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Automated lighting control systems
Aristova N.I. Lighting automation: standards, light sources, implemented projects
Implementation of automated lighting control systems and application of state-of-the-art light sources contributes to important social tasks: energy conservation and lighting quality improvement. The paper overviews key domestic standards and guidelines regulating the development of present-day lighting systems. The properties of 3 basic energy-efficient light sources: LED, fluorescent, and plasma - are briefly described. The experience of Russian and foreign cities in the implementation of exterior lighting automation systems is outlined.
Keywords: lighting, light diodes, plasma lamps, fluorescent lamps, wireless communication, lighting engineering, energy conservation, ecological compatibility.
Podlesny S.Yu. Sensor network and electronic ballast for individual streetlight control
The paper describes an automated system for street lighting control with individual electronic ballasts based on wireless sensor network technology. Significant benefits as against the well-known Echelon technology are attained owing to sensor networks self-organization function based on the original sensor positioning algorithm, which excludes the efforts for system installation and deployment.
Keywords: automated street lighting control system, electronic ballasts, wireless sensor networks.
Sapronov A.A., Nikulichev A.Yu., Leschenko A.G. Modernization of outdoor lighting networks: the way to energy efficiency
The opportunities of saving municipal budgetary funds by modernizing the existing outdoor lighting networks are discussed. Principal engineering solutions ensuring energy conservation are as follows: energy-efficient light sources, individual control of lighting power reduction, control orders transfer through power network wires, automatic diagnostics and localization of defective lamps, parameters monitoring through the Internet and remote supervisory control of operating modes. The structure of hierarchical outdoor lighting control system is presented as well as a hard-/software complex enabling easy modernization and scaling of lighting networks both in big cities and in small rural communities. The modernization process can be stepwise with minimum investments combined with operating expense savings.
Keywords: outdoor lighting system, energy conservation, energy efficiency, modernization.
Ugrevatov A.Yu., Ugrevatov V.Yu. Automated control system for city's outer lighting
A standard automated control solution for city's outer lighting based on hard-/software tools of KRUG Scientific and Production Company is presented. The focus is made on efficiency improvement by lighting energy savings and smaller street lamp maintenance costs.
Keywords: automated control system for outer lighting, central control point, electricity consumption accounting, detection, alarming and emergency situation recording, SCADA.
Kryukov O.V., Rubtsova I.E., Ryabkova E.Yu., Kalninsh N.N. Innovative solutions in compressor station lighting design
Design concepts of modern outer lighting systems for gas-main pipeline facilities are discussed. Application features of hardware and schematic solutions for compressor station's site and building lighting are presented.
Keywords: light sources, lighting control systems, energy-saving lamps, compressor stations, gas-main pipelines.
Proskurin O.A. Automated control of architectural lighting units
An approach to developing an automated control system for municipal architectural and outer lighting units based on the application of wireless communication standards is presented. Examples of municipal objects equipped with such automation systems are adduced.
Keywords: architectural and outer lighting, radio channel, GSM, color dynamics.
The stars in the light of soffits
The paper presents new technologies of energy supply and illuminance level control for theater lighting systems. HARTING has developed a flexible and energy-efficient system for power supply and illuminance level control for US-based Strand Lighting company specialized in light technologies, and supplied the equipment for novel audio and lighting systems of the Oslo opera theater building.
Keywords: energy conservation, illuminance level control.
Gulyaev E.V. Smart lighting control systems based on LOGO! and SIMATIC S7-1200
The paper discusses the application features of Siemens LOGO! multi-functional relays and SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC in various level lighting control systems from apartment house's section up to major trading and industrial premises as well as on outdoor lighting control systems.
Keywords: lighting, automated control systems, energy conservation, PLC.
Ensuring energy efficiency of edifices with the help of ABB i-bus® KNX technology
The paper shows that edifices are first-rate energy consumers. The actions taken on electricity saving in an office building start with lighting system modernization. ABB i-bus KNX systems are applied in edifice automation in compliance with world energy efficiency standards. The examples of projects implemented on the basis of ABB i-bus KNX are adduced. The benefits attained due to energy conservation are reported.
Keywords: energy efficiency, lighting, constant illuminance.
Vevers M. Lighting solutions based on Dali, Enocean and Profinet technologies: electricity and installation cost reduction
A lighting system based on motion sensors looks more efficient as against conventional switches. Lighting solutions offered by Breva (Belgium) is based on Dali, Enocean and Profinet and features flexible customizability to new specific requirements.
Keywords: lighting system, motion sensors, control panels with touchscreens, radio module, decentralized I/O station.
