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#9 2021


Industrial automation companies

To the 30th anniversary of Plastic Enterprise. The history of climbing to the Olympus of automation

Plastic Enterprise based in Novocherkassk, Russia will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary on September 30, 2021. The Journal’s readers are aware of many projects implemented by the Company’s specialists for of explosive and chemically dangerous sites. In the recent years, the Company has presented its several works in the field of robot systems. The Company’s development history, key achievements, and intergenerational continuity are overviewed by the CEO Prof. Oleg Tyurin and Mr. George Tyurin, Junior Engineer at Plastic Enterprise

Keywords: industrial automation, explosive and chemically dangerous sites, robot systems, training.

Discussing a Topic…

Process simulation in present-day automation systems

Vikulov E.O., Denisov O.V., Meshcheryakov V.A., Denisova L.A.  Simulation modeling of computing load distribution between server stations using fuzzy logic inference

The paper presents a simulation model of computing load balancing between several cloud resource stations developed using MATLAB /Simulink /SimEvents tools. The simulation-based investigation of the server complex as a system with discrete states was undertaken based on queueing system theory. An algorithm for data allocation among servers allowing for their condition is developed using fuzzy logic inference. The algorithm’s advantage against circular load distribution is the reduced queue lengths in the system resulting in the increased number of data processing orders executed by servers.

Keywords: high-loaded data processing systems, cloud load balancing, network performance, fuzzy logic inference.

Kuznetsov E.V., Golyaev Yu.D., Kolbas Yu.Yu., Kuznetsov N.E., Vinokurov Yu.A., Solovyeva T.I., Kofanov Yu.N., Ermakov D.N., Samusenko O.E.  Improving the quality and efficiency of laser gyros development and production with the help of computer modeling methods

Thermal modeling at early stages of design of laser gyros (LG), operating in a wide temperature range, enables overall cost reduction due to significant savings on multiple LG laboratory tests and its possible re-design caused by the overheating. The paper presents the algorithm for developing a thermal model of a complex space-saving 3-axis LG with electronics allowing its step-by-step disaggregation. LG modeling process using ASONIKA domestic computer system is described, the developed thermal LG model is presented. Experimental results confirming the high accuracy of modeling are presented.

Keywords: laser gyro, computer simulation, electro-thermal analogy method, finite difference method, grid method, graph method, zooming method.

Kolesnikova E.G.  Automation of fire and explosion protection system at ore mining sites

The paper examines the problems of fire and explosion protection automation at ore mining sites. It proposes to use automated adaptive fire extinguishing systems with wireless data communication and dynamic routing. The need in improving the guidelines underlying fire instrumentation in ore mining industry is emphasized.

Keywords: automation, adaptive systems, fire and explosion protection, ore mining industry, dynamic routing.

Vydrin A.V.  Implementation of fire protection systems on the basis of Dialog Pro hard-/software complex for automatic fire extinguishing

The SP484.1311500.2020 set of rules and guidelines on the design of fire alarm and automation systems effective from 2021 has changed drastically the approaches to the application of traditional equipment fire alarm and automation systems. Dialog Pro hard-/software complex for automatic fire extinguishing meets new requirements. The paper describes its functionality and provides a block diagram of a fire extinguishing system based on Dialog Pro.

Keywords: fire alarm systems, automation, fire protection systems, redundancy, signaling devices.

Bashirov M.G., Akchurin D.Sh., Kostikov I.I., Nikolaev K.G.  Training simulation complex based on BASIS-100 PLC

The problem of student training for the operation of domestic automation devices is discussed. The paper describes the training simulation system developed on the BASIS-100 PLC from Ecoresurs JSС based in Voronezh, Russia. The relevance of distance learning with the help of remote and modular laboratories is pointed out.

Keywords: simulation complex, programmable logic controller, controller emulator, virtual control plant, distance learning.

Borisov G.V., Taghirov D.N.  Industrial Internet of Things as a part of digital transformation of Russian oil refining and petrochemical plants

The paper argues that the digital transformation of oil refining and petrochemical plants should start with IIoT technology deployment. To that end, Emerson offers a number of new products and solutions such as IW6300 wireless access points, Rosemount 1410S gateways for industrial wireless networks, Location Awareness system for employee location tracking, Permasense erosion and corrosion monitoring system, Plantweb Insight industrial analytics solution, and WirelessHART wireless sensors.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, wireless industrial networks, employee location tracking, equipment monitoring.

Blyablin A.A., Leontiev M.A., Zdarov A.V., Kaganov E.B.  Indoor and outdoor hybrid positioning system as a tool for integrated personnel monitoring

The paper discusses the application of an indoor and outdoor hybrid positioning system for laborers tracking at a plant. Key technologies of indoor and outdoor positioning are examined. A case study of a smart helmet from DIWO is presented.

Keywords: hybrid positioning system, positioning technologies, digital transformation, tracking devices, labor protection, effectiveness improvement, safety.

Bukunov A.S.  Automated labor protection and job safety monitoring system

The paper describes an automated system which simplifies labor protection and safety measures monitoring in construction industry. The system is implemented as a web application enabling the work with documents stored in the internet and at the company’s server.

Keywords: business process automation, labor protection, safety measures, web application, database.

Chistyakova T.B., Furaev D.N., Shishkin A.N.  Software system for design and analysis of digital models of oil refining facilities

The paper reviews the fundamentals of information models and digital twins of industrial plants. It offers a software system for design and analysis of digital models of oil refining units, which can be applied in the plant’s lifecycle. System’s software architecture, algorithms, and tools are described. Digital model design and analysis algorithms are developed and tested at G-43-107 fluidized catalytic cracking unit and CDU/VDU-6 crude and vacuum distillation plant.

Keywords: digital models, design, industrial plants, digital twin, 3D models, secondary oil refining.

Romashov S.I.  Appius-PLM: the framework for Tehprom Group’s corporate information system

The paper discusses the implementation experience of Appius-PLM product lifecycle management software within the unified corporate information system of Tehprom Group. Implementation stages and challenges are outlined as well as the results, and the future prospect.

Keywords: product lifecycle management, unified corporate information system, integration, automation.

Larin A.A., Ushakov A.Yu.  Iterative majorizing filter with mask selection for data packets

The paper offers a data packet filtering algorithm for inlet parts of digital communication channels not equipped with reliable data integrity checking tools. The filter is successfully applied for excluding the reception of invalid data in the interference environment, in the systems with obsolete data communication protocols without checksums, parity bits, etc. The algorithm demonstrates its key advantages while processing the packets with both quasistatic data (repeating in several sequential messages) and the data changing from message to message.

Keywords: iterative majorizing filter, data packets, digital communication channels.

Trifonov E.V., Shmuriev A.N.  Integrated enterprise management and security system based on Private LTE и Wi-Fi 6 wireless technologies

The paper substantiates the importance and relevance of developing a unified communication environment for an enterprise comprising a communication grid, versatile subscriber's units, and applied software. The communication grid and functionalities of Private LTE и Wi-Fi 6 wireless data communication protocols are analyzed. The functionality and the structure of MARS Monitoring hard-/software aimed at underlying the unified communication environment of an enterprise are discussed.

Keywords: unified communication environment of an enterprise, wireless data communication protocols, customer terminals, Power over Coax systems, redundancy, information security, Private LTE, Wi-Fi 6, critical infrastructure.

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