Опыт - это такая удивительная вещь, которая позволяет тебе распознавать ошибку, когда ты ее опять делаешь.
Опыт - это такая удивительная вещь, которая позволяет тебе распознавать ошибку, когда ты ее опять делаешь.
Pranghishvili I.V. Challenges to industrial control systems development
Aristova N.I. Basic directions of the Journal
Potapova T.B. Integrated industrial automation: World standards and rational level
The paper presents the results of analytical studies (technological, economic, social and psychological) undertaken in the course of development and application of automation and informating-controlling systems at industrial enterprises. It shows that the risk of capital investment loss reduces considerably if the project is preceded with an expert assessment of the rational level of enterprise automation. These results are of especial importance for the projects with complex and intelligent systems and ITs. They account for the causes of some project failures. For illustrating basic relationships, cognitive models are applied.
Myakishev D.V., Tarkhov Yu.A., Stolyarov K.A., Nakonechniy S.V., Stolyarov S.A. An approach to development of hard-/software complexes for safe system design
General requirements to the development of hard-/software complexes important for safety are considered as well as the techniques oriented to their fulfillment. Application of the techniques is illustrated with the example of developing a hard-/software system Basic cabinet for signal acquisition and processing.
Tselischev E.S., Salin A.G., Shemyakin A.I., Kudryashov I.S. AutomatiCS – integrated automation of monitoring and control system design
Performance attribut es and features of unitizing-decompozing technology applied in monitoring and control system design are presented. The AutomatiCS software created on the basis of this technology is described.
Makhalov S.V. eSCview software suite as a SCADA
eSCview software from Stins Coman, its features and functional components are considered. The paper shows that eSCView performs the functions incident to traditional SCADA systems and, additionally, supports SNMP protocol and allows information dispatch via Web-interface.
Zakharov N.A. GE Fanuc VersaPoint – flexible and scalable tool for I/O system construction
A modular I/O system VersaPoint is considered that allows linking to DeviceNet and Profibus DP fieldbuses. Functions and basic parameters of network interface and I/O modules are presented; electric motor control modules are described.
Kotov S.N. Industrial computers
The range of Siemens’s certified industrial computers aimed at creating complex multi-level industrial automation systems is considered.
Discussing a subject…
GSM facilities in automated systems
Anzimirov L.V. TRACE MODE 5 GSM activator in controllers and operator workstations
Features, advantages and examples of applying GSM activators and Micro TRACE MODE GSM+ are discussed. The prospect of GSM telemechanics – a new area in wireless communication – is substantiated.
New technology in wireless automation
A new M2M concept of wireless automation proposed by Wonderware and Klinkmann is considered.
Timonin S.Yu., Popov F.L. Novel opportunities of creating small and medium capacity flexible GSM 900/1800 networks
WAVExpress hard-/software system from interWAVE Communications, Inc. aimed at small and medium GSM networks development is considered. Engineering solutions realizable with the help of this system are presented.
Potemkin V.V., Bondarenko D.V. MM-7188: A way to the integration of distributed industrial systems and GSM technologies
Performance and features of MM-7188E mobile bridge multiplexor. The advantages of MM-7188E over the hardware implementation of other bridges, which support data exchange in DCS networks, are shown.
COM17035 – a GSM 900/1800 GPRS modem and 12-channel GPS receiver in PC/104 format
Features and characteristics of COM17035 – an RTD’s new product – are described.
Terminal equipment using GSM facilities
Terminal equipment based on Digital Logic’s automation tools is described.
Intel’s market dynamics forecast for GSM-based mobile wireless devices is presented.
A process control system for a catalytic reforming unit with naphtha hydrotreating
A concise description of a process control system implementation at a catalytic reforming unit with naphtha hydrotreating section is presented. Automation tools from Siemens were applied in this project.
News bulletin
Arto Rintanen MetsoDNA Energy system
The paper discusses dynamic application network – a new concept of process automation system design – and presents MetsoDNA Energy system based on this concept. The system’s functions, performance and hard-/software features necessary for realizing all system capabilities are described.
Zilonov M.O., Zhitnik A.I. Special hose valves
Rumyantsev E.N. The problems of controller applications in industrial networks
Aristova N.I., Vlasov S.A. Industrial automation today
Automation’2002 Exhibition in St. Petersburg
Forthcoming events calendar
Industrial automation companies
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