In focus…
Automation of scientific research and full-scale test
Vergher A.E., Pervanyuk A.S. Formal tools development for test sequence diagrams description and model validation
Formal tools test sequence diagrams description are developed using interval temporal logic. Their application for sequence diagram model simulation and validation is demonstrated. The application of the sequence diagram production knowledgebase and the toolkit in the development of algorithms generating discrete control impacts to improve test operation quality is described.
Keywords: formal tools, temporal logic, sequence diagram model, knowledgebase, deduction rules, validation technique.
Sladkovsly D.A., Kuzichkin N.V., Lisitsyn N.V. Computerized scientific research system for investigating fluidized bed hydrodynamics
Hard-/software system enabling computerized investigation of fluidized hard particle bed in gas mixture flow is presented. The research was undertaken with the purpose of getting empirical data for bed's state diagnosis by the fluctuations of vessel's differential pressure and fluidized bed reactor simulation.
Keywords: automation, fluidization, computerized scientific research system, simulation.
Denisova L.A. Mathematical model of a digital regulatory control system with variable parameters
An approach to investigating digital control systems with variable parameters by event-driven simulation technique is offered. A mathematical model of discrete-continuous regulatory control system implemented by means of MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow is presented
Keywords: mathematical model, event-driven simulation, transfer functions with variable parameters, digital regulatory control system, variable quantization period.
Michelson O.V., Pertsovsky M.I. SCADA systems enhancement towards test automation: development and application of a versatile test data input module
Design features of testing automation systems are described. The lack of common solutions for testing data input in SCADA systems is discussed. The paper suggests to enhance SCADA functionality by applying a versatile test data input component named ACRecipeMaker.
Keywords: testing automation, recipe, testing scenario, SCADA, form view.
Kulikov E.N., Zagorsky B.V. SibNIA: control systems for longevity test bench of SUPERJET aircraft
A modern longevity test bench for Sukhoy SUPERJET Russian regional aircraft is briefly described. The test bench's control system is based on B&R equipment.
Keywords: automated control system for loading, longevity test, hydraulic servodrives, industrial computer.
Evsevichev D.A., Samohvalov M.K. Automation of phosphor and dielectric material investigation in thin-film EL indicators
High labor intensiveness of scientific research and the slowness of computing process are key challenges in the research of electrical and light characteristics dependencies on design factors of thin-film EL indicators. TFEL ARSM computerized research system was developed to overcome these challenges. It enables the investigation of material properties of EL indicator's layers including the analysis of TFEL structure indicators, the comparison of experimental and theoretical values of output parameters, and the development of fluorescent and dielectric materials database.
Keywords: thin films, electroluminescence, indicator, phosphor, dielectric
ELIPSE POWER: specialized SCADA system for power engineering tasks
Featured properties and capabilities of Elipse Power specialized SCADA system from Elipse Software are presented. The system is intended for process control in power engineering. Application example from a Brazilian heat power plant is adduced.
Keywords: SCADA system, power industry, power networks, load distribution, topology, Smart Grid, switching control.
Alexandrov A.G., Palenov M.V., Rezkov I.G. CHAR-PID-1 adaptive PID controller
CHAR-PID-1 adaptive frequency PID controller is presented. Its operation is underlain by frequency identification technique with a harmonic test signal fed to the closed-loop system's input. As against the existing adaptive PID controllers, the amplitudes and frequencies of test signal's harmonics are self-tuned with the purpose to ensure minimum admissible distortion of the system's output caused by the test signal. An algorithm for automatic detection of identification process termination is offered, which ensures the required accuracy of the estimates of plant's model parameters regardless of external noise level.
Keywords: PID controller, adaptation, frequency identification, intensive external disturbances.
Bidny I.Ya., Gusev A.M., Myakishev D.V., Ravvich T.K., Sergheev S.Yu., Tarkhov Yu.A., Uchaikin N.N. PASSAT-ZHAT controller: the framework for hardware implementation of railway switch and signal control system
The paper discusses a case study of PASSAT hard-/software system application in the design of a microprocessor control system for rail transport.
Keywords: centralized architecture, automatic control, electronic module, mezzanine, single-board computer, project-assembled article.
Beckhoff automation technology guarantees high process rate
The paper presents modular solutions from KMT Produktions-und-Montagetechnik GmbH enabling the design of industrial systems with numerical control from standard modules. The concept is exemplified in an orbital riveting cell with NC controlled using a PC and Beckhoff's equipment
Keywords: orbital riveting cell, numerical control, I/O modules, servodrive, machine tool industry.
Emerson puts up Rosemount 3051S ERS endurable electronic sensor system for sale in Russia
The paper presents Emerson's unique solution with digital architecture for precise and fast level measurements in fractionation columns and any other tall vessels without impulse lines or capillaries regardless of the ambient temperature.
Keywords: level measuring, endurable electronic sensors, digital architecture.
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