Такое впечатление, что где-то образовалась утечка времени.

А. Циткин


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Automation in Industry (www.avtprom.ru), certificate PI No 77-13085) is a monthly scientific, technical and practical journal founded by the V.A.Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia). ISSN 1819-5962.

The Journal addresses industrial automation professionals. It is widely read by plant managers and engineers, end users and vendors of industrial automation hard-/software, system integrators, design and engineering companies, educational institutions, and other organizations involved in development, improvement, application, and operation of industrial automation facilities and tools, process controls, field instrumentation, etc., i.e., of all components prerequisite for creating and modernizing industrial automation systems.

The Journal publishes scientific and practical papers on design, development, implementation and operation of industrial automation systems categorized in the following sections: Industrial Automated Systems, Business Process Management Systems, Automation Software and Algorithms, Automation Hardware. The materials on industrial automation novelties in various industries, such as oil and gas, chemistry, nuclear power, food industry, transportation, are presented.

Each Journal issue includes Discussing the Subject… section with a number of papers and discussions dedicated to some topical subject. The recent issues discussed such topical subjects as integrated control systems development and application, MES, EAM, energy monitoring and accounting systems, distributed control systems (DCS), quality management systems, operator training simulators, advanced control and modeling technologies, communication facilities, GSM communication, PC-compatible and programmable controllers, intelligent buildings, HMI, embedded systems, Web technologies, numerical control, pneumatic automation, virtual instruments, etc.

For the full list of Discussing the Subject… topics, please, visit menu “Discussing a Subject”

In the Journal’s Club section, the industrial automation professionals advise about the selection of automation tools and systems, instrument and software tuning. The answers to readers’ questions, interviews with automation leaders from industrial enterprises and engineering companies, round table discussion reviews, etc. are also published here.

The Automation Abroad section overviews foreign publications and Internet resources.

The Events section informs about industrial automation exhibitions, conferences, and workshops.
he Industrial Automation Companies presents the companies operating in Russian industrial automation market.

Circulation – 3000 copies
Content – 64 pages (excluding advertising insets)

Circulation structure:

  • by subscription (electronic catalog "Russian Post" П7753)
  • posting to industrial enterprises and organizations listed in the database of the Institute of Control Sciences
  • retail sales at exhibitions and conferences.

The Journal is disseminated in Russia and FSU countries.


Advertisement placing costs 

Color cover ads cost (А4 page size)

1-st cover page 210x290 mm 900€
4-th cover page 210x290 mm 800€
2-nd cover page 210x290 mm 700€
3-rd cover page 210x290 mm 620€


Color inset ads cost (А4 page size)

1 inset page 210x290 mm 550€
½ inset page 210х145 mm 400€


We provide discount 10%, if you run ads for 6 months/year оr more.
Publication of non-commercial papers – free.
Materials with advertising page(s) have priority for publishing.
The editors request to send all materials for publication in Russian language only.

We provide discount 10%, if you run ads for 6 months/year оr more.
Publication of non-commercial papers – free.

Materials with advertising page(s) have priority for publishing.
The editors request to send all materials for publication in Russian language only.

The Journal’s web site www.avtprom.ru regularly presents industrial automation news, information about specialized exhibitions, conferences, and seminars. A weekly news posting is practiced for the subscribers registered through subscribe.ru and mail.ru services or directly at www.avtprom.ru. The total number of electronic news subscribers amounts 5000.
The Journal’s advertisers may place their technical information/news on www.avtprom.ru and include them in the electronic news posting for free.

The ads are accepted as .tif and .eps files.
The advertising blocks format is as follows.
Before trimming:

  • For A4 modules – 220×300 mm
  • For A5 modules – 220×150 mm

After trimming:

  • For A4 modules – 210×290 mm
  • For A5 modules – 210×145 mm

The illustrations to papers should be provided in separate files.
Bit-mapped images (photos, screenshots) should have 300 dpi resolution and are accepted as .tif (uncompressed) or .jpg (quality 12) files.
Vector images (graphs, figures, diagrams, logos) are accepted as CorelDRAW 9, Adobe Illustrator 8, Windows Metafile (.wmf) files and in MS Excel (graphs only). Al captures should be typed in Arial Cyr or Symbol fonts and should not be converted into curves.

The following items are not accepted:

  • fused and blocked images inserted in CorelDRAW
  • Figures/images made using the older versions of the software as mentioned above
  • Illustrations made in AutoCAD or similar engineering software.

Advertising modules and papers are accepted on CDs, via email or from ftp. 

Последний вышедший номер

Адрес редакции: 117997, Москва, Профсоюзная ул., д. 65, оф. 360
Телефон: (926) 212-60-97.
E-mail: info@avtprom.ru или avtprom@ipu.ru

© ООО Издательский дом "ИнфоАвтоматизация", 2003-2025 гг.

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