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#9 2020


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Digital twins in industry

Dozortsev V.M.  Digital twins in industry: genesis, structure, terminology, technologies, platforms, outlook. Part 1 – Origin and evolution of digital twins and how the present-day definitions reflect their matter and functionality

The paper analyzes the origins and evolution of digital twins. Their destination, composition, and scope are described with the analogy of doubles in literature. The relevance of using the metaphor of twinship with reference to a wide range of control automation, engineering, and training tasks in various industries is shown. Key digital twin technologies, platforms, and application cases will be discussed in the following parts.

Keywords: digital twins, cyber physical systems, digital thread, twinship metaphor, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, first-principles modeling, machine learning, hybrid modeling.

Korablev A.V.  Innovative process engineering trends in digital twins environment

Present-day trends of automated process engineering systems in Industry 4.0 conditions are discussed. Production digital twin is defined. The areas of the most effective digital twin application at the process engineering stage are pointed out.

Keywords: digital twin, process engineering, virtual reality, design, digitization.

Mercangoez M., Cortinovis A., Dominguez L.  Artificial intelligence in dynamic process modeling

The paper discusses the approach of ABB to dynamic process modeling using artificial intelligence techniques, such as recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, and variational autoencoders. The approach proposed was tested in the course control system of a paper machine and can be applied in stand-alone decision-making support and control systems.

Keywords: digital twin, modeling, neural networks, machine learning, variational autoencoder, stand-alone decision-making support systems.

Chellani J., Srivastava S.  Application of digital twins in oil refining and petrochemical process control

The importance of integrating economic and process structures of oil refining and petrochemical plants is demonstrated. The challenges confronted by the developers of integrated process models in oil refining and petrochemistry are discussed. The functionality of Petro-SIM environment for developing integrated digital twins of oil refining and petrochemical processes is reviewed; examples of KBC projects are cited.

Keywords: digital twins, computer simulation, oil refining, petrochemistry, integrated process models.

Andriyanov I.N.  Controller emulators and digital twins

The paper shows that the ported controller software is a digital twin. It discusses controller emulators with the case study of the BASIS series from Ecoresurs (Voronezh, Russia) that enable the development of virtual stands for testing and training.

Keywords: digital twins, controller, emulator, modeling, simulation.

Kulikov I.N.  Technical state prediction using digital twins

The paper discusses the merits and drawbacks of various maintenance scenarios for industrial plant with the focus on predictive maintenance. A maintenance procedure developed by HEXA LLC specialists is presented. The paper shows how digital twins and historical data analysis on their basis allow to assess the object’s service life and identify the causes of deviations resulting in life losses. It emphasizes the importance of both developing the object’s spatial geometry and simulating its assembly process for detecting the deviations at all production stages. With the case study of investigating cracks and fractures formation in binding belts of electric locomotives the paper showcases the effectiveness of the developed service life prediction procedure in both assessing the maximum number of cycles before failure and identifying the stress source diminishing the object’s life.

Keywords: 3D modeling, digital twin, prediction, finite element method, train wheel.

Discussing a Topic…

CAD, PLM, and PDM systems for industrial applications

Ghimein A.A.  Delta Design Enterprise Server – Unified information space for plant-wide electronics development

The organization of collaborative work on electronic articles design with the domestic Delta Design CAD system is discussed. The system’s functionality is presented, its flow chart and application benefits are described.

Keywords: unified information space, electronics, collaborative remote working, design, CAD system, database.

Komissarov A.V., Ivanov D.P.  Digitization of preproduction engineering at Gavrilov-yamskiy Machine-building Plant Agat

The background of preproduction digitization at Gavrilov-yamskiy Machine-building Plant Agat is outlined, digitization goals and objectives are formulated, solution structure and project results are discussed.

Keywords: preproduction engineering, electronic workflow, integrated engineering data management system.

Cheranyov I.V.  Libraries of standard rigging fragment models and their application in preproduction engineering at Vyborg shipyard

The preproduction engineering department of Vyborg shipyard uses 3D technology for rigging design. 3D modeling enables the development of ready-made standard model libraries of slipway rigging, scaffolding, and metalware. 3D models are also applied in the design of rack and gage assembly rigs. Their application results in time savings and higher efficiency of preproduction engineering activities.

Keywords: 3D models, preproduction engineering, CAD, standard models library, shipbuilding, rigging.

Belokrylov P.Yu., Komissarov K.V., Poverennov E.Yu., Tsapaev A.P., Kuznetsov A.N.  Automation of control programs development for NC machinery with NXOpen technology

OKBM Afrikantov engineering company (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) uses Concepts NREC software to generate control programs for NC machines. NX CAD system is used developing 3D models of wheels and augers. The paper presents a software tool for converting the geometry of component parts developed in NX into source files for Concepts NREC. The tool saves the time of geometry file preparation for further control program development in Concepts NREC.

Keywords: NC, control program, CAD, conversion, 3D models, geometry of component parts.

Levitsky A.V., Nikolaev P.M., Nikulenko A.A., Shardin A.O., Yustus A.A.  Automated modeling system for ice simulators for aircraft wind tunnel models

The paper outlines an automated modeling system for ice simulators used in aerodynamic experiments for investigating the effect of ice formation on aircraft flight performance. Ice formation models are developed using additive SLA (laser stereolithography) technology. System’s key modules are described including automated development of ice cross-sections, surface construction from cross-sections, catalogue of cross-section descriptions, roughness generator for ice surface simulation.

Keywords: aircraft, ice formation, stereolithography, mathematical model, wind tunnel model.

Polyakov V.V., Babkin A.N., Retunsky S.V., Kuzmin V.S., Orlov N.P.  Integrated automation of external water supply for a greenhouse complex

Water supply systems of greenhouse complexes are peripheral for both developers and design offices. Typically, dedicated companies provide turnkey arrangement of artesian wells including design, plant and equipment, installation, automation, and commissioning. Unfortunately, the well automation system implemented in Greenhous LLC according to such attitude failed to meet actual needs of a greenhouse complex, and thus jeopardized the whole activity of the enterprise. To remedy its critical defects, the decision was made to implement a distributed automation system for external water supply with cascade well control.

Keywords: greenhouse complex, artesian well, distributed automation system for external water supply, cascade control.

Prokopiev A.M., Andreev V.S., Nikiforov V.I., Filippov V.I., Ele A.A.  Automated control system for the third series current in aluminum production

The paper examines the architecture, components, and functionality of the automated control system for the third series current of the electrolysis shop at the Shelekhov subsidiary of RUSAL Bratsk PJSC.

Keywords: automated control system, aluminum production, electrolysis, current controller, workstation, control cabinet.

Industrial automation companies

DMG MORI offers economic support programs for clients in key areas: automation, digitization, finance and service

DMG MORI extends its economy priming program through long-term targeted support of industrial companies in the present-day volatile economic environment. The focus is made on production automation and digitization. Improving automation level and extensive digitization at all production stages from order placement and part cutting on NC machine through assembly and logistics ensure long-term competitive advantages.

Keywords: digitization, academy, learning, machinery modernization, service, operation, maintenance.

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