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#9 2022


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Computer-based training simulators

Dozortsev V.M.  The future of computer-based operator training: from individual skills development to competence management

The paper reviews the evolution and the status quo of operator training simulators. It describes the current trends of simulator-making with the focus on operator feedback provided in terms of automatic evaluation of operator activities and competences. The available approaches to rating development are examined, their merits and drawbacks are discussed.

Keywords: computer-based training simulators, normative and narrative methods of operator performance evaluation.

Pogorelov V.P., Frolov A.I., Novichkov A.Yu., Lokshin A.V., Sokoreva N.Yu., Dozortsev V.M.  DeltaSim: a Russian simulation platform. Historical design, featured properties, and advantages

The paper describes DeltaSim, a Russian simulation platform, which implements the current world trends in training simulator design and is based on sanction-proof software. It analyzes the present-day approaches implemented in DeltaSim such as the flexible and scalable cross-platform architecture, modular simulation model builder, emulation and stimulation tools for operator interfaces of various ICSS vendors, 2D and 3D field operator interfaces, automatic trainee performance evaluation tools, advanced pre-training software, etc. A brief historical design is included.

Keywords: operator training simulators, console and field operator workstations, emulation, and stimulation of operator interfaces, simulation model builder, automatic evaluation of operator activities, automated operator learning systems.

Aslanov R.E., Bol’shakov A.A.  A training simulator for cutting and milling operations based on software models with virtual reality

The paper presents a 3D software cutting and milling simulator implemented using virtual reality tools. System architecture and functionality are described. The simulator is aimed at the visualization of 3D models per specified scenarios for worker training and performance evaluation.

Keywords: immersive technologies, virtual reality, 3D visualization, computer-based training simulators, multimedia-based training, computer graphics.

Gil’man E.A., Agafonov S.A., Kolokin A.A., Krivonosov A.A., Nikiforov I.A.  Key functionality of operator training simulators for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries

Based on their 25 year experience in the development and implementation of operator training systems (more than 100 applications) along with the successful development of the proprietary UTK simulation platform (currently, UTK, the authors discuss the key functionality of OTS for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries. The paper addresses the needs of process automation, HSE, and HR specialists responsible for OTS deployment and application at their sites.

Keywords: operator training systems, process, simulation, emulation, field operator, computer-based learning system.

Shrago I.L.  Conceptual solutions of the OTS product range from AMT: a key to success and longevity

The paper presents the 30 year experience of AMT JSC in the development of operator training simulator platforms for hydrocarbon production processes. OTS case studies are included.

Keywords: training simulator, hydrocarbon production, simulation, operator, training.

Discussing a Topic…

CAE, PLM, and PDM systems for industrial applications

Chistyakova T.B., Novozhilova I.V., Kozlova S.P.  Computer system for lifecycle management of commodity manufacturing from recycled polymer materials

The paper presents the functional structure of a computer system based on an adjustable information model of polymer material recycling processes. The system enables production reconfiguration to new a recycled polymer product as well as its manufacturing lifecycle management. The lifecycle of polymer product manufacturing comprises several phases: the development of compounded mixture formulations, the selection of recycled polymer materials for manufacturing the products with pre-specified properties, the selection of process equipment and operation modes, finished product validation, and benefits estimation. The computer system develops the process chart which includes the detailed information about the formulation and the synthesis process of compound polymer mixture, manufacturing equipment specifications, operation mode parameters at the key production phases, operation safety data, and polymer product KPIs. System testing at a real-life plant has proved its availability and applicability in the polymer industry. Its application will save the plant reconfiguration and formulation selection times, reduce off-spec product, and improve the quality of industrial polymer articles.

Keywords: computer system, lifecycle management system, polymer products, secondary raw materials, equipment reconfiguration.

Nepsha F.S., Varnavsky S.A., Varnavsky K.A., Voronin V.A.  The development of process control systems on the basis of digital twins in the mining industry

The paper examines the problems of digital modeling and the development of digital twins for mining industry. It discusses the drawbacks of the existing approach to mining process modeling and concludes about the need for switching to the data-centric approach. This would save the implementation and modernization costs of process control systems. The structure of a digital twin of a coal mine is described. The expedience of developing a software platform for digital twin development and simulation as well as for running digital models for evaluating the site’s digitization level is demonstrated. Recommendations are made on further development of digital twin-based control systems at coal-mining enterprises.

Keywords: digital twin, coal mines, interoperability, ontology, Internet of Things.

Tselishchev E.S., Kotlova A.V., Kudryashov I.S., Bogdanov P.V.  Improving CAE efficiency in the design of electric drive control systems

Application efficiency of AutomatiCS CAE system in the design of gate valve assemblies is demonstrated. A method for design documentation development is discussed.

Keywords: CAE, design automation, gate valve assembly, design document.

Koloshkina I.E.  Automatic assessment of surface quality geometrics in plunge milling on CNC machines

A procedure for automatic calculation of surface quality geometrics in plunge milling on CNC machines is developed. The information is used for the preparation of operating programs in CAM systems. The calculation is based on mathematical relationships, which describe the influence of the working environment, such as the mill diameter and the discrete displacements along the X and Y axes, on the altitude parameters of surface irregularities. The algorithms for automatic calculation of geometrics are included.

Keywords: CAE, СТС machining, plunge milling, surface irregularities, simulation.

Petrunin V.V., Netronin I.V., Komissarov K.V., Zvyagin E.A., Poverennov E.Yu., Toskin D.V.  Electronic workflow of mechanical engineering enterprises of the nuclear industry within the PLM perimeter

The paper presents the results of the IT project “Digitization of the cooperation between TVEL and Atomenergomash within the PLM perimeter. An electronic workflow system was developed for the enterprises of TVEL fuel company and Atomenergomash division of Rosatom Public JSC in the unified information space on the basis of a PLM system. The project resulted in the significant time saving of the design workflow between the developers and manufacturers of the nuclear fuel.

Keywords: electronic workflow, PLM system, reference information, fuel element, unified information space, electronic signature, electronic document.

Korostelev V.F.  Automation of press’s hydraulic actuator control

Based on the analysis of the processes taking place in the cooling liquid metal, the causes of structural defects formation during the crystallization are revealed. The paper offers to impose the 150…200 MPa pressure at the temperature 100…150 K above the liquidus and maintain this pressure along the crystallization front with the objective to compensate for the segregation. To that end, a hard-/software system was developed. It is press with the blocking force 30 MN equipped with a computer-based information-measuring and control system. The control system implements an algorithm which controls the hydraulic drive of the press imposing the pressure on the crystallizing metal. The algorithm includes the measurement of the pressing plunger’s pressure and displacement as well as the calculation of the crystallization rate. The algorithm’s efficiency is demonstrated with the case study of a high-pressure reduction gear’s case manufacturing.

Keywords: crystallization under pressure, structural defects, pressure imposing control, leak proofness of case-type part, automatic decision-making system.

Golovchenko D.A., Filinov V.V., Sandulyak A.A., Arakelov P.G.  Information-measuring system for investigating magnetic properties of steels

The paper presents an advanced information-measuring system for recording magnetic parameters of ferromagnetic steels: hysteresis loop characteristics and magnetic noise parameters of Barkhausen jumps. System’s capability of controlling physico-mechanical steel properties, such as plane stress state, is demonstrated.

Keywords: magnetic noises, Barkhausen effect, information-measuring system, ferromagnetic steel, hysteresis loop, applied voltage.

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