel shell plating, CAD.

Barsukov D.A.  Application of large language models in CAD systems: opportunities and limitations

The paper presents a class of machine learning algorithms for processing and generation of the natural language. Such algorithms are called large language models (LLM). It discusses LLM development prerequisites and the current research state in this area. LLM applications in CAD are reviewed. The ways of accelerating product design and documentation development with the help of LLM technology are examined. Comparative analysis of available solutions is undertaken with the description of their strengths and weaknesses.
Keywords: large language models, adaptation of language models, artificial intelligence, visual language models.

Storozhev S.A., Yuzhakov A.A.  Adaptation of logic-dynamic automated control system of a gas turbine aircraft engine to changing operating conditions

The paper discusses a logic-dynamic automated control system for a gas turbine aircraft engine. The system includes a selecting device, which develops a control action by choosing a control channel from several ones by means of multivalued logic. The authors propose to replace multivalued logic with in the selecting device with the fuzzy one, for better adaptation to the engine’s changing operating conditions. The adaptation module, which develops a signal for horizontal shifts of term sets. The weighted average of control channel values is used for describing the adaptive fuzzy controller’s output. Experimental results are included.
Keywords: gas turbine aircraft engine, logic-dynamic automated control system, selector, adaptation block, adaptive fuzzy group controller.

Fonin A.A.  Mathematical modeling of marine seismic data processing

The paper presents an algorithm for automatic seismogram treatment, The algorithm is based on the method of vertical acoustic signal receivers located in the sea vertical at a certain distance from each other. A mathematical model is offered, which describes the vertical propagation of an acoustic wave in layered rocks. The model is used in the method in the method of automatic interpretation of seismograms. The algorithms were tested in numerical experiment using Comsol Multiphysics software, which simulates acoustic wave propagation through the stratified medium. The model includes the marine layer and the rock beneath. Amplitude-time relationships (seismograms) of medium oscillations in the points, simulating acoustic signal receivers, were received from the numerical experiment. The results of the automatic processing and interpretation of a seismogram, i.e., the determination of the geophysical properties of the layers, were obtained by means of programs in MatLab environment. With high precision, the results comply with the parameters, obtained from the numerical experiment.
Keywords: mathematic model of seismogram, acoustic wave modeling, automatic interpretation of seismic data, marine seismics.

Fatkhullin R.G.  Application of MQTT protocol at a modern industrial plant

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is a most popular data exchange interface in IIoT ecosystems. The paper discusses its features and functionality and focuses on its Sparkplug B and UNS (Unified Namespace) important extensions, which simplify the deployment and control of IIoT systems within the unified information space of a modern industrial enterprise.
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, unified namespace, MQTT messaging protocol, unified information space.

Teleshev M.I., Khusnutdinova E.M., Khamidullina G.R., Fakhreeva D.R., Saushin I.I., Goltsman A.E.  Quality control of combustion process in an integrated gas burner

The paper analyzes the causes of the hysteresis of excess oxygen level in the combustion products of burners’ blast gases. It refers to the world best practices of hysteresis reduction. For EMMA C2 and EMMA C3 integrated gas burners from Proma Scientific and Production Enterprise, the results of experimental evaluation of the hysteresis in burner control systems are presented along with the total benefits of its reduction.
Keywords: hysteresis of excess oxygen level, combustion products of burners’ blast gases, quality control.

Fedosov I.I.  A method for estimating the measurement status of a four-electrode thermoelectric transducer’s measuring circuit

Industrial temperature measurements are typically based on contact transducers, such as thermistors and thermocouples. The latter enable measurements in a wide temperature range and with high precision, but their application in industrial environments results in the degradation of thermoelectric material properties and the growing temperature measurement error. The paper offers a method for estimating the result of temperature measurement on the basis of a four-electrode measuring circuit of a thermoelectric transducer. The method makes it possible to obtain measurement result status as valid, indicative, and invalid for each measurement in the operating temperature range. Experimental investigation of the method for a four-electrode chromel-alumel-nichrosil-nisil transducer has confirmed the possibility of evaluating the increase of transducer’s measurement error at the level of admissible deviations.
Keywords: thermocouple, thermoelectric transducer, measurement accuracy assessment, measurement result status, measurement error.

Vinyavsky A.A.  Industrial Internet of Things: risks and protection in the digital age

Cyber security challenges typical for IIoT devices are formulated. The concept of cyber immunity offered by Kaspersky Lab as an approach to the design of structurally secure systems is discussed. Practical advantages of cyber immunity for industrial sites are described by example of Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway.
Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, cyber security, industrial data gateway, cyber immunity.

Kasimova A.R., Safiullina L.Kh., Alekseeva A.A.  Application of cyber polygons for cyber security specialist training

The capabilities of Cyberpolygon laboratory for student training in the field of cyber security are demonstrated. It is noted that the application of cyber polygons develop the skills of quick elimination of vulnerabilities without any damage to real-life information systems of industrial enterprises.
Keywords: cyber polygon, vulnerabilities, information security, training, network attacks.

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