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Журнал «Автоматизация в промышленности»


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#6 2011


In Focus: automation of explosive and chemically dangerous plants

Grebenyuk E.A., Itskovich E.L.  On-line evaluation of non-measurable process quality indices

The paper discusses inferential calculations of process quality indices which may be used in process automation systems. Featured properties of various inferential calculation techniques, the underlying algorithms, and application fields are identified and examined.

Keywords: inferential calculations, process automation, industrial neuron networks, quality control with regression equation

Polulyakh A.I., Lisovin I.G., Kavalerov B.V., Shigapov A.A.  Controller tuning automation for gas-turbine mini power plants at computerized testing

The paper substantiates the application of mathematical modeling techniques in power engineering for automating controller tuning in the control systems of gas-turbine power plants based on converted aircraft engines. The tuning procedure for computerized testing is developed based on dynamic modeling of electrical load. The need for accounting the arbitrary nature of the electrical load is demonstrated.

Keywords: automation of controller tuning, computer support, automatic control system, gas-turbine power unit, synchronous generator, mini power plant, electrical power system

Kuznetsova E.E., Lyantsev O.D.  Optimal settings calculation for centrifugal pump's pressure controller

Optimal settings calculation technique for the outlet pressure controller of a centrifugal pump is considered. Key calculation stages are presented. The results of control system simulation using a nonlinear centrifugal pump model are included.

Keywords: optimal automatic control systems, gain, reset, rate, pressure controller, pipeline transportation

Reznik V.A.  Innovations in the wireless world: ISA100.11a industrial standard

ISA100.11a standard is discussed as a framework for building next generation industrial wireless networks. The benefits of wireless automation solutions deployment are substantiated. Design concepts of ISA100.11a standard are described, and it is compared with competitive WirelessHART solution. An example of ISA100.11a implementation by Honeywell is adduced.

Keywords: ISA100.11a standard, industrial wireless networks, wireless sensors

Gulenok A.  Explosive plants and Ex applications - everything is under control

Process control solutions from Siemens meeting explosion protection requirements for the areas 2, 1, and 0 are presented.

Keywords: explosion protection, spark protection, safety, standard, fieldbus, redundancy, interface modules, distributed periphery, power unit

Yatsenko A.N., Tuchinsky S.V., Andriyanov I.N.  Application of BASIS Series controllers at explosive plants

The paper describes explosion protected BASIS controllers, their components, functional and design features. Typical examples of explosive plant applications are included.

Keywords: explosion protection, explosion protected controllers, anti-wreck protection, regulatory controllers, recorders, versatile industrial controllers

New components from WAGO

UnitedElectricControls: Leader in pressure and temperature switches

Sel'chenkov V.L.  Measurement uncertainty sources of in-line gas chromatograph used in automatic control systems of gas-measuring unit

The paper examines the sources of additional errors in physicochemical gas properties measurements used in gas flowrate calculations at gas-measuring units.

Keywords: measuring system, automatic control system, gas-measuring units, in-line gas chromatograph

Zakharov N.A., Laktionov A.G.  Automation of gas-measuring points

The problem of natural gas flow measurement and its parameters evaluation is discussed. Key measuring procedures are described. Measuring units are classified. Automatic control systems from SovTIGas for gas-measuring units are presented; the characteristics of flow computers and Superflow measuring systems are included.

Keywords: gas measuring unit, linear computing system, automatic control system

Grigorchyk V.I.  And what do you have in your tank? A power diagnosis tool for Rosemount level meters

The graphs of echo signals are considered as a diagnosis tool for Rosemount radar level sensors from Emerson Process Management.

Keywords: graph, echo signal, radar level sensor, diagnosis

Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G.  Automatic stabilization of electromagnetic suspension system of gas-compressor unit motor's rotor

The paper discusses the modernization and design of state-of-the-art electric-drive gas-compressor units with electromagnetic shaft suspension. Innovative automatic control systems for electromagnetic bearings of power machines and units are presented.

Keywords: electric-drive gas-compressor units, automatic control systems, synchronous machines

Tyurin O.G., Kal'nitsky V.S., Buynovsky D.S., Vdovina N.A.  Automation of hazardous processes and plants in high energy composite material production

Distinctive features of hazardous processes are formulated. A modernized process control system for high energy composite material production is presented. The system was implemented using the design methodology for intelligent, multi-purpose (safety, quality, capacity) hazardous process control from Plastic Enterprise.

Keywords: hazardous processes, process control, high energy composite materials.

Dorofeev S.I., Sibagatullin R.M.  PI System deployment Gasprom Neftechim Salavat plants

Key implementation phases of PI System at Gasprom Neftechim Salavat plants are outlined. The modules already deployed are listed as well as the ones to be implemented in future.

Keywords: MES, enterprise information system, unified information space

Journal's Club…

Fyodorov Yu.N.  Heading toward unconditional harmonization

Some provisions of the Russian law 184-FZ On the Technical Regulation are analyzed. A prospect for Russian guidelines and regulations after the adoption of the law is discussed. The problem of retaining the achievements of the Russian guidelines and regulations in the field of automatic control and protection systems is formulated.

Keywords: standard, guidelines and regulations, harmonization, national standard

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