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#4 2011


Reshetnikov I.S., Turuntseva E.S.  Why does industrial automation skid or wherefore does an IT manager need psychology?

The paper discusses standard implementation procedures for industrial management-information systems, analyzes the existing motivation patterns, and examines a psychological automation model. A model describing financing structure, responsibility distribution, and motivation component of automation projects is proposed; the key role of enterprise`s IT manager is emphasized.

Keywords: industrial automation, motivation, project management.

Gurianov L.V., Proshin D.I.  EnergoKrug: a new software platform for energy accounting and scheduling

EnergoKrug platform is a flexible and versatile tool aimed at energy efficiency improvement. It ensures the alignment with the requirements of 261-FZ Russian Federal Law both for industrial enterprises and for various-size municipal formations.

Keywords: software platform, energy accounting, monitoring, and scheduling system, energy efficiency.

Valeev S.S., Taimurzin M.Yu., Kondratieva N.V.  Intelligent information gathering system for fire-control systems

A design concept of an adaptive information gathering system for fire-control systems. An heuristic sensors allocation algorithm is offered. Simulation results are analyzed.

Keywords: adaptive system, information gathering, fire-control systems.

Masyutina G.V., Lubentsov V.F.  Comparison and selection of cascade automatic control system structures based on fuzzy preferences

A methodology for solving a multicriterion problem of selecting the rational variant of cascade automatic control system under uncertainty conditions is discussed. The methodology is underlain by the categorization of criteria and system requirements to automatic control systems coupled with hierarchy analysis technique. For justified alternatives representation and ranking, the list of criteria is formulated, and estimation scales are developed. Software implementation of the developed methodology is based on MS Excel and can be easily integrated with existing information decision-making support systems.

Keywords: multicriterion selection problem, cascade system, control, qualitative and quantitative information.

Lazarson E.V.  Automation of material grade selection for welded structure

Key issues of automated material grade selection for a welded structure are discussed. The problem`s features and solution methods are outlined and exemplified in a case study.

Keywords: welded structure, material selection, automation.

Smirnov R.I.  Planar LED video cubes: new solutions for control stations

New split-screen systems based on video cubes with LED light source are presented. Planar LED video cubes are intended for developing video walls at control stations, they feature optimized color rendition and high reliability at round-the-clock operation coupled with lower maintenance costs.

Keywords: video wall, split-screen, control station, LED video cube, LED light source.

Mozhegov V.A., Ushakov A.Yu.  KONUS-PD controller for water supply systems

A controller for water supply applications is described. It features enhanced fault-tolerance owing to the original subsystem for self-diagnosis and safe emergency shutdown.

Keywords: PLC, controller, self-diagnosis, reliability, safe emergency shutdown.

Lesnoy B.V., Sergheev A.S.  Investigation of basic parameters and normalizable metrological characteristics of wide-range tracking fluidic sensors

Based on experimental investigations, the paper presents basic parameters of wide-range tracking fluidic sensors, provides the estimates of measurement error, and offers normalizable metrological characteristics as well as dynamic performance.

Keywords: tracking fluidic sensor, metrological characteristics, transformation function, sensitivity, transformation errors, response speed characteristics.

Discussing a Subject…

Laboratory information management systems (LIMS)


Grinevich P.V., Lavrova N.N.  Organization of system approach to industrial quality management

The paper shows that the application of process and system approaches is a necessary prerequisite for developing an effective quality management system at laboratory centers. I-LDS LIMS application ensures comprehensive quality management in an enterprise, performs traceability and identification of information flows from the sampling point through the lab test results output in the specified format.

Keywords: LIMS, functionality, automation, laboratory, product quality control and management, ISO standards.

Safianov A.S.  Comfort as a criterion of LIMS development line

From the first modifications of electronic equipment and PC, the developers followed basically the functionality which was determined by available computational resources. Software user`s comfort is considered as a new criterion. Practical solutions are offered to improve PC user`s perception and emotional state.

Keywords: LIMS, application`s comfort, evolution of software applications.

Skobelev D.O., Zaitseva T.M.  The evolution of SaaS LIMS

The right choice of software and its installation options is an important factor of successful development of effective business processes. This, generally, refers to laboratory information management systems (LIMS) which in some cases can be used more effectively according to the SaaS model. This paper addresses LIMS users who are interested in reducing the acquisition and installation costs based on the comparison of LIMS deployment models and improving their payback.

Keywords: laboratory information management systems (LIMS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), SaaS LIMS.

Tereschenko A.G., Chernikova N.V., Arestova E.S.  The problems of estimating LIMS customization laboriousness

The concept of "subject area" is introduced for estimating the laboriousness of LIMS customization. The sources of problems which arise during standard LIMS customization to specific needs within an enterprise or for different enterprises are discussed.

Keywords: LIMS, subject area, standard solution, customization, laboriousness estimation.

Gusev S.N., Shaimurzin A.R., Osipova A.V.  LIMS implementation at TANEKO oil refining and petrochemical complex

This paper discusses the implementation of LIMS at analytical laboratories of TANEKO oil refining and petrochemical complex. Their application enabled the deeper automation and product quality improvement.

Keywords: LIMS, implementation, configuring.

Andryuschenko R.A.  Integrated automation of product quality management at the refinery

Key phases of STARLIMS implementation at a major Russian refinery are outlined. The advantages of LIMS integration with enterprise`s unified information space are demonstrated.

Keywords: LIMS, laboratory, samples, testing.

Pupkova N.M., Korneeva A.E.  SampleManager LIMS from Thermo Scientific for oil and gas industry

Somme featured of LIMS application in oil and gas industry are discussed and with the implementation experience of SampleManager LIMS implementation at Sakhalin Energy within Sakhalin-2 project.

Keywords: LIMS, laboratory, analyses, reports.

Shopin A.G.  Application of SIMATIC IT Unilab for the automation of metallurgical works` laboratory

The laboratory automation project implemented at Ashinsk metallurgical works on the basis of Simatic IT Unilab LIMS is described.

Keywords: LIMS, laboratory automation, MES, samples, analyses, control.


HI-TECH BUILDING 2010 sums up the evolution of effective technologies for modern buildings and energy conservation innovations

The 10th International Exhibition & Forum HI-TECH BUILFING 2010 took place on Dec. 7-9, 2010 at Moscow Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Center. The market leaders presented their innovations of house equipment and discussed the development prospect for energy-efficient construction in Russia.

Keywords: building automation, smart home, energy efficiency, control.

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