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#7 2011


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Process operator training: tools, procedures, case studies


Dozortsev V.M.  Operator training procedures: a key element of training systems. Present-day trends overview

The paper discusses new trends in computerized operator training methodology: pre-training tools application, field operator training, training management and progress evaluation tools. Prototype toolkits are described.

Keywords: computerized operator training, pre-training, field operator, trainee's actions evaluation.

Kotsuba D.V., Gareishin M.G., Stavrakas D., Pallis T., Harismiadis V.  Effective operator training using hi-fi process simulator

The approaches to developing a hi-fi operator simulator are discussed. The operator training simulator for the methanol unit of Metafrax JSC (Gubaha, Perm Region, Russia) is presented, its architecture and software features are described.

Keywords: dynamic simulation, operator training simulator, training, training scenarios.

Kazantsev V.A., Richmond P.  New development lines of process operator training systems

The capabilities and application areas of modern computerized training systems are formulated. Key software components of IOM's simulation and training systems are listed. The paper introduces the concept and discusses the features of Virtual Reality (VR) - the 3D environment generated by the computer and precisely similar to the real-life environment for a human individual interacting with that environment. It shows that the VR enabling the development of a training system based on software emulation of control system's components is a promising direction of training simulator design evolution

Keywords: training simulator, dynamic simulation, virtual modeling, virtual reality.

Glushkov I.V., Donskoy A.N., Yaroslavtsev A.G., Vanteeva M.V., Biryukov A.L., Yegorov V.A.  Process operators training with the help of applied software: tools, methodology and experience

The paper discusses the design concepts of a training system for dangerous process operators. It describes the selection of standard model elements, trainee's interface, and application examples for various chemical and power industry processes. The paper concludes about the topicality of such systems implementation for reducing the risks of process operation.

Keywords: process plant, automation system, computerized training simulator, operating staff, emergency trainings, mathematical model, production risks.

Aftonyuk T.G.  Training simulator without instructor: a new approach to teaching

The importance and significance of process operator training using computerized systems is discussed. To attain training objectives, an instructor is needed who is experienced both in process technology and in training tools. The paper suggests to develop training simulators that do not require an instructor. It overviews the capabilities of such simulators as well as their possible applications.

Keywords: training simulator, plant model, instructor, operator, self-training and self-examination systems.

Sukharev A.V., Golovushkin B.A., Labutin A.N., Yerofeeva E.V.  Training and management hard-/software system for chemical plants

The training and management hard-/software system for chemical plants is developed. It provides a framework for control system design with control performance evaluation options, process and controls simulation and investigation.

Keywords: hard-/software system, chemical reactor, control systems, control plant, simulation, sub-optimality.

Chistyakova T.B., Polosin A.N., Kuz'menkov E.V.  Computerized training system for thermoshaping process operators

The paper presents the problem-oriented software system intended for training thermoshaping process operators in pharmaceutical and food industries. Its kernel consists of a flexible multi-variant system simulation system for air-assist vacuum and mechanical thermoshaping which allows to investigate the plant in various operation modes as well as to train the control skills to prevent spoilage and improving article quality (thickness).

Keywords: training simulator design, simulation, databases, knowledge bases, software systems, thermoshaping, polymeric materials, polythickness.

Vlasov S.S., Mustafin A.I., Shumikhin A.G.  Dynamic simulation of crude distillation unit for an operator training system

The paper offers an approach to atmospheric distillation process simulation in dynamic modes using software applications based on object-oriented programming. A mathematical model describing atmospheric distillation unit is developed, its modifications for operator training system are examined.

Keywords: atmospheric distillation, vacuum distillation, process, dynamic mode, mathematical modeling, control, computerized training system.

Kremez A.S., Bonch-Bruevich V.V.  Psychological aspects of process operating safety

The experience of operating various man-machine systems shows that the operator training procedures should account for psychological features of human individuals. Up to 70% of accidents and emergencies in industry and transport are related with human factor. The reason of this is that if human operator lacks certain psychological features this may threaten the people around as well as the process and equipment. To overcome this challenge, an integrated approach to evaluating and training operators' individual psychological traits of is needed. Positive experience of applying this approach in rail and motor transport proves its effectiveness and expediency.

Keywords: operating staff, human factor, psychology, testing, stress resistance, vigilance, attention, training, self-control, psychological compatibility.

Iosifov P.A., Pervanyuk A.S.  Application of Web-oriented approach based on information fragments in training tools design

The paper discusses the application of information fragments mechanism in the development of software-based theoretical courses and training exercises as part of computerized educational and training systems. Modern web-oriented and associated technologies are considered as a key way of training tools design combined with enterprise-level data storages. Generic training session structure and the attributes of typical information fragments are described.

Keywords: training tools, information fragments, training, retraining, integration.

Kruchinin A.Yu.  Design features of software systems for real-time pattern recognition

The requirements to real-time pattern recognition systems are formulated. An approach to the organization of real-time pattern recognition software system and its effectiveness estimation is offered.

Keywords: control, process, pattern recognition, effectiveness, optimization, real time, motion detection.

Afanasiev S.A.  Engineering plant management: How to succeed?

The paper discusses the operations of Vagonmash CJSC. Its experience in developing enterprise's information space including PDM and ERP levels is described.

Keywords: PDM and ERP systems, information systems, mechanical engineering, optimization, savings, outsourcing.

Orlov B.L.  Visualization of high-temperature processes at refining and petrochemical plants

The expediency of using video surveillance systems with calculated color thermography of firebox space in industrial heaters is discussed. Schematic diagram of such system is presented; the benefits of its application are included as well as application examples from Russia and abroad.

Keywords: oil refining, petrochemistry, heater, coil, radiation chamber, combustion process visualization, thermography, effectiveness, cost reduction.

